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612 adventures found
Cover of CCC-GLIP-01-02 Beneath Glip Dak
CCC-GLIP-01-02 Beneath Glip Dak
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
39 pages

A series of unusual heists has both the thieves’ guild and city guard scrambling to uncover the culprits before the burglaries destabilize the thriving trade within the city, threatening the budding kingdom the Kroth Magg have fought and died to forge.

Cover of Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
95 pages

There have been disturbing signs over the last few months, signalling that something is wrong in Humblewood. The troubles appear to originate from activity in the Scorched Grove, an ashen plain that was ravaged many centuries ago by a destructive fire. Whatever caused the fire has scarred the land with elemental magic, making it inhospitable to all but strange fire-based creatures. Of late, the Grove has begun to expand. At first, it was hard to notice the slow expansion, but those in tune with nature (especially the Tenders) could see the imbalance in the elemental forces of Humblewood. For many common folk, this imbalance has been experienced as unseasonal dryness, which has led to crop failure and an increased frequency of forest fires. There have also been a number of unusually aggressive emberbat clouds reported far outside of their natural ranges. The true nature of the danger still remains hidden from the people of the Wood. A corvum necromancer named Odwald Ebonhart has stirred the elemental aspect of fire, which has lain dormant beneath the Scorched Grove since its first burning. The aspect’s energies have begun to empower fire-based creatures within the Wood. The increased range of emberbat swarms have brought fires that have expanded the Grove. Many forest-dwellers, who have been left without homes, have turned to banditry to survive. Soon the elemental incarnation will break free, and players must find a way to stop the aspect of fire before it reduces the Wood to ashes.

Cover of Seekers of the Ashen Crown
Seekers of the Ashen Crown
4th Edition
Levels 2–5
96 pages

Will the adventurers be able to thwart the machinations of a mad dragon in the hopes of saving the city of Sharn from certain destruction? Is the slinky elven maiden really in trouble or working for the enemy? Is the body in the morgue really the center of this whole puzzle or merely one piece? This adventure, in the style of a Dashiell Hammett novel, will certainly test their skill and resolve. This is the first full adventure for Eberron with the 4th edition D&D(R) rules. This adventure builds on the sample adventure provided in the Eberron Campaign Guide but is also playable as a stand-alone adventure.

Cover of Under Our Noses
Under Our Noses
5th Edition
Level 4
8 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has learned of a construct that would make an ideal guardian or soldier. Unfortunately the constructs creator is looking to sell this to The Crown. It is in Ebonclad's best interest to intercept this construct before its abilities can be demonstrated. The party plays the role of a group of saboteurs, required to sabotage or destroy a construct named Marx before it can be demonstrated to The Crown in less than a day’s time. The mission’s primary objective is to locate the construct Marx and destroy or sabotage it. If Marx is destroyed outright, the party will need a patsy to pin the crime on. If possible, the party should steal Eva Dalphane’s schematics for Marx, as well as investigate how the artificer brought the construct into the city undetected.

Cover of FT - Barony of Civille
FT - Barony of Civille
Levels 1–5
21 pages

Sitting at the mouth of the Saint Torgoth’s Causeway leading to the Newmack Sea is the port city of Civille and home to the baron of the land. This former fishing settlement has grown in the last century to be a stronghold for the Baron Philostratos de Civille as well as a financial boon for the entire area. In growing itself into a small seaport this city has been able to increase income by a factor of five. While the port itself brings in a significant amount of goods it also acts as a travel point for the Caravan Masters. This location is one of the main areas for the FD series and can be used as a base of operations

Cover of Madness in Freeport
Madness in Freeport
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–6
72 pages

Madness in Freeport, the final part of the Freeport Trilogy, details the final confrontation between the PCs, the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, and Sea Lord Milton Drac. In Part One, the Drac invites the PCs to the Grand Lighthouse Ball. Careful investigation can reveal the secret purpose of the lighthouse. In Parts Two and Three, the PCs must recover a powerful artifact to thwart the Brotherhood's plans. They must pass through an infamous pirate's hidden caves, then search a sunken temple of the serpent god Yig. In Part Four, the heroes must enter the Grand Lighthouse, AKA Milton's Folly, in a race against time to stop the Brotherhood's world-shaking master plan from coming to fruition. (Bibliographic note: This adventure was originally written for v.3.0, and later updated to the v.3.5 rules. The revised versions of Death, Terror, and Madness in Freeport were reprinted in an omnibus edition, along with two shorter filler adventures, as The Freeport Edition: Five Year Anniversary Edition.)

Cover of Den of the Rotten Kings
Den of the Rotten Kings
5th Edition
Level 3
4 pages

"Den of the Rotten Kings" is a wererat lair suitable for four 3rd-level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.

A Cog in the Wheel
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

CORE 1-2 With the identity of a murderer confirmed, heroes are needed to track it down to its home. As it turns out, it might be a longer journey than first imagined. Part Two of The Chaos in Melvaunt. The characters enter Mechanus via a portal in Melvaunt with the aim to infiltrate a modron army encampment. They must then flee the camp in a chase scene.

Cover of The Palace of Plenty
The Palace of Plenty
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–12
25 pages

The fair Yayosei were the children of an ancient tribe of benign river spirits, until they tried to preserve their paradise by trapping the power of the Void Dragon. Their home was indeed preserved, but at a terrible cost. Today, the descendants of the Yayosei have degenerated into beasts, but what remains trapped within the Palace of Plenty is much worse. An Oriental Adventures scenario for 10th-level characters.

Cover of The Tariff of Relkingham
The Tariff of Relkingham
4th Edition
Level 3
21 pages

The goddess Erathis has never seemed the sort to demand the sacrifice of mortals in exchange for safe trade routes, but that’s exactly what her high priest has demanded. When a local ruler asks the characters to investigate the high priest, a chain of events is set in motion that could shake the city of Wyllea, and the church of Erathis, to its core. This adventure makes extensive use of roleplaying encounters and skill challenges, with fewer tactical combat encounters. There is a substantial focus on politics and intrigue. The Tariff of Relkingham is written for 3rd level PCs, but contains advice for lowering or raising the starting level from 2-4. It also contains a system for calculating an advantage or disadvantage in the final fight based on the players' actions during the adventure. Pgs. 83-103

Cover of The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II
The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II
5th Edition
Level 2
16 pages

Mykon Drift, genius inventor and entrepreneur, has disappeared on the eve of his greatest ever product launch, and nobody seems to know why or where he’s gone. Certain jaded onlookers might think this is for the best, for Drift is a disrupter in the truest sense, and the technomantic marvels he creates often wreak havoc on the guilds and economies of the Sword Coast. But titans of industry like Mykon Drift don’t just disappear for no reason, and his most loyal apprentice is willing to pay to find him. Unfortunately, that apprentice isn’t willing to pay very well, so what they get is the Grib-bits Detective Agency. "The Gribbits Detective Agency Part II" is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for four 2nd-level characters. It is designed to follow on from "The Gribbits Detective Agency", and should be played in a single sitting.

Cover of The Goblins Below
The Goblins Below
5th Edition
Level 2
11 pages

Below the streets of Waterdeep a new gang of goblins have moved in and have started stealing anything and everything. It now has become incumbent on the characters to go into their lair and deal with this rogue band of goblins.

Cover of Escape From Riedra
Escape From Riedra
5th Edition
Level 7
71 pages

A Riedran deserter has come to the adventurers with a simple request—save her lost love from the control of the Inspired and bring her safely back to Khorvaire. Player characters must navigate the sinister surveillance state, do battle with powerful psionic foes, and resist the creeping threat of psychic assimilation. Far more than an adventure module, Escape from Riedra provides DMs and players with a bounty of tools to bring any Sarlonan adventure to life, including: * An introduction to the empire of Riedra and how it integrates psionics into daily life. * A new system for tracking the nefarious and ubiquitous psionic influence of the Inspired. * An extensive bestiary with thirteen new monsters for use in any campaign. * Racial traits for Chosen and eneko player characters.

Cover of The Last Resort
The Last Resort
3.5 Edition
Any Level
10 pages

Intrigue and action in Freeport's exclusive hotel. This adventure is a series of plots that are only connected by happening on the same night. They can be separated, or run as written, and each plot includes hooks for further adventure. NOTE: The Tales of Freeport that contains this adventure is NOT one of the versions currently available in the Green Ronin store. Those contain short stories. This is an older item that appears to no longer be available from Green Ronin. It is possible that the adventures within it have been included in other products since then. But I have linked to the original product on DriveThru RPG.

Cover of Ashes of Evensong
Ashes of Evensong
5th Edition
Levels 11–13
50 pages

They say the legendary Ashes of Evensong have been found! In the year 689 DR, the song dragon Evensong was incinerated by Kallurous, a red dragon. In the wake of her death, Evensong’s ashes were gathered into a hundred urns by members of the Harpers. Originally intended as mere relics, the urns fell out of the Harpers’ possession when the caravan transporting them was ambushed. They were thereafter lost to history. Three months ago, stories began to circulate that at least one of the urns has been found. An artificer from the city of Elskar claims to have acquired some of Evensong’s ashes. According to his story the ashes are more potently magical than even residuum, created as they were from the mortal remains of a powerful magical creature burned to ash in the fires of an even more powerful dragon’s breath. This tale is dismissed by most, but certain factions and private interests aren’t willing to reject the possibility without investigation. If true, the artificer may be in possession of a highly dangerous and unfathomably valuable substance. More importantly, he may be in possession of the knowledge of where it came from, and the secret of what happened to the Ashes of Evensong all those centuries ago. In search of the truth behind a rumour that some of the Ashes of Evensong have been found, the player characters find that the Ashes are ultimately incidental to a far more worrying development. The trail of the Ashes leads them to the discovery of a fiend pact warlock operating among the ruling class of the city, a vault of forbidden magics the secrets of which have been breached, and a diabolic artefact about to be reclaimed in the name of a Duchess of Hell. With a focus on investigation, puzzles, and dangerous traps, Ashes of Evensong rewards players for caution and cleverness. Published by Spilled Ale Studios

Cover of Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction
Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction
5th Edition
Level 4
103 pages

You are aromantic, and your best friend is aromantic. There’s only one thing to do: go and fight a dragon. Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction is an unapologetically no-romo single-player adventure for a level 4 character. It should run for approximately 3-5 hours. This adventure requires at least some knowledge as to what it means to be aromantic. There are many useful resources available online for those unfamiliar with this term.

Cover of FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
Levels 7–10
35 pages

At one time the City of Tygos was a bustling metropolis located in the southeastern portion of the Plains of Dorack. Sitting in the shadow of the Dorack Mountains this city flourished as a trading metropolis. Decades ago the leaders of the city, the Serpentine Cultists, began a racially charged campaign against certain factions of the Plainsmen tribes. The resulting response of the Plainsmen was devastating to Tygos and the city was levelled for the most part and the water supply was poisoned. The city was also home to a group of adventurers called JOHAN and their fortress was said to contain powerful ancient magic that was never recovered. If these items can be located the resulting power can bring continued success to your party’s wealth and fame.

Cover of The Room with Five Corners
The Room with Five Corners
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
2 pages

This is an adventure for four 6th to 7th level PC's that may be completed in a single session. The Untamed are a street gang in a busy city. A recent change in leadership has transformed the members from pickpockets and second-story thieves into kidnappers for an inter-dimensional aberration named Xlrieh'oc. Their hideout is now a strange and wicked factory, capable of extracting the firm essence from a person; the process leaves the victim partly ethereal and their form no longer casts a shadow. Although most victims die during the procedure, those who survive are conscripted into the gang. The extracted essence is crated and shipped to the aberration's home plane through a breach between worlds in the hideout's backroom.

Cover of Foundation of Flame
Foundation of Flame
3.5 Edition
Level 15
28 pages

Wherein the weather takes a turn for the worse. All hell breaks loose in the city of Cauldron, as a long-dormant volcano sputters to life. The heroes must deal with the terrible consequences, ushering citizens to safety and negotiating fiend-filled streets littered with collapsed buildings. And with the death of the Lord Mayer, who will lead what's left of the City? "Foundation of Flame" is the eighth adventure in the Shackled City Adventure Path. Pgs. 56-84

Cover of Whispers of the Vampire's Blade
Whispers of the Vampire's Blade
3.5 Edition
Level 4
32 pages

A Brelish spy steals and defects with a powerful magic sword and the adventurer's have been hired to track down and recover the item. This adventure features a lengthy chase overland on horseback, on a train, and an airship. Along the way the adventurers will also have to deal with third parties seeking to recover the sword for themselves, such as Warforged agents of the Lord of Blades who have hired halfling mercenaries riding glidewings (pteranodons), and Emerald Claw raiders piloting an opposing airship. This adventure can be run stand-alone or as a sequel to The Forgotten Forge and Shadows of the Last War.