A derelict raft drifts into Mulmaster’s harbor carrying a young woman. Delirious with hunger, the only words she seems able to speak so far have been “ash and fire.” The only other clue to her identity is an ornate tattoo. Is the woman insane, or is something nefarious at play?
A pall hangs over the frontier town of Wellspring, casting this once-vibrant place into corruption and death. Strange people stalk the streets and unexplained murders occur each night. Nagging fears that more horrors will spill forth from the Kadagast Mountains instill a pervasive paranoia within the townsfolk. Suspicious people watch their neighbors, and temple attendance has never been higher. Folk keep to themselves, hiding in their homes. They avoid darkened streets, lock their doors when night falls, and shutter their windows to close out the screams and shouts echoing in the dark. If the grim threats pressing the town are not stopped, the fl ame of Wellspring might very well flicker out.
A short adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. An all elven guild has taken on a large job for an unknown character. They are doing everything they can to fulfil the contract regardless of who gets hurt in the process. On this short adventure the characters will run into and a foul of the Elven Guild. Can they stop them from finalizing their plan. This adventure includes hooks for additional adventures that can be run after this adventure is completed.
Centuries ago, two rival thieves' guilds crafted a number of intelligent weapons to aid them in their conflicts. Although the guilds are now long dead, their weapons remain, and have begun to recruit new soldiers from the people of Sasserine. Can your PCs put an end to this deathless war?
Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil is a sandbox psychological horror adventure for 4-5 characters of 6-7th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours for a one-shot, but works better when played slowly over the course of 2-3 games. This is the second part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign. It can also be played as a standalone adventure. Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil features: - A tragic story of ambition and pretense. - Exciting dive into the world of trick curses, second-meanings, and loopholes. - Exploration of the decadent Theater, that harbors a dark secret. - Rules for Talent Show and Aristocratic Game of Polo - anything to get a coveted ticket to the Grand Masquerade! - A detailed timetable of the exquisite and socially tense event for which the whole domain lives - the Grand Masquerade! - A group of mysterious guests to make your social events even more exciting! - New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting - High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Made in Ukraine
Kingdom of the Blind is a short adventure for four 8th-level characters. The adventure is set in a minor duchy that is fairly removed from the ruler of the land. As a result, trouble can brew in the land and the king would not know immediately. About three years ago, a medusa, Zhanna Serpentlock, began systematically turning every person in Duke Jellhyn Fedorel's (N male human Ari5) duchy to stone. After losing many peasants to the medusa, Jellhyn attempted to placate her. He offered her his second son, Dephyl, for a husband. Duke Jellhyn and his family had always been rather tense and uncomfortable around Dephyl anyway due to the fact that Dephyl had lost an eye in a freak magical explosion as a boy. Zhanna accepted the marriage, and though Dephyl didn't really care for his family due to how they treated him, he was also less than happy with the arrangement. A year ago, Zhanna appeared at Fedorel's citadel again. She claimed that Dephyl had been untrue and that she had turned him to stone for his adultery. Throwing Dephyl's stone head down in the courtyard of the citadel, she swore vengeance on all Fedorels for his betrayal. Duke Fedorel and his household fled the citadel. Rather than give chase, Zhanna took up residence there and began ruling the duchy as the sole remaining Fedorel family member. Jellhyn and his family have lived in exile for a year. This is what the PCs can learn, but more is going on. As it turns out, Dephyl is alive and quite happy with his marriage. Zhanna is not repulsed by his disfigurement as his family was, and Dephyl's missing eye is something of an asset in the relationship since it lessens his chance of being accidentally petrified by his wife. In the two years of his marriage, he has grown up and gained ambition -- he wants to rule. As a second son (pawned off on a monster), he would never have received the chance. Now, with Zhanna's help, he can rule. However, Dephyl doesn't have the stomach for killing his father and brother. Instead, he and Zhanna plotted to take over the duchy by frightening everyone away. Zhanna carved a stone bust of Dephyl and used it to frighten off the rest of his family. Now Dephyl and Zhanna live happily in the citadel and rule the duchy together, though Dephyl's existence among the living is a secret.
SQ2 – Cesspool of Redrook takes a group of initial adventurers on their first challenge. Your new group wants to be big-time adventurers but don’t really have the money to wander out from the safety of the city of Redrook. As you question your options a wanted poster gives you just the opportunity you have been seeking. Can your party capture the notorious “Briny Pete”?
Floof went missing somewhere in the City of Towers. Can you help with his search? This short adventure for Level 1 characters familiarizes the players with some essential Eberron concepts: warforged, Sharn's architecture, Cannith arcanic gizmos, and the bitter legacy of the Last War. At the same time, a lighthearted tone of the adventure and a low-risk quest would totally fit novice adventurers.
It's just a bad dream-a very bad dream.... Beware the night, for sleep provides another path to the Demiplane of Dread. In the unique domain called the Nightmare Lands, darkness offers not blissful slumber, but ultimate terror. Heroes enter this realm at the bidding of the night, drawn from their dreaming bodies and captured by an enigmatic figure known only as the Nightmare Man. Trapped in this region of psychological fear, heroes face their worst nightmares in strange surrealistic terrain. If they escape the treacherous clutches of dark slumber, they'll be safe-at last until the nest time sleep overtakes them... This box set Campaign Expansion contains 4 adventures: Dreams Within Dreams: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/dreams-within-dreams Dark Harvest: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/dark-harvest The Loathsome Deep: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-loathsome-deep The Rose of Midnight: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-rose-of-midnight TSR 1124
Dare to defy death in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. The talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone who’s ever been raised from the dead. Victims grow thinner and weaker each day, slowly but steadily sliding toward the death they once denied. When they finally succumb, they can’t be raised—and neither can anyone else, regardless of whether they’ve ever received that miracle in the past. Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world. The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rainforests.
You come across a poster for a novelty stage act, and the performer looks exactly like...YOU! They're using your name, and your face! Worse still, their performance is OUTRAGEOUS! You need to put a stop to this, your reputation is at stake! This is a one-to-one adventure designed for one player of the bard class and one DM.
A hunt for a missing key leads the heroes from the streets of the city of Greyhawk to the Tomb of Blood Everflowing in the treacherous Cairn Hills. Pgs. 18-20, 22 & 24-39
CORE 1-3 Threats from outside Melvaunt and within push heroes to the brink as a terrified populace counts on the bravery of a few heroes to avert total disaster. Part Three of The Chaos in Melvaunt. The characters make a choice between finding orc saboteurs (who intend to destroy the city walls), or spy on a red wizard (who can shrink or even move a portal to Mechanus), or both given time. Depending on the outcome they must battle the orcs and/or the modron in the city.
A minion of chaos has come to the Prime Material Plane from the void of the Far Realms to terrorize and conquer in the name of its masters. The PCs must act quickly to assemble a legendary artefact powerful enough to weaken the minion so it can be defeated. Pgs. 20-47
Amunrahx the Intrepid is your typical red dragon, with one important difference. He draws power both from the size of his hoard and the amount of trade and commerce flowing through his domain. Amunrahx is a Tyrant—proud, egotistic, and self-centered. “The Intrepid” is a self-given title. He is powerful and dangerous, but he is no match for a party of heroes and can’t stand up to an army on his own. Amunrahx depends on minions and lieutenants to deal with obstacles and constantly seeks to acquire more forces. As his domain grows, he gains ever-greater influence over the surrounding economy, creating a vacuum of wealth and skilled talent that chokes the life out of nearby cities while Amunrahx lounges and savors his victory. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Amunrahx is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 33 pages (pg 74-93). Published by 2CGaming
"In rural Dalaston, a quiet wedding festival is ruined when a rampaging dragon descends from its mountain aerie to rain fire and destruction on the peaceful celebration. In desperation, the town’s leader turns to a mysterious stranger who promises protection from the dragon—in exchange for a few sacrifices. Now the children of Dalaston rise from the dead as ghastly abominations to enforce martial law and kidnap people for their mysterious master... including the blushing bride herself. With time quickly slipping away, can the PCs break the undead curse on the town and stop the dragon from destroying what remains? Blood of Dragonscar is a dragon-slaying city adventure for 15th level characters, compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. Within you’ll find information on the mining and brewing town of Dalaston, new monsters, a draconic lair deep inside an active volcano, and the fire-breathing dragon itself. This adventure takes place in the decadent nation of Taldor in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any game world."
The ancient world of Harth withers beneath its dying sun…but it’s not dead yet. Welcome to the strange and dangerous city of Carcassay, huddled below the skeleton of a titan rat, sprawling above the ruins of countless dead civilizations. This is where folk come to find wealth, power, revenge, secrets, oblivion… and everything in between. Carcassay is a sandbox city adventure. There are many locations to explore in, around, and under the city. Players can explore any place at any time, and may radically reshape the city’s politics, economy, religions, and physical existence. There are standard dungeons stacked under the city, and GMs are encouraged to keep adding more dungeons… all the way down. Tone. It leans more toward low fantasy or sword-and-sorcery. Most shops look like real shops. Most people look like real people. But strange and horrible things lurk everywhere as soon as you start to scratch the surface. This is my Lankhmar. Carcassay is a vast, bizarre city. It has over 100 locations where you can meet Chaos cultists, Lawful knights, retired adventurers, shopkeepers, brewers, musicians, artists, scientists, hermits, royalty, beggars, doctors, space vampires, eldritch horrors, machine priests, crab colonists, mushroom farmers, mummies, assassins, and diplomats from distant lands… and the moon. And every one of them has goods or services to sell, and a quest (or three) to offer. What sort of quests? Fetch a relic, assassinate a rival, find a relative, steal a soul, implant an agent, cure a disease, stop a riot, solve a murder that hasn’t happened yet, hunt a thief, locate a shrine… the list goes on. And for every Quest, there is a specific Reward: money, weapons, relics, Chaos mutations, exclusive memberships, information, Angelic miracles… the list goes on. This is a place where you can make a lot of money, but also where you can spend that money on interesting goods and services. Factions? We have a few. Seven Chaos cults, five knightly orders, two mercenary companies, four wealthy families, six (seven!) Corpse Lords, foreign diplomats, rival innkeepers, rival tavern owners, plus all the dungeon-delving gangs currently mucking about underground. When you grow weary of all the adventures at ground level, there are three classic dungeons buried under the city to explore. This book contains months (if not years) of campaigning. Enjoy the Chaos.
The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has welcomed its newest team to the fold, assigned to the Keeper Reese Kincaid for instruction. The recruits are green, but capable. Their Keeper has devised a job for them to assess their talents. If his new team is successful, he gets some insight as to how his new Scraps operate, in addition to scratching something off his to-do list. If they die trying, well, then Reese has one fewer thing to worry about. The party must track down the slum thief Dale E’ssio, and reclaim valuables marked for the guild. Should anything unfortunate happen to Dale, there must be no evidence tracing things back to Ebonclad. The mission will require the party to enter Kintalla’s sewers to ultimately confront Dale E’ssio in a ruined slum house. Characters may have to explore the city while trying to get a lead on him.
The town of Devil's Glade is under attack! Swarming insects have driven the residents out of their homes and businesses, and giant insects patrol the town square. Who or what has brought these creepy-crawlies to Devil's Glade? What's their motive? Are your heroes brave enough to put an end to the infestation? Infestation at Devil's Glade is a 2- to 4-hour adventure designed for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for 2nd level characters. Scaling Suggestions are included, allowing you to play this adventure with characters of 5th to 6th level. Infestation at Devil's Glade isn't just a short adventure. We provide you with a location to which your heroes can return, or even use as a home base. The Supplement Includes: Adventure. The main adventure focuses on the heroes cleaning the town of the infesting insects and the villains who brought them. Beginning at The Fork (a tavern where many of the residents have made camp), the characters learn about the infestation of Devil's Glade, and are hired to look into the matter. NPCs. The adventure is filled with fun and engaging NPCs. During the characters' time at The Fork, they have the opportunity to talk with NPCs, help them, and learn more about the infestation. After the heroes return Devil's Glade to normal, the merchants and residents return, giving your characters unique shops to explore and quests to complete. Cursed Mask. The crux of the problem - a cursed mask that slowly transforms the attuned creature into a giant, insect monstrosity, and gives them power over insects. To end the infestation, the adventurers must confront the partially transformed person wearing the mask. Shops & Services. Devil's Glade contains shops and services the characters can explore, including therapeutic mud baths, a diner specializing in eggs, a trinket shop, a candle maker, and a dentist. Side Quests. We provide several side quests for before and after the main adventure, allowing you to increase the main adventure's run-time, and provide you with material for after the main adventure. Maps. The adventure contains maps for the main locations and major side quests. Each map is hand-drawn by Jean Lorber. Art. NO AI! The book is filled with fantastic, original artwork by Matt Morrow Art. Also Included: Map Files. Both grid and non-grid maps are included and available to download. Special VTT Tokens and Assets. Several custom tokens and art assets are included for VTT play.
Inside this full-color, 124-page anthology you’ll find four best-selling Adventurer’s League quests for level 1-10 characters set in the hobgoblin fortress of Glip Dak. Also included are instructions on how to weave these adventures into an ongoing story arc as part of your campaign. Tier 1 (Level 1-4): Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-01) The Kroth Magg hobgoblins run the trade city of Glip Dak in the Troll Hills of Thar. From there they have taken control of the trade routes along the northern Moonsea. A young noble has been captured for refusing to pay their tariffs and his house looks to hire adventurers to rescue him. Beneath Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-02) A series of unusual heists has both the thieves’ guild and city guard scrambling to uncover the culprits before the burglaries destabilize the thriving trade within the city, threatening the budding kingdom the Kroth Magg have fought and died to forge. Citadel of Vlaakith (CCC_GLIP-01-03) The adventurers are tasked with rescuing a group of heroes who vanished in the pearlescent fortress that manifested on the border between the Kroth Magg kingdom and the Varkonin empire in the Steppes of Thar. Tier 2 (Level 5-10): Blue Scales (CCC_GLIP-02-01) A behir has been hired to destroy the herds of aurochs necessary to feed the hobgoblin city of Glip Dak. Patrols and scouts continue to go missing, forcing the hobgoblins to hire mercenaries to track this behir as they recall their troops to the capital to maintain order as food riots break out.