In this prelude to the full Princes of the Apocalypse campaign book, adventurers face off against the influence of Elemental Cultists in the hills and canyons of the Dessarin Valley. The four mini-adventures within are only tangentially related to each-other, and instead serve as starting points and hooks for the plots of the complete Princes of the Apocalypse Campaign. Players start in the well-described town of Red Larch; first investigating a local necromancer, then uncovering cult influences within the town, and finally heading off to infiltrate or do battle with two small elemental cultist strongholds. All parts of this adventure can serve as great places to seed hooks for other campaigns.
It is Midwinter. The air is cold, the wine is warm, and all sensible adventurers have their feet up before a blazing fire. But a mysterious bard, a broken man, and a clockwork pig, lead our heroes into an extraordinary land full of strange magic and terrible danger. Before the adventure is over, they will be faced with a heartbreaking dilemma, one that can't be resolved through might alone. It features exploration, roleplaying, puzzle solving, and fanastical combat encounters! The adventure includes 10 new monsters, 8 new magic items, and an amazing map by Elven Towers!
"House of Reeds and Whispers" is the lair of a pair of red hags, suitable for four characters of 8th level. This adventure can be completed in one session. Two red hag sisters recently exsanguinated an eccentric collector named Nahl Fry and took up residence in his swamp-side home. Liori and Ijith were seeking an artifact from the ancient city of Talitheos, the sunken stronghold of the red hags. They found the artifact, a pair of knitting needles made from blood-infused coral. in Nahl Fry's collection. The sisters yearn to understand how the artifact works, and so they are testing its dark powers against a nearby hamlet. They have knitted rapidly growing crimson reeds that funnel the blood of fauna and farm animals back to the house. The hamlet's leader, Galnas, hires the PC's to investigate. The party must press through the reeds, defeat the sisters' guardians, face the hags, and end the reedy infestation.
This adventure is designed for the D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King’s Thunder campaign, and is meant to enhance your party’s connection to important events and NPCs. While it is intended for a party of around 6th level, the nature of the quest is such that it fits easily with a higher level as well. It will put your players in contact with Felgolos, the bronze dragon that is encountered in Chapter 9 of D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King’s Thunder, as well as the ancient dragon Iymrith, who plays a prominent role in the main plot. Of course, you can also change names and locations to make this adventure fit into any other campaign world – as long as it has dragons and deserts. Enjoy!
One person's trash is sometimes another's treasure. In this case, it’s also an opportunity for you to go on an excursion across the Tenth District, tracking down a client's very specific request… in thoughts. A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure for 2nd-level characters, set in Ravnica. Pre-generated characters are also included.
This adventure can be used in any setting that features landowning nobility as a social class. It focuses on the Firebird, a mythical creature from Slavic folklore similar to the phoenix. The characters begin inside a tailor’s shop where they’ve been gathered by Pero Toporov, the best tailor in the city of Krylo. The city is ruled by the confident and insensitive Baron Yuri, who commissioned Pero to create a beautiful cloak woven with the feathers of the Firebird, a creature known for its healing powers. Pero agreed on the condition that their work would be used to aid Yuri's citizens, who have been sick and ailing under Yuri's restrictive rule. Instead, the Baron took the cloak for himself. Pero is hiring the adventurers to help them break into the Baron’s fortress and steal the cloak back without being caught. The characters find a way inside the fortress and break into the dungeon, where the cloak is supposedly hidden away. Within the dungeon, the party finds the Firebird itself locked in a golden cage where Baron Yuri—wearing the magic cloak—is antagonizing it. Baron Yuri attacks them to protect his treasure and is not open to negotiation. However, the characters may try to befriend or capture the Firebird. If they sway the bird to their side it may help them fight the Baron. Once Baron Yuri is defeated, the characters can take the cloak for themselves or return it to Pero. Dethroning the Baron earns them the gratitude of the city’s people. If they return the cloak, Pero pays the adventurers and assures them that the cloak will be used for good from now on. Pgs. 173-179
This adventure begins with a message delivery to the post commander in Penchant. Sadly for your PC Lt. Kateryn Hawtrey is gone and the PC will need to wait until her return. While wandering through town yelling is heard and someone is in trouble. Investigation reveals that a small child has fallen into one of the town’s wells and needs help getting out. While forming a rescue plan the child, CeCe, screams and disappears from sight. Is your player brave enough to venture into the darkness alone? As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!
Have You No Heart? is a standalone adventure set in the peculiar village of Basht. Olivia Alfera calls the party back to Basht to help Robin Goodman reunite a girl with her father. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 characters, Optimized for APL 8. Featuring a new domain: Nepenthe, a domain of forgetting. Content Warnings: Grief, Loss of a Relative, Memory Loss Have You No Heart will debut at U-Con in October 2022 ( The story continues shortly after The Party that Split. It continues the tale that started with The Goat Mayor, but each episode can be played on their own. The village of Basht is a little Grimm's Fairy Tale village that was used for several CCCs and DungeonCrafts U-Con. I hope that your players enjoy the whimsy and dark undercurrents as much as mine have, and I would love it if you share your experiences in Basht with me! I've included VTT-friendly maps and handouts in separate files to help with running your games virtually because we can't let a simple thing like physical distance prevent us from sharing our stories. I also have a printer friendly version included for those that prefer their works to be printed on the flesh of dead trees. Please see other adventures written for U-Con: The Goat Mayor (by me, Daniel Chapman) is the first introduction to Basht and it's peculiar traditions The Straw Bears (by me, Daniel Chapman) takes place just a few tendays later, describing the strange annual tradition of the procession of Straw Bears The Party that Split (by Daniel Chapman) takes place before Have You No Heart, and sets up the events that lead to Robin Goodman's current situation. Blood and Fog (by Alan Patrick) was the first CCC written for U-Con and the first mention of the Blood Lord. Rescue Down Under (by Alex Lown) continues the story of Basht and revisits the friendly tinkerer Yul Khahan. If you see any errors or have any suggestions, or just wish to retell the tale of how your group went through the story, feel free to contact the author at:
In a village shrouded in mystery, a tale unfolds that will linger in your memory. Cattle mutilations, sacred stone circles, and dark rituals intertwine as werewolves prowl through this gothic tragedy. Venture with us south of Neverwinter, to the village of Phandalin, for an adventure tailored for characters anywhere from levels 3 to 6. This one-shot episode is perfect for a group of friends seeking an immersive experience or as an intriguing addition to the "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" campaign. You can easily adapt this module to most any campaign setting. Featuring five maps crafted by the esteemed Tessa Presents Maps, this game includes a sprawling 120 x 120 premium battle map of Phandalin, maps for wilderness encounters, and custom tokens. Welcome to the party!
This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Order of the Gauntlet in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. In the adventure, the characters are tasked with exploring the depths of the Old Owl Well.
Szass Tam, the lich lord of Thay, and his Red Wizards threaten to dominate all of the Sword Coast. The Bloodgate, an elemental node of power, must be destroyed in order to stop him. Remake of the original 4th Edition adventure.
The yuan-ti anathema, Hessatali, calls out to his yuan-ti faithful from his prison in the Abyss. His network of vipers has uncovered the ruins of ancient Ss’tatha’lass and the Fane of Hessatali, a fountain of pure venom that will return the demi-god to life. Above the buried ruins of Ss’tatha’lass, yuan-ti agents have moved to control the politics of Scornubel. The characters fall into a complex yuan-ti plot that spans the breadth of the realm, pits the heroes against the forces of the Abyss, and explores the culture of the yuan-ti.
This Adventure is based on the web comic series, Table Titans. It is set in the same village that part of the comic takes place in, however the path of the adventure does not follow the story line set in the comics. There are familiar elements that are a wink and a nod to fans of the comic, but it is a unique story. The adventure is set around the village of Haverford, currently beset by an unknown [i]Terror[/i] that has resulted in many many deaths in the surrounding forest. The adventures have arrived at this once peaceful hamlet and if they discover the source of the [i]Terror[/i] plaguing the region they will be handsomely rewarded. The Terror of Haverford is a starter adventure. Characters will advance from level 1 to 4 if completed. This adventure has both social and combat encounters, as well as combat encounters that can be solved socially. If characters aren't thorough in their investigations they will be taken by surprise by what lies ahead.
God of Ore is a 3rd-level adventure that takes the characters from the quiet, mountainside town of Miners’ Refuge into the heart of the Stoneheart Mountains in pursuit of a failed pilgrimage to discover a phony religious relic deep inside legendary Mithral Mountain. The dark, twisting tunnels that bore into the fabled mountain soon reveal that some mysteries are not what they first appear to be.
What could happen while traveling the vast Savage Frontier? Just about anything! Encounters in the Savage Frontier includes 24 unique encounters of various difficulty that can be used while the adventuring party travels the Savage Frontier. It also includes several new creatures and magic items, digital hand-drawn maps (10 as downloadable .jpg files), and original artwork. Some of the encounters are short and brief, while others may take you a full gaming session to complete. Available for Fantasy Grounds
Centuries ago, the glitterdoom came to the dwarves of Steelhand Clan! This divine curse transformed the dwarves into hellish forms with an insatiable greed for gold. Now, a chance encounter breaks open long-sealed gates to unleash the glitterdoom again. Can your adventurers delve into the forgotten halls to confront the subterranean menace? Work together to clear the abandoned mine of it's undead hosts and retrieve what gold and treasures you can.
Today we bring out a scenario for a pair of budding first level adventurers. Originally used to teach D&D to a novice, this fleshed out into a trio of adventures set on the northern island of Esaq off the coast of the ancient Greyloch Kingdom. Home to a Halfling population, the adventure takes two young people on a thrilling adventure after the duo’s home is raided by slavers. The novice delvers head east to rescue their family and fellow villagers!
Something sinister stirs in the jungle. When a vicious cult attacks an archaeological dig site, the players are the only ones who can stop the bloodbath! The party must enter the dangerous wilds and find the basilisk-worshippers' hidden temple – before they strike again. It includes: -Four brand new monsters -Dangerous jungles, crumbling temples, and terrifying traps! -A carefully crafted format to make running the adventure easy at a glance -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Digital maps for use with virtual table tops
The village near Oreclasp Keep has been reporting brutal owlbear attacks that have left people missing or dismembered. Lord Oreclasp has placed a bounty for every owlbear beak brought to Oreclasp Keep. The villagers don’t suspect the deeper problems brewing in the land.
A terrible and unnatural fear has come over the people of Waterdeep. In a matter of weeks, dozens of people are missing, and more disappear each night. Rumors tell of curses, phantasms, demons, and possession. In truth, these are the victims of tiny parasitic brain maggots unleashed by the illithid dragon called Brainstealer. The fate of its victims fall on your shoulders, as you discover his lair and prepare to raid it.