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1673 adventures found
Cover of Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
23 pages

This is the "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" + "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" crossover you didn't know you've been waiting for. As dusk settles over the village of Phandalin, a palpable sense of unease grips the villagers. Rumors spread that a hilltop keep has inexplicably materialized on the outskirts of town, and worse yet, the sun fails to rise come morning. Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, a powerful cult of Vecna-worshipping vampires has arrived, and the only hope Phandalin has is a ragtag pack of werewolves and a few brave heroes ready to make their mark on the world. While this adventure can be run as a standalone module, it can also seamlessly serve as a prequel to "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" or as a side quest for "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk." This module can also serve as a sequel to "Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon" which is exclusively available over at the dmsguild. Designed for 4-6 players with an average party level ranging anywhere from 4 to 7, this adventure aims to create a backstory of bad blood between the cult of Vecna and the PCs. It includes a monster folio, tokens, as well as maps from the esteemed Tessa Create Maps, Dyson Logos, and Elven Tower.

Cover of DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

In the town of Easthaven, a group of adventurers is tasked on a routine mission to resupply an expedition to the Reghed Glacier. But everything is not quite as it seems, and it's not long before the chronographer's misfortunes become apparent.

Cover of Blood & Gold
Blood & Gold
5th Edition
Low, Medium Level
9 pages

Blood and Gold is an adventure involving crime, drugs and vampires. The quest takes place in an urban area and can be played in any (low) fantasy campaign setting. This scenario features a new captivating and deadly drug. The storyline is hardboiled and probably better fitting for characters of low morality, who won’t take to heart when it comes down to beating people in order to extract information and working for thugs and criminals. Still, the party can be kindhearted and their reasons for meddling with a shady crowd can be for a just cause. But by the end of the day, they themselves will be tempted with the pleasures of sinister life. Adventure Synopsis: Vampire Aris is a self-proclaimed prince of thieves and murderers. He is a ruler of the underground and a demon of night. Aris rose to power through gold and a drug he created from his own blood. Red Sinew is highly addictive, but gives pleasure mortals can’t resist. Aris is a sole vampire who knows how to create this potent toxin, or at least that’s what he thinks. Couple of months ago, his business got stale. There is a new dealer on the street who did not only steal Aris’ local customers but also his exporters. The ancient Vampire is furious as his dominion is shaken. He is set on revenge and blood will be shed, mortal and immortal alike.

Cover of PS7 - City of Harvick
PS7 - City of Harvick
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
21 pages

After a restful time in Queen’s Point you begin to hear rumors of some “lost city” being discovered. After speaking with some of the locals and visiting the library you become intrigued. Apparently Harvick was abandoned during the plague years and its riches were never recovered. Along with the regular valuables one would find in an abandoned city, it is rumored that an ancient artifact or two may also be present. Sounds like it’s time to strap on the adventuring gear and take a look around.

Cover of The Necromancer’s Knife
The Necromancer’s Knife
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
22 pages

An Undying Evil In Belthaar, city of dark alleys, strange cults, and rival sorcerers, a threat rises from beyond the grave! Can you solve the mystery of the Necromancer's Knife before it is too late? Savage Swords and Sinister Sorcery "The Necromancer's Knife" is a stand-alone sword and sorcery adventure module, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers! Written for the Fifth Edition (5E) of the world's most popular roleplaying game, the adventure in this book can be easily adapted to any fantasy roleplaying game ruleset or edition. Note: This standalone adventure was originally published as part of the collection "The Spider-God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword and Sorcery". This new version has been updated to fifth edition rules and includes new maps and artwork.

Cover of Against the Kraken
Against the Kraken
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
9 pages

This fast-paced action adventure is intended to be played by 4-6 level 1 characters, and it could be completed in a single session. The characters will begin chained to the oars of a pirate ship and as they free themselves and advance through the ship, they will be able to acquire equipment and ally or become enemies with different factions, to finally face the captain, and the Kraken. Content in english and spanish. Published by Victory RPG.

Cover of Amunrahx the Intrepid
Amunrahx the Intrepid
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
19 pages

Amunrahx the Intrepid is your typical red dragon, with one important difference. He draws power both from the size of his hoard and the amount of trade and commerce flowing through his domain. Amunrahx is a Tyrant—proud, egotistic, and self-centered. “The Intrepid” is a self-given title. He is powerful and dangerous, but he is no match for a party of heroes and can’t stand up to an army on his own. Amunrahx depends on minions and lieutenants to deal with obstacles and constantly seeks to acquire more forces. As his domain grows, he gains ever-greater influence over the surrounding economy, creating a vacuum of wealth and skilled talent that chokes the life out of nearby cities while Amunrahx lounges and savors his victory. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Amunrahx is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 33 pages (pg 74-93). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of DDAL04-14 The Dark Lord
DDAL04-14 The Dark Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
25 pages

A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters. The enemy is revealed, but time short and if you are not successful in your mission to Mount Baratok, love will never die. Part fourteen and the finale of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts. In an effort to locate the evil witch Esmae Amarantha, the party must work to enable a tarot card reading by Jeny Greenteeth, a quixotic hag. However, finding casters to aid Jeny in her ritual is its own ordeal, and even if they succeed, there is still the task of venturing to Esmae's ritual site and putting a stop to her plans.

Cover of The Brightness of Mornstead
The Brightness of Mornstead
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
8 pages

The Brightness of Mornstead This challenging, three-hour, one-shot adventure is intended for parties between levels 5-8. Five years ago, a dragon destroyed the peaceful town of Mornstead. Now, a man named Wiles Killinger has rediscovered a mysterious artifact from the ruins and seeks revenge against the dragon that destroyed his life. However, not all is as it seems in this tale of lore, mystery, and betrayal. Will the dragon be slain by mighty heros or will the horrors of the living dead return to cover the land? Adventure Features Flavor text and pre-written quotes let the DM jump right in with minimal prep time. A level-scaling table for on-the-fly-customization of the final battle. NPC information and backgrounds. Multiple plot points that can be expanded into a full-fledged campaign.

Cover of The Siege of Sâlorium
The Siege of Sâlorium
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
66 pages

The Siegue of Sâlorium is a lvl 1-3 adventure in a fantasy world for 4-5 players with the characters have to find the origin of the tremendous attacks on Slorium. An adventure with pregenerated characters, suitable to any campaign in a fantasy setting.

Cover of EX1 - Trinity Trio
EX1 - Trinity Trio
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
11 pages

Don't you just hate it when you have a bit of downtime but some of your players need a bit more experience? Perhaps your group is fractured and only a pair of players could make it. Today's offering gives you three scenarios for a pair of adventures at three different levels! This offering helps you plug campaign holes with short encounters certain to challenge a pair of PCs!

Cover of DDAL04-06 The Ghost
DDAL04-06 The Ghost
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

Old hatreds die hard, but sometimes it is necessary to set aside petty, personal disagreements for the greater good. The hag, Jeny Greenteeth, is wise and may prove instrumental in the troubles that lay ahead. Your task will not be easy, however; the dark forces of Barovia have agents everywhere, and eyes from beyond the grave no doubt watch your every move. Part Six of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Sharn II, Council of Roaches
Sharn II, Council of Roaches
5th Edition
Levels 3–7
54 pages

A roach thrall has infiltrated Sharn's highest circle of power, the council, and few have noticed. It's up to our adventurer's, with a little help from a perceptive councilor, to rid Sharn of the growing infestation.

Cover of The Heist At Nimressa
The Heist At Nimressa
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
16 pages

While travelling the open road, the party encounters two good-hearted thieves with a potentially lucrative proposition: The despotic baroness Ytrix hoards a large treasure nearby, locked within her army’s fort. Wouldn’t it be exactly what she deserves to have that treasure stolen and given to the needy that she’s so long ignored and oppressed? That’s what the party’s new companions think anyway, and they certainly have no ulterior motive for the job... The treasure is protected by high walls, a legion of soldiers, a fanatical wizard, and plenty of other surprises to keep would-be thieves on their toes. The party will choose how to approach the fort, case the joint, make their plan, and execute their heist. When they're done—and if they're successful—they'll leave with a small fortune and even a few unique magic items. A 6-8 hour adventure for 3rd or 4th level characters.

Cover of CCC-BMG-34 ELM 2-1 Tendrils in the fog
CCC-BMG-34 ELM 2-1 Tendrils in the fog
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
45 pages

When a series of grisly murders and raids on farms and fishing boats come to light, accompanied by a strange fog, the people of Elmwood need heroes to investigate and stop the attacks. There is hardly anyone in the Moonsea who’s life hasn’t been touched by one of the tragedies over the past years, and these attacks may have deeper causes than anyone knows. Part of the Elmwood Adventures Series

Cover of CCC-SALT-01-02 Moor Trouble
CCC-SALT-01-02 Moor Trouble
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

After the first expedition to locate an ancient tomb was prematurely ended by monsters, the Search and Locate Treasure Consortium is doubling down. Camp established, they are looking for adventurers to make their dreams come true, but the leader of the Consortium is hiding something. Will the characters be able to avoid the Man Slayer tribe that destroyed the first expedition, help Larazmu settle his internal struggles, and locate the tomb that they have been searching for without getting into Moor Trouble?

Cover of DDEX02-02 Embers of Elmwood
DDEX02-02 Embers of Elmwood
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

A derelict raft drifts into Mulmaster’s harbor carrying a young woman. Delirious with hunger, the only words she seems able to speak so far have been “ash and fire.” The only other clue to her identity is an ornate tattoo. Is the woman insane, or is something nefarious at play?

Cover of The Boneyard
The Boneyard
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
10 pages

The Boneyard is a 3- to 4-hour adventure for characters levels 1st to 4th. It features a flavorful setting, memorable roleplaying, oddball and depraved NPCs, interwoven storylines, and macabre combat encounters! The adventure also includes 3 new NPC stat blocks. When darkness falls and the iron gates close behind you, the dead come out to play!

Cover of DDEX02-14 The Sword of Selfaril
DDEX02-14 The Sword of Selfaril
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

The fabled sword of Selfaril is told to bestow wisdom and power upon whomever wields it, so naturally its discovery has caused quite a stir in Mulmaster. All of this is complicated when a masked benefactor claims to not only know the truth about the blade, but also how it can be used to benefit the oppressed people of Mulmaster. Can it truly change Mulmaster for the better?

Cover of Druid's Lament
Druid's Lament
5th Edition
Level 6
30 pages

The citizens of Battledale seek aid against marauding bandits, while the neighboring forest looms menacingly over their homesteads. The adventurers stumble upon a much darker foe, while trying to help the peaceful community hunt down the brigands. A misguided druid, who’s on the verge of insanity, wields an artifact, born of sorrow and hate, that could change the world. An evil that might alter the face of Faerun, if left unchecked. Will the heroes be able to vanquish the otherworldly threat once and for all? The players must traverse into one of the most deadly forests of the Forgotten Realms, called the Tangled Trees. Should they survive long enough, they will enlist the help of a magical denizen of the forest, who will aid them to find the bandits, but also in stopping the tainted druid and her abominations.