The General who commanded the successful and profitable Crossroads Mercenary Company turns up murdered in his home, on the very eve of his scheduled announcement of which of his ambitious captains he’s chosen to succeed him as commander-in-chief. Every one of those commanders was in the house when the murder occurred, so they’re all suspects. If that’s not enough to keep things exciting, the clock is ticking down to zero. The General made a pact with devils years ago, and unless the murder is solved quickly, an infernal gate will open, allowing devils to flood through the General’s mansion into the world at large.
The Noble Rot is a location-based adventure for characters of 5th to 8th level. This adventure can be played in one or two sessions of reasonable length. It is a straightforward, haunted house-style adventure. The story revolves around Le Chateau Gluant, a vineyard and winery of repute. Vintages of its famous white (chardonnay) and red blend (cabernet sauvignon) are sought throughout the land. Some vintages can bring up to 200 gp per bottle from the right buyer. A case (twelve bottles) of the wine in pristine condition can fetch up to 1,500 gp. Unfortunately, the winery fell upon dark days and the prized wine has not flowed from its cellars for a few years. Approximately five years ago, the head winemaker, Malcolm Roth, hired Tobias Suey as an apprentice. Unfortunately for Roth, Suey was a member of the Cultus Limus (Cult of the Ooze). The Cultus Limus makes sacrifices to its demonic master Lumaszu in her faceless form. Lumaszu or “she who erases” is an ancient demoness who preys upon travelers by drinking their blood. She is the cause of nightmares, pestilence, infestation of pure water, and a bringer of disease, sickness, and death. Her worshipped form in Cultus Limus is that of a gigantic ooze. Suey turned the field hands who tended the vines against the winemaker. Then the new cult turned its attention to the Gluant family. Eventually the cult members started preying on each other. With each sacrifice to the ooze, Suey’s power grew—until there was no one left but Suey. The whim of demons is fickle. Suey was blighted and corrupted for his work. Now he deep in the cellars under the chateau as a minor ooze demon. His handiwork, however, remains. The chateau is now the abode of its former residents and workers, in undead form. Also slimes, molds, fungi, and other foulness fester in the fields, buildings, and cellars. The riches of the Gluant family remain undisturbed; would-be thieves and robbers quickly fall prey to the current residents. Besides normal valuables, cases of wine remain undisturbed and waiting to be plundered. The title The Noble Rot refers to a few factors in this adventure. The first is the rot that befell the Gluant family in the form of the Cultus Limus. Another is actual noble rot disease that may aid the PCs in overcoming the challenges posed. The phrase also refers to a real-world gray fungus, Botrytis cinerea, which in the right conditions creates world-class dessert wines such as French sauternes. In the wrong conditions, it destroys grapes and is known as gray rot.
The Proving Glade is a one-shot adventure meant for parties or duets. Your characters arrive in a small settlement that has a big problem. The forest, its lifeblood, has seemingly withdrawn its bounty. Others have gone in, only to return hours later confused about how they got out. Will your party have the wherewithal to navigate the treacherous forest, pass its surprising tests, and uncover what’s truly going on? I wanted a forest adventure that felt alive and busy. I also didn’t want every encounter to be solved with the swing of a sword. The Proving Glade is about questioning value, morality, judgement, and redemption. This adventure was written as part of the Summer 2019 RPG Writer's Workshop. We also submitted In the Heart of the Forest. While these two adventures are not necessarily connected, they both involve navigating difficult and dangerous scenarios in a forest and could naturally be strung together. This Product Includes -A 3 to 4 hour one-shot designed for parties or 1-1 play. -A new Sidekick stat block: Daelin Hoofbane, ranger extraordinaire. -A new custom creature: the mysterious and powerful Alseiad, a glade nymph of incredible beauty. -2 new maps: One region map for the forest around Quaervarr near Silverymoon and one battle map for The Hydra's Mire.
Blinsky's Toyshop is our take on what happens to Blinsky and Piccolo during, or after the Curse of Strahd campaign. Blinsky, the toymaker in Vallaki with the cute monkey wearing a pink tutu, received a large inheritance from a long-time client. The client, Obtavius Swat, a retired adventurer and avid collector of toys, left his entire estate to Blinsky. The estate included coin, precious gems, art, and his collection of toys, some made by Blinsky and others he acquired during his travels. Blinsky used the fortune to pay a wizard to create a small island in the middle of Lake Zarovich, located just outside of Vallaki. He then paid masons and workers to build a fantastic new toyshop, which he designed to be an experience for both the young and old alike. Though the number of children in Barovia was increasing, mostly imparted to the devil Strahd’s downfall, Blinsky wanted to touch the inner child of the adults in the city. He wanted happiness. He wanted smiles. He named the castle Blinsky’s Toyshop of Marvels. One of the toys, a small silver tiara kept in a black satin-lined ivory jewelry box, was such a lovely piece. Blinsky couldn’t stand the thought of leaving it in the box. He already had enough gold and losing the small tiara wouldn’t be a large loss, so he decided to give it to his monkey – Piccolo (see Creatures of the Toyshop). He smiled at the thought of her running around in her pretty, shiny tiara. Sadly, as Barovian luck would have it, trapped inside the tiara is the sole of an evil gnome wizard named Aribetha Strangge. In his old age, Obtavious Swat forgot that he and his fellow adventurers used the tiara to imprison the gnome’s soul. Yesterday, when Blinsky placed the tiara on Piccolo’s head, silver tendrils cascaded from the tiara and into poor Piccolo’s skull, allowing Aribetha to control the monkey. Now, Aribetha has incapacitated Blinsky in the toyshop’s tower, brought many of the toys to life, and imprisoned or killed many of the workers and customers. The adventure includes costumes (which the character may wear), Strahd Hand Puppets, and a possessed Piccolo.
This exploration adventure is planned to be played by 4-5 level 4 characters. They will venture into the temple of Amaunator to cleanse it of corruption, give rest to its inhabitants and recover a precious lost artifact English and Spanish
The time has come to venture beyond the village of Orașnou and explore the realm of Barovia. However, in your travels, you happen across an unusual tribe of peopl —distrusted denizens of the Demiplane of Dread. Do the Vistani truly possess the ability to see the future, or is it simple parlor tricks and deceit? Part Five of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.
"A well-written adventure through a mansion filled with dark secrets." The party is recruited by an innkeeper to recover a flower from a nearby mansion. He is an alchemist and he is running short on his supply of the Midnight Violet. Town rumors warn the party to stay away. But, that's unlikely given that your heros are mighty and brave. While exploring the mansion, the adventurers will learn the story of the family that once lived there and what caused their demise. That is...if they live that long. Two new creatures and one new magic item are introduced in this adventure.
2023 ENNIE Awards Silver Winner in the Best Organised Play category! The Dai Meow-Ou is dead, you’re accused of murder, and you have until sunrise to clear your names. It’s time to put on your thinking cats and play detective, adventurers! Can you sniff out the real killers before your time runs out? A Pawsome Feywild Murder Mystery for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. From the 2019 ENNIE Award nominated author of the Neverdusk Trilogy and experiential horror mystery The Waystop comes a brand new roleplaying & puzzle-lite adventure lovingly crafted as an homage to the films and novels of Japan's golden age detective fiction and set in the Feywild domain of Roku-Nyan, where cats rule and dogs drool! This 4-hour module is designed to be played using Theater of the Mind, and depending on the characters and their decisions, multiple endings are possible. It debuted at Lion City Conclave 2022, a community convention in Singapore that supported Causes for Animals (Singapore). The v1.2 package (9 July Update) includes: - Enhanced copy for better clarity & Jason's Cheat Sheet for running a smoother game. - Art inserts by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - A high quality digital map pack for key encounter locations, in Black & White (as befits the genre) by digital artist Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - High quality puzzle packs and resources designed by Jason Koh, with illustrations by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - Token pack featuring our assassins. - Bonus DLC Street Map.
A city of burgeoning technology beset upon by intrigue and insurrection, Samon has been a thorn in Emperor Hitoshi's side since suffering in the rebellion against the Kengen Occupation, its wounds still fresh on the minds of its citizens. It is not beneath the notice of Hakaisuru Bengoshi however, and the adventurers are ordered by one such official to make certain that the Tazuki Rail company's doings are not curtailed by its increasingly aggressive laborers and their shadowy union, the Fangs. Little do they know that the bite of the fangs carries a far deadlier poison than any worker's ire! What you’ll find in Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge: A complex cast of 20 NPCs beautifully illustrated by Nathanael Batchelor interwoven in an impressive tale of deceit, false trails, intrigue, and lethal adversaries The city of Samon, a settlement in the northern prefecture of Hakaisuru and home to Soburin’s most prosperous railroad company Four maps by cartographer Mike Myler: an isometric view of Samon, an isometric map of the Tazuki Rail Offices, a combat map of the Chujiang Gardens, and a combat map of the Tazuki Rail Basement The dangerous Mists of Akuma and the new misted condition The hengeyokai race and kitsune, nezumi, usagi, and (new!) hebi (snake) subraces The adeddo-oni and true hebi templates as well as a coterie of statblocks: adeddo-oni hunchling, adeddo-oni mage, adeddo-oni ninja, adeddo-oni samurai, factory worker, nuwa the brute (a true hebi), wajdet the charlatan (a true hebi), the many-faceted hengeyokai ninja, and the hebikontorora snake woman
The Bloodhand orcs have a prisoner that may hold the answers to the strange goings on and the key to stopping the enemy. What can you do to convince them to hand the prisoner over? Part Twelve of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.
Save Sharn from planar catastrophe in the epic thirteenth and final episode of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path. This three-part adventure is designed for five 7th-level characters. Your party does not need to have played past episodes to enjoy Skyfall, though previous adventures (see below) with the Clifftop Guild will deepen their experience. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: In this climactic conclusion to Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto, the adventurers are charged with saving the magical metropolis of Sharn before a vengeful academic can destroy its manifest zone using the convergence of Eberron’s 13 planes. Characters must race across the city’s diverse districts in a battle of wits and weapons, locating artifacts linking the 13 planes and disabling the Convergence Engine before it is too late.
Chasing pirates can be a dicey business especially with an ocean storm bearing down upon you. As you give chase to Captain Longstockings and her crippled ship, she wanders into a cove...TRAPPED! This criminal cleanup is almost complete...
God of Ore by Tom Knauss is a 3rd-level adventure that takes the PCs from the quiet, mountainside town of Miners’ Refuge into the heart of the Stoneheart Mountains in pursuit of a failed pilgrimage to discover a phony religious relic deep inside legendary Mithral Mountain. The dark, twisting tunnels that bore into the fabled mountain soon reveal that some mysteries are not what they first appear to be. Between a Rock and a Charred Place by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 7th level) The characters will be thrust into the middle of an epic confrontation between the dwarves of the Stoneheart Mountains and the hobgoblins just beyond their borders. Under their new leadership, the hobgoblin warmongers deploy an innovative grand strategy: to forge an alliance with one of the dwarves’ old enemies and a traitor in their foes’ midst. The dwarves’ dominance over the region and very survival hangs in the balance if the characters cannot thwart the monsters’ ambitious plans. The Covered Bridge by Kevin Wright (for 4 to 6 characters of 4th to 6th level) Are the characters up to the challenge of solving the centuries-old murder of a historic hero? Within the adventure, the characters are caught up in the haunted memories of the ghostly knight and help him to accomplish his heroic deeds. While doing so, the party becomes familiar with his world and the murder suspects, picking up clues to their motivations and actions along the way. At the end of the adventure, an enraged spirit confronts the characters and demands that they name his killer. If they can do it, they are richly rewarded; both in treasure and the knowledge that they let a good man finally find rest. If they fail, they must face the chilling wrath of the deathless phantom. The Hunter’s Game by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 4th level) This adventure will find the characters traveling into the foreboding Dyrgalas Fens, a temperate swamp in the Harwood Forest nestled between the Wolf Hills and Low Hills. Dyrgalas Fens is overrun by an eclectic collection of malevolent monsters, xenophobic humanoids, and foul beasts. When some of the region’s finest gentlemen and ladies never return from their excursions to the Answin Hunting Lodge, the characters must investigate their mysterious disappearances. The journey leads them into the figurative heart of darkness, taking them not only deeper into the dreadful Dyrgalas, but also plunging them into the harrowing abyss of hatred and greed. The Missing Pin by Alex Kammer is a 2nd-level adventure designed for 4 to 6 characters. In the Lost Lands setting it takes place in the Unclaimed Lands north of the Borderland Provinces at the point where the Great Amrin River meets the Glimmrill Run. At the confluence of the Great Amrin and Glimmrill Run rivers sits the small town of Gumspur, a small backwater town known only for its convenient location and its only real export, pottery. So, when an audacious theft victimizes one of the leading families of Gumspur, a group more capable than the local constabulary is needed. On its surface, what looks to be a simple theft conceals a much deeper and much more dangerous conspiracy. In the Time of Shardfall by Michael Curtis (for 4 to 6 characters of 5th to 6th level) In this open “seek and destroy” adventure, a relic from the prehistoric past — a mystical prison containing a powerful proto-dragon and other creatures from long ago — has been flung forward in time to arrive at the characters’ current era. The prison, an enchanted pane of obsidian called the Akaata, fractures upon arrival, breaking into several shards that fall to the land below. Soon, the prehistoric menaces trapped within wander out of their broken prison to threaten the realm. The characters must search for the five shards and destroy them and their former prisoners, then confront the now-free proto-dragon before it recovers its full strength. War of Shadows by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 8th level) This adventure can pick up where Between a Rock and a Charred Place left off or stand on its own. Erod Flan weathered the dark folk’s storm, yet the conspirators are not done. Their focus now turns to the critical outpost of Tyr Whin. The characters and the outnumbered defenders must somehow stop the hobgoblin warlord, Grugdour, and his army from overrunning the citadel and opening a beachhead for invasion into the Stoneheart Mountains. A Little Knowledge by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 5th level) This module takes the characters across the Stoneheart Mountains onto the forbidding Feirgotha Plateau to investigate the myths and tales surrounding the ancient and presumably deserted Library of Arcady. The PCs soon discover that the venerable building is not as abandoned as originally believed, and its unusual caretaker keeps more terrible secrets than any of its fabled lost writings. Awakenings by Steve Winter (for 3 to 5 characters from 1st to 3rd level) Strange things occur after a meteor streaks overhead in the night sky. Combining elements of a fairy tale with elements of cosmic horror, the characters will confront a community of these evolved animals with evil plans that involve finding the fallen star and confronting an unknown entity. Cave of Iron by Steve Winter (for 4 to 8 characters from 2nd and 4th level) When a wagon train fails to return from a supply run, the characters must investigate what happened to them and the riders that were dispatched to find them. The Desperation of Ivy by Lance Hawvermale (for 4 to 6 characters from 4th and 7th level) A once-imposing residence called Coltherstone Hold was abandoned years ago, and in the decades since, a fantastic amount of vegetation has grown up the walls and rooftops, covering the structure. Many of the plants are dangerous — deadly, even — and reclaiming the hold will require more than just a few machetes to chop down some weeds. Much worse, a few of the plant specimens possess intelligence as well as an undo degree of malevolence. They’ve infested a nearby village — all but burying it in overgrowth — and have absorbed a few villagers along the way. Fishers of Men by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 6th level) The Dragonmarsh Lowlands is a forsaken land blighted by the vile demon lord Tsathogga and countless foul denizens. When Quaywright Fishery inexplicably falls silent, it takes those of stout heart to determine what dire fate befell the former inhabitants and what monstrosity now lords in their place. The grisly carnage leaves even the most seasoned adventurers shaken to the core, as they witness firsthand and may personally experience what it feels like when the tables turn against humanity. Forgive and Regret by Tom Knauss (for 4 to 6 characters of 8th level) The sins that stained the blighted Wytch Bog more than two centuries ago still linger as the villain who perpetrated a genocidal act longs to free his tortured soul from his undead bonds. In his warped mind, only more violence can garner his freedom, placing the innocent descendants of his long-deceased conspirators — and an entire region — in his crosshairs. A Midnight Council of Quail by Lance Hawvermale (for 4 to 6 characters from 3rd and 5th level) The characters explore a village to locate the lair of a monstrous murderer — but the villagers don’t want the murderer to be discovered. The Archdruid Cadrryn is so old and mystical that his very presence often affects the natural world around him. Over the years, his close association with the region’s quail population has bestowed upon the birds a sentience uncommon to normal avians. With slightly advanced intelligence, the quail now act as local sentinels, reporting back to Cadrryn on all matters that transpire in his domain. But the druid has been away for more than a fortnight on business of the Druidic Order of Oescreheit, leaving the quail to decide on important events without his wise hand to guide them. When the birds learn that a sinister force has infiltrated the nearby village of Eorls Gedreas, where many of them roost upon the thatched rooftops, the quail convene to determine a way to fight back. Nightstone Keep by Ed Greenwood (for 4 to 6 characters from 4th and 6th level) This location-based adventure is centered on a ruined, long-disused stone keep in a temperate wild forest area (possibly not far off a caravan road or forest trail). The characters will be able to explore the ruins of the keep, which have become a plant colony, and attempt to wrest a powerful treasure from the clutches of the araunglyd, a gigantic sentient fungus. The araunglyd will attempt to thwart the players at every turn, using its drone-like minions to harass and hinder them as they go. Pictures at an Exhibition by Dr. Dennis Sustare (for 4 to 6 characters from 4th and 6th level) This adventure takes the characters on an exotic cruise in a parallel reality known as “the Real World”. During a stopover, they find themselves on a museum tour where the vivid paintings draw them into a world of fantasy. Also available for Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry
A Mulmaster refugee named Ani Kuleimatt discovered references to a forgotten mine near the Moonsea, a mine rumored to produce an unexpected export. The adventurers are hired to locate the complex and secure its resources for the Mulmaster Diaspora.
The Nerastrim Manor on the hill once belonged to a wealthy family with great influence in the region; that is until Nathaniel Nerastrim's wife, Helen, decided she was through with the oppression of her rich husband, made a deal with a demon, and took a butcher's cleaver to everyone in the house. In the years since the massacre, the house has remained untouched. The spirit of Helen is still trapped within the house and repels the attempts of any who would cast her out. In this horror-themed adventure, your players have but a single candle to safeguard them against Helen's persisting wrath . . . will it burn long enough for the party to explore the manor and finally send the malevolent spirit of Helen on her way?
Something is killing people in Palebank Village, and if the party does not stop it they could be next.
A short starting adventure that takes place in an urban location. Ideal for 3-4 characters starting at Level 1 Your first day on the job and your brand new adventuring party step into a mystery to be solved. This adventure is ideal for for 3-4 level 1 characters. Playable as a one shot or the start of a larger campaign. The characters are sent to pick up gear only to find it has been stolen. This urban adventure set in Waterdeep but easily adaptable to other urban settings. The adventure comes complete with the following: Full PDF adventure file. - 7 Parchment style DM and Player maps ready for VTT use. - 7 Printer friendly DM and Player maps ready for VTT well as printer friendly DM and Player maps that are VTT ready. - 1” diameter tokens ready to be cut out for use in person as well as files for use in a VTT
Presenting The Mines of Chult! This Savage Encounters adventure supplement features nine mini adventures from three best-selling DMs Guild authors. Your PCs will challenge several new monsters, discover fascinating new magic items, and interact with some wickedly fun NPCs. Though designed with Tomb of Annihilation in mind, each of these adventures can be easily adapted to any campaign setting. Dig in to The Mines of Chult!
“Come! Sit! Be my guests. You will find that dinner is up to the highest standards, and I’ve even provided a show.” When the adventurers entered the manor of the old mayor they did not expect to fall into another plane of existence. It seems Archmage Lonore was ready for their arrival, and had arranged the finest entertainment... for herself. Can the adventurers survive Lonore’s death trap and capture the mad mage once and for all? This one-shot adventure is designed for characters of 6th level, and contains plenty of traps, encounters and misdirection. Adventure Synopsis Chasing the bounty on a murderous archmage, the characters find themselves plunged into an arcane deathtrap. Their quarry was prepared for their arrival, and had devised entertaining challenges (for herself) in this magnificent mansion demiplane. The characters will fight through various arcane hazards on their path to the inner sanctum of Archmage Lonore. As they get deeper and near the sanctum, the characters will meet the mage and her mother, possibly learn a bit about the relationship between them. This encounter leads to the final showdown in the archmage’s sanctum, where the orb of reality is located. The adventure includes a map for every encounter! (Print & VTT versions) Published by Beyond the Screen
This starting adventure for 5E is designed to introduce new players and give them a taste of the core aspects of D&D. Over the course of a single session the heroes will journey to the dungeon where the evil kobolds have taken hold and rescue the kidnapped baby before the kobolds welcome their new draconic overlord. Included are first level character sheets so you can get started right away.