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1673 adventures found
Cover of The 13th Circle
The 13th Circle
5th Edition
Levels 15–17
6 pages

The 13th Circle is an epic battle with one of the archfiends of legend, the demon Baphomet. Designed for Tier 3-4 characters (levels 15-17) and set in the Dread Domain of Kachelior, the adventure requires the party to navigate the mysterious and maddening mazes that protect the demon's castle, and battle fiends of all kinds to reach his throne room. But will they discover the truth of his machinations? Word has spread through the small collection of towns within the Grey Shade that a cult of Baphomet has been preparing something for their master within his palace. The players will travel to Baphomet’s palace, and make their way through the massive forest maze that surrounds it. They will find the corpse of one of the previous heroes enshrined near the center which hints towards the true purpose of the cultists. They will then have to infiltrate the dread palace either stealthing or fighting their way through the defenses. They then must make it past Baphomet’s Lieutenant, Aphalos, the Godeater. The characters defeat Aphalos or persuade him to leave his master to his fate. Once they enter the chamber, Baphomet’s plan is made clear. He wishes to create a maze within time, thus trapping this world in the same cycle of pain and doom as before.

Cover of Mind Prison
Mind Prison
5th Edition
Level 10
19 pages

Infiltration of a ruined archive; the players--beseeched by a mysterious psionic calling--work to uncover the machinations of the Nalar and hopefully free their captive held far below...

Cover of Unbearable Witchcraft
Unbearable Witchcraft
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
22 pages

Auril's curse may be lifted, but something still has Good Mead in its icy grasp Good Mead is thriving again since Auril's curse on Icewind Dale has been lifted. Recently however, the town's secret protector has disappeared, replaced by a monstrous man that seems dead set to destroy the small town. Can you free the townsfolk from the fearsome and icy grip of this new evil? Unbearable Witchcraft includes: An adventure for 4-5 characters of 5th to 7th level set in Icewind Dale. 3 Frigid maps including a ruined keep on an icy river and an old temple dedicated to Auril. All necessary monster stat blocks, 6 all new including the Young Wight Dragon. Unnumbered maps usable in your favorite VTT.

Cover of The Great Trial: Frostbite
The Great Trial: Frostbite
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
42 pages

Will your party survive the frostbite Frostbite Gauntlet? A sequel to The Great Trial, this module is an arctic, highly challenging gauntlet focused on exploration and combat, planned for fours 10th-level characters. The adventure can be also run as a one-shot or as part of any campaign for that level. For more information on The Great Trial, see at the end of this page. The module is divided in two parts: Chapter 1 The gauntlet itself, the party will be taken to a demi-plane against their will and from there, they have a simple goal: leave. However, a powerful undead guardian will make things difficult. The party needs to find some of the sources of power of Deathwings, the guardian, to weaken it and have a chance against it. Chapter 2 After leaving, the group will arrive at a cave complex made of stone and ice. A ancient dracolich names Icingdeath will chase the party, squeezing through the tight tunnels, always on the party' heels. Once out, the party is greeted by Aenor and offered their rewards.

Cover of Something Dark Stirs
Something Dark Stirs
5th Edition
Level 4
22 pages

A dark and grievous peril has befallen the peaceful free-village of Peppermint as the forces of undeath raised by Senerith Wildblossom, ravage the land. An eon ago he was a proud elven healer of great renown in Duskwood Dell, that has been reduced to a mere husk of his former self, becoming a manifestation of pure evil, intent on wreaking havoc and mayhem to all the living – a Zombie Lord. The players are called to assist Peppermint village and investigate the nearby woodcutting hamlet of Snakewood. The hamlet has been destroyed by the despicable zombie lord, and his forces are now underway to attacking Peppermint too! The players will have to travel to Snakewood hamlet as well as what used to be Duskwood Dell, and then make a mad rush against time while also carrying an injured Halfling, to warn and defend the unsuspecting villagers.

Cover of OP7 - Noel Needs Elves
OP7 - Noel Needs Elves
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
2 pages

Noel Needs Elves is our Christmas tongue-in-cheek adventure! While it could be a 'real' adventure it was designed to just have a good time with some holiday strangeness! After getting done with your first adventure you head to a fortress in a canyon to resupply and heal up. There you meet Lady Noel who is involved in a fight of her own. She trades you healing for the promise to deliver a message to the Elves on the other side of the canyon. Happy holidays everyone!

Cover of The Shattered Circle - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
The Shattered Circle - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
13 pages

From time out of mind, the standing stones known as the Circle of Cahervaniel have stood lonely vigil on a grassy hilltop. Sheepherders once moved their flocks over the hill and through the circle, sometimes resting in the cool shadows cast by the ancient stones. Everything changed when a stone finger fell, revealing a fissure in the earth. Now, dark shadows caress the circle after the sun sets. Creatures out of nightmare dance upon the hillside at night. Many swear that a unicorn of deepest ebony now hunts all upon two legs who draw near, while stunted creatures scurry in the shadows, abducting sheep from their sheds and drawing them down below ground for food. After the disappearance of a sheperd, fear grows stronger in neighboring villages. Who will brave the black hollow of the ancient Circle of Cahervaniel? Heroes of stern mettle must descend into the cavity and explore the ancient spaces existing there. Product History "The Shattered Circle" (1999), by Bruce R. Cordell, is a generic adventure for AD&D 2e. It was published in January 1999. Origins: Another Generic. After Wizards of the Coast began publishing D&D, their first year and a half of generic adventures were all classic revivals: returns to RPGA tournaments, to classic adventures, and to Dungeon scenarios. Even "A Paladin in Hell" (1998) was a return in its own way, to the demons and devils that TSR had become afraid of. Wizards was staking out new ground by reclaiming the past. "The Shattered Circle" (1999) was the first generic Wizards adventure that was simply a generic adventure, with no deeper origins and no hidden motives. Artifacts of Note. the foundingstone and the harp Euphonious are both one-off named magic items. However, it's sword Icerazor that's the most interesting. It's said to have grown from a shard of Frostrazor — a sword that would only appear ten months later in Return to White Plume Mountain (1999). There, it's listed as one of Keraptis' four implements of power, alongside Wave, Blackrazor, and Whelm — meaning that Icerazor (and this adventure) are just one step removed from White Plume Mountain itself. Monsters of Note: Chitine. It's somewhat curious, given the Greyhawk and Neverness connections, to note that the chitine debuted in MC11: "Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix" (1991). The spider-humanoids have generally been a Realms creature, featuring in bestiaries and histories for that setting. However, they also received a more generic "Ecology of the Chitine" in Dragon #223 (November 1995), which introduced the choldrith, or chitine priestess. This is their major adventure appearance. When asked about pronouncing their name Cordell says that he "can't be 100% sure of the original designer's pronunciation", but he prefers "KI-TEEN". About the Creators. By 1999, Cordell was one of D&D's most prolific writers. He'd previously authored many slightly related adventures, such as The Gates of Firestorm Peak(1996) and the sahuagin (1997) and illithid (1998) Monstrous Arcana adventure trilogies. This conversion guide allows DMs to run the original module with 5th Edition rules. To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of The Shattered Circle, originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at the DMs Guild. This adventure is a generic adventure, not specifically based in any existing setting. Suggestions are given in the conversion guide to place the adventure in the Forgotten Realms.

5th Edition
Level 3
3 pages

Sometimes protecting the cargo is easy but getting the pay not so much. The caravan is already on its way, some disagreement with the guards makes them leave the cargo without protection midway. You are just in the right place to catch up fast and guard the wagons the last stretch home.

Cover of DDAL09-04 The Day of the Devil
DDAL09-04 The Day of the Devil
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

The streets of Baldur’s Gate run red with blood. Old blood. The blood of Hellriders. Someone or something is punishing the children for the sins of the father and it’s time to put it to an end. Who and where is Gharizol? Part Three of the Betrayal is in the Blood series of adventures. A Two-to-Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters (APL 3).

Cover of Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well! is a two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with an urban theme, exploration, humor, and a small mystery to solve! Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, is brimming with exciting opportunities for adventurers - seemingly at every corner, backstabbing between rival guilds, intrigues among the noble houses, and treasures in forgotten places beckon. But today, a little girl is in trouble and needs the help of our heros in rescuing her pet "bunny"! This adventure is an unapologetically linear dungeon crawl – short, straight-forward, and to the point. It follows the three-pillar principle: combat, exploration, social interaction. The idea is to spice up the classic formula with varied challenges that result in a short, entertaining session. This makes this an excellent adventure for beginner players and DMs! Detailed support is provided for the DM in the form of roleplay advice for six completely fleshed out original NPCs, advice on the three pillars in each scene, and scenic sensory descriptions for every scene to make the adventure come to life. Included with this adventure are: + an original custom monster, the wolpertinger + six original fleshed out NPCs, including personality traits and roleplaying tips + 20 original (but mostly useless) magic items + six original diseases + one original trap + a complete original hand-drawn dungeon map covering the entire adventure

Cover of Ruins of the Umbral Tower
Ruins of the Umbral Tower
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

"Ruins of the Umbral Tower" is a shadow fey hunter lair suitable for four or five 8th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in a single session. The ruined Umbral Tower rests deep in the forest, in a marshy region avoided by all but songbirds. Long abandoned by its original occupant, the tower features a malfunctioning gate that connects this place and the Plane of Shadow. The site serves as a base for a group of shadow fey hunters and their entourage of hounds and guardians. The hunters used the gate to travel from their home plane, and they now attempt to bag as many trophies and as much loot as possible before returning home when the gate reactivates.

Cover of Night's Gambit
Night's Gambit
5th Edition
Level 4
27 pages

This heist adventure that takes place almost entirely at Fort Bones. It is split into five scenes: Karrnathi Opening. The characters meet Vedim ir’Durna, a noble from the region who is willing to help the player characters infiltrate the Fort. Guild Handler Lhara introduces their prize: a necromantic artifact called the Queen of Night, tied to the plane of Mabar. Valenar Gambit. Whether by wit or stealth, the characters find their way inside the walls of Fort Bones. They might use the incoming Valenar attack as a distraction, find a secret entrance, or plant themselves on a visiting dignitary’s staff. Castling. Safely inside, the characters must figure out when the artifact is unguarded, and find their way into the castle’s inner sanctum. Check. The characters must navigate their way past a magical vault door, then descend into the crypts. The Queen of Night is guarded by a terrifying construct. Endgame. With the artifact in their hands, will the characters be able to escape with their lives?

Cover of The Thing that Came to Weeping Hollow
The Thing that Came to Weeping Hollow
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

Something is killing the children of Weeping Hollow. Two chidren have already succumbed to a terrible curse, and now another has fallen ill. This tiny village is ready to tear itself apart; can the party discover the source of this evil before good people do something terrible? What are the children themselves hiding? A 6-hour adventure for levels 5-10 The adventure features focus on roleplay and story elements, with themes of mystery and horror. Scaled encounters for parties from 5th to 10th level. An evil tome, a magic item to wound or hex your foes--with a terrible unknown risk.

Cover of Hex, Minotaur Lord
Hex, Minotaur Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

Minotaurs are fond of mazes, but rarely build them. Hex is an architect, engineer, and overlord all in one. A self-declared "Minotaur Lord", he is the only one of his kind known to exist. His lair is all he has, a gargantuan, ever-expanding labyrinth in which he keeps the spoils of his many conquests in youth. Now an ancient veteran, he works tirelessly to keep his hoard safe and to entice new adventurers to test themselves against his gauntlet of lethal traps. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Hex is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 33 pages (pg 110-143). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of Ghastly Grins
Ghastly Grins
5th Edition
Levels 13–15
7 pages

A city deep in the woods is plagued by a series of beheadings of the leadership. A twisted bargain and a dark secret are threatening to destroy this town forever. Your adventuring party finds themselves brought in to help stop the Dullahan who has been summoned against her will to enact political revenge.

Cover of White Plume Mountain 5e
White Plume Mountain 5e
5th Edition
Level 8
14 pages

Three artifact weapons have gone missing and you adventurers have been sent after them. Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis.

Cover of Serpent Isle Part 3: The Viper's Pit
Serpent Isle Part 3: The Viper's Pit
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
12 pages

The Cost of Beauty Deep in the snake infested jungle of Serpent Isle stands an ancient temple. Rumour has it that something still lurks in that place. Something evil from a lost era of devils and darkness. Now fishing boats are going missing off the island’s coast and dark shapes can be seen moving through the undergrowth. Could something have remained on that cursed isle?

Cover of Death in the Wood
Death in the Wood
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

The Bell Wood has always been rumored to be a dangerous place, full of strange creatures and odd happenings. Timber from the wood is highly sought after for its reputed magical properties, so brave foresters sometimes dare the wood to harvest trees to finance their futures. But this time, people are dying. Loggers are vanishing, their mutilated bodies recovered from the undergrowth hours or days later. What has changed in the wood? Can anyone solve the mystery? And can they survive the investigation? A Triple Kingdom Adventure.

Cover of DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
36 pages

A famous relic hunter seeks adventurers to help her find caches of treasure hidden by the now-defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon. Her maps and notes may lead the way to great wealth—or a terrible death. And do other parties have designs on the treasure as well?

Cover of Factions of Phandalin - Old Owl Well
Factions of Phandalin - Old Owl Well
5th Edition
Level 5
29 pages

This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Order of the Gauntlet in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. In the adventure, the characters are tasked with exploring the depths of the Old Owl Well.