A community for lazy dungeon masters
1673 adventures found
Cover of The Weathered Well
The Weathered Well
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
66 pages

It’s a story as old as time. Boy meets girl. Girl meets abandoned well. Boy chases girl down abandoned well only to find horrors beyond their worst nightmares.. Perhaps those old tales about 'ol Grim Jack and Granny Hentooth lurking in a world below the water weren’t just silly children’s rhymes after all? The Weathered Well is a starting level Tabletop RPG adventure for the 5th edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game, centered around classic themes that feel familiar yet fresh to players of all skill levels. Designed to be easy to add into existing campaign worlds, this module takes the players through 3 levels of social, puzzle, and tactically focused combat encounters, and should take 10-12 hours to complete for a standard party of 1st-2nd level characters. The adventure takes the players through an open area town map, then into a more exploration focused dungeon crawl, and finishes up with a series of cinematic and challenging encounters, which combine enemy forces and the landscape to challenge the party and players alike. Designed for New Players and Game Masters! Getting started in tabletop roleplaying can be a daunting task. Learning the rules, finding the players, and convincing some poor fool to be the GM, all are difficult enough tasks on their own. We felt that there were a lack of adventures truly designed to be "1st level friendly" out there, and so got together to make The Weathered Well for just that purpose. This adventure is designed in a linear low-combat style which is intentionally helpful for low level characters and new players, and includes occasional blocks of DM Notes and tips to also aid Dungeon Masters new at their craft. It can be played both 'pick up and go', with many helpful block text descriptions, or read in advance for more appreciation of the backstory or for customization. The Weathered Well contains: 68 pages of highly illustrated adventure content, with detailed room and encounter descriptions. Three full-color maps printed within the book. The Black Root - a fully playable necromantic druid subclass, and the original builders of the Temple. Use them to create unique NPC's, or maybe even allow one of your players to play as a long lost member rediscovering their ancient temple! 13 new monsters, styled to fit the 'dark druids' theme; including bizarre fey creatures and monstrosities, like the Clawed Butterfly, Bliss Lizards, Weasel-worms, Zombie Oozes, and the vine wrapped crocodillian monster - the Hagator. 12 new magic items, specifically designed for low level characters. A mix of roleplaying, combat, puzzles, and skills designed to challenge but not overwhelm players of all skills. Multiple intro hooks, with matching wrap ups, as well as Further Adventures prompts. Published by Hack Shack Games

The Dreaming Heralds
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

A wandering farm boy falls foul of an ancient trap and is plunged into a death-like sleep. The cure lies in a temple hidden in the green gloom of Merthington Woods, but to find it, the adventurers must brave a set of terrible traps laid by a forgotten sect of priests...

Cover of Rotten at the Root
Rotten at the Root
5th Edition
Levels 6–10
11 pages

The nearby jungle is growing at a disturbing pace -- overnight, whole villages have been swallowed up by creeping vines. Rumors say the source is a corrupt and powerful temple deep in the jungle. In reality, the blight lords of Talona created a monstrous corpse flower and imbued it with the power of a cursed gem from an ancient temple of their goddess. After the blight lords released it into the forest, the corpse flower bent the surrounding jungle to its semi-sentient whims, recreating the temple out of plant life -- with an insatiable hunger for expansion.

Cover of The Feast of Flesh
The Feast of Flesh
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
11 pages

The story takes place in a village in Ravenloft. The party has been invited to accompany the young couple Burgomaster Alexandru and Mihaela Nichitovich [ni-KEE-toh-vich] of the hamlet of Nichitovia [ni-kee-TOH-vee-uh] to Rosenwald, a deeply religious community. Alexandru has asked the priests of Rosenwald to conduct a traditional ritual to gain him the favor of the Morninglord for his tenure as burgomaster. This is a ritual all burgomasters traditionally receive, including his late grandfather, who is entombed at Rosenwald. Father Petre and Sister Elena of the church of the Morninglord loosely run Rosenwald. They offered to throw Alexandru a banquet at the House of the Morninglord before the ritual, set to take place during the next full moon. However, all of the clergy have secretly become afflicted with the aswang curse. Father Petre is a halimaw and Sister Elena a kubot, both of whom gained their powers through dark pacts with demon lords of the Abyss. The other priests and acolytes are busos, survivors of encounters with roaming tigbanuas, who found sanctuary with Petre and Elena. The pair refer to these busos as their flock, and plan to feast on the guests after the banquet.

Cover of Where the Machines Wait
Where the Machines Wait
5th Edition
? pages

They call it the Grave of the Machines. An underground mausoleum of the Ancients, filled with their wondrous devices and strange magic. Those bold enough to venture into its depths (and capable enough to return) spin tales of sights and encounters so astonishing they could not possibly be boasts or mere fiction. And they say its riches are as vast and unfathomable as its depths.

Cover of The Disappearance of Esme
The Disappearance of Esme
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
25 pages

The Disappearance of Esme is a short adventure for four or five characters of 2nd to 4th level. It will take a party from an ancient forest to a magical island at the fringe of the Feywild to the Feywild itself. As a standalone one shot, it is possible to complete it within a session of six+ hours. However, it is ideally played over two or even three sessions so that the players have time to absorb all that is happening and make decisions with more care. It can be placed within any setting where travel to the Feywild is a possibility. Features A painstakingly crafted 25 page full-color and fully illustrated PDF, a printer friendly B&W version, and a tested for screen readers accessible version A customisable, standalone adventure with opportunities for exploration, skill challenges, NPC interactions and combat Multiple entry and exit points, suggested developments for many different pathways Well rounded, complex NPCs with old school portraits Tooth Fairies, Flying Monkeys and Foglings: custom monsters with stat blocks A colorful battle map with both DM and player versions and separate monster and environment art assets

Cover of AS1 - Artifact at Gegios
AS1 - Artifact at Gegios
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
18 pages

After hunting for the Pirates of Ebor along the coastline, you witness a strange event. A great colossus is seen as you travel along the coastline and you are informed that it is the “Artifact at Gegios”. As you put into port, you make inquiries and decide to investigate further, after all, an artifact is usually useful! Is your party strong enough to uncover the truth of this legend?

Cover of A Simple Job - Adventure 1: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
A Simple Job - Adventure 1: What Lies Beyond Reason Adventure Path
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
59 pages

It was supposed to be a simple job... A strange merchant offers you a simple job – pick up and deliver cargo. You have three days to get it a mere fourteen miles through the city. How hard could it be? A Simple Job is a journey through the city of Anduria, a cascading series of events that takes the heroes to explore strange locales and bargain with even stranger creatures. What secrets does the city hold, buried away for countless centuries?

Cover of Death in Dyrgalas
Death in Dyrgalas
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
11 pages

In ancient times, the area now known as the Dyrgalas Fens was home to a flourishing civilization of nature worshippers who wrested a living from the forest around them, built open-air temples, and generally did well. Over the centuries, a series of natural disasters (some say a series of foolish magical experiments) led to a rising water table and turned the forest into a vast swamp. As the water rose, most of the people left. Today, a few stalwart humans remain in the fens, living off the land through hunting, fishing, trapping, and even some agriculture. In addition to these honest folk, the Dyrgalas has some less savory residents, including both black and green dragons, trolls, hags, escaped criminals, and a host of lycanthropes. Most of these creatures prey on travelers foolish or unlucky enough to enter the fen, and sometimes raid both inside and outside the fen. This adventure, intended for characters of levels 6 to 8, deals with one group of raiders who make their lair in the Dyrgalas. A weretiger called Gavriil has formed a group of assorted lycanthropes into a band of cunning brigands. The lycanthropes favorite caper involves infiltrating a merchant caravan while posing as travelers, merchants, or swords for hire, then attacking it from within. Gavriil and his servants also take on kidnappings, murder for hire, and any other unsavory tasks that come their way.

Cover of The Siege of Sâlorium
The Siege of Sâlorium
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
66 pages

The Siegue of Sâlorium is a lvl 1-3 adventure in a fantasy world for 4-5 players with the characters have to find the origin of the tremendous attacks on Slorium. An adventure with pregenerated characters, suitable to any campaign in a fantasy setting.

Cover of The Burning Goblins
The Burning Goblins
5th Edition
Level 1
61 pages

The quiet village of Greenfork is in a state of uproar, scarred twisted looking goblins raided the village during the night and kidnapped the miller’s daughter. The Mayor has put out a call for adventurers to bring the girl back safely and end the goblins threat once and for all. This adventure starts just outside the village of Greenfork and thrusts players straight into the action. This book contains a full length tabletop roleplaying fantasy adventure: Advancing players from one to three. Sixteen monsters and characters. New Games Masters advice and guides. A fantastic first adventure for new players, but more importantly this adventure was designed with first time Games Masters in mind, giving you as many tools as possible to help run the game. Published by Blue Sword Games

Cover of Julinda's Gauntlet
Julinda's Gauntlet
5th Edition
Level 5
10 pages

The dungeon is essentially a large puzzle built around the premise of time travel. Many PC interactions are a direct result of the party dealing with the actions of their past or future selves. This adventure is designed for a fifth level party, to be played in a single session. It features a large full color map, artwork, NPC roleplaying tips, and two new magic items. Julinda the gnome mage has always been a bit off. She is a chronomancer who has become obsessed with achieving the reliable and reproducible technology of time travel, in the interest of returning to select parts of history and influencing their outcome to her pleasing; perhaps to avert a war, or to head off the enslavement of her people, or prevent the death of a loved one. Those who know her were aware of her ambitions, and now worry that they are coming to fruition, as she hasn't been seen in several months. And so, they have implored the PCs to seek her out...

Cover of And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Emhin manor stands forlorn in its ruined gardens. The Emhin family dissapeared one night, many years ago. Now its up to you to brave the mansions dark chambers, and uncover a horrifying family secret... 'And then there were none' is a one shot Horror adventure, lasting about 3 to 4 hours. The PCs explore the abandoned Emhin manor, trying to unearth what horrible events happened to the Emhin family on a dark night many years past. Designed for a party of four to six 2nd level characters, or a party of four 3rd level characters, it provides rules to tailor encounters depending on level and party. The adventure contains three unique monsters to challenge and terrify the PCs. Setting neutral, it can be added to an ongoing campaign, or be the start of a longer running adventure. Warning: this adventure contains undead monsters, hauntings and visions of murder and torture.

Cover of The Horn of Plenty
The Horn of Plenty
5th Edition
Level 4
6 pages

Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons without spending a penny! This fourth-level adventure is designed to work with the free basic rules offered by Wizards of the Coast. You and your friends can explore, battle and roleplay without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some pizza for the DM! Will You Right a Wrong? When a powerful magic item is stolen from a wealthy farming association, the leaders turn to a band of reliable and - most importantly - discrete adventurers to retrieve it. Their journey takes them into a cave system filled with sickness and rot, and thrusts them into a debate over applying magical solutions to practical problems. Where will their loyalties fall when forced to make a tough choice? Includes: Hi-res copy of dungeon map Print-friendly version Continue the path to adventure!

Cover of The Lost Weapons
The Lost Weapons
5th Edition
Level 4
8 pages

In this adventure, set in the Albadian wilderness, the party will be in contact with a nomadic Orc tribe, whose leader asks for help on dealing with an old and powerful Blade beast named Vófour. This one-shot features 2 new magic items and 1 new stat block for a more powerful Blade beast. Scarred Lands setting

Cover of Nanfield
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
8 pages

Nanfield is an island village of over 50 NPCs with mysteries plaguing both its present and its past. It contains a unique ecosystem and economy and a ship full of friendly pirates that will invite you by for dinner after accidentally attacking your party. It can be inserted into any campaign as an interlude during a travel montage, as a one-shot encounter, or as the base of future adventures. Nanfield contains over 50 NPCs you can use, several very unique and compelling characters, a Druid stat-bloc, a ship-to-ship fight, an investigation, and a fight with a Harpy (or more, depending on the outcome of the investigation).

Cover of The Treasure of Nidika Monastery
The Treasure of Nidika Monastery
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
12 pages

There’s a magical artifact hidden in the ruined monastery, but the monastery was abandoned for a good reason. Dare you brave the unknown to gain the treasure? A short adventure designed to be run in a single night for 3-6 characters between level 3 and level 5. The adventure includes graded encounters to cater for different group sizes and levels as well as summary creature blocks to aid the dungeon master.

Cover of DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns?

Cover of Grammy's Country Apple Pie
Grammy's Country Apple Pie
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A kid-friendly adventure for heroes of all ages and experience levels! When the ancient wizard Tyndareus develops a craving for a special treat from his childhood, he will stop at nothing to get his hands on the best apple pie in the whole world. He hires a group of adventurers to seek out the bakery that once produced the wonderful dessert – unfortunately for them, the bakery has long since been overrun by goblins. But all is not as it seems at Grammy’s Bakery, and Tyndareus isn’t the only one who’d do anything for those pies.

Cover of Heroes of Hookholm 1: The Cave on the Foggy Hook
Heroes of Hookholm 1: The Cave on the Foggy Hook
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
20 pages

The Cave on Foggy Hook is the first of three connected adventures in the village of Hookholm and is aimed at busy or first time Dungeon Masters. This adventure is designed for 3-5 1st level characters and can be played in a single 3-5 hour session excluding character creation. In this adventure the party will find themselves in Hookholm, a small coastal village rebuilding after a devastating storm almost wiped it off the map. The village is located on the inner curve of the Foggy Hook, a spit of marshy land jutting into the Grey Sea. Beset by the sort of calamities that new adventurers will be able to sink their teeth into and will offer opportunities for roleplaying, puzzle solving, exploration and combat. Includes 5 maps in a number of variations, a brand new monster in the vicious Kuo-toa Feral, and a new chase complications table for chases through swamps or marshes.