Expand your game with this collection of 56 NPCs of various Challenge Ratings, thirteen of which include maps and details of their lairs. Add these NPCs as a side-quest, a main villain, a one-shot, a bounty for easy money, or however else you wish. Written by some of the best-selling authors on the Dungeon Masters Guild and outstanding podcasters, each NPC includes an image, a backstory, motives, flaws, and a stat block. Some even include new magic items!
The Purple Planet: Where tribes of man-beasts wage an endless war beneath a dying sun. Where mighty death orms rule the wastes, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and forests of fungi flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life ... or a quick death. Bereft of patron, friend or god, your survival depends on quick wits and a strong blade. Will you and your companions stand as conquerers atop this alien land? Or will you fall beneath the blast of an ink-black death rays, just another corpse left to litter the wastes of the Purple Planet?
When a stuffy noblewoman decides that leshys make for pretty centerpieces for her fancy tea party, she has no idea what sort of trouble she's stirring up. Not every plant in the forest wants to be put on display, and some of them are more than well-equipped to fight for those who are plucked from their homes! In A Fistful of Flowers, you take on the role of one of four unique leshys—plants who have been granted sapience and wills of their own. When new sproutlings are snatched out of the woods and taken away to civilization, it's up to your band of furious flowers and pugilistic plants to set things right! A Fistful of Flowers is a short adventure for 3rd-level characters that takes a band of leshy heroes out of the forest and into that most dangerous of locations—an aristocrat's fancy tea party. In addition, the four pregenerated characters provide a quick way to jump into the adventure right away in this exciting offering for Free RPG Day! Grab some dice and some friends and play the role of the forest's newest heroes!
Prison of the Hated Pretender is an introductory adventure for 4-6 characters levels 0-1. Originally published on the Dungeon of Signs blog, it is a short drop-in location-based adventure with a couple of interesting puzzles, a lack of "book" monsters, implacable foes with an obvious weakness, and a very weird roleplaying opportunity. The new 2020 edition republished by Hydra Collective adds suggested guidance for new Dungeonmasters who grew up with 5th edition and don't know how old-school works. Stats for both BECMI and 5th edition, and setting neutral (though there are some implied things about the history of the world).
Side-Trek adventure When your PCs gain access to the teleport spell, their whole world changes. That simple spell opens up instantaneous, long-distance travel. No more long overland journeys or dangerous retreats through hostile territory. All it takes is clasped hands and a word from the wizard, and poof! The PCs are where they want to go. Except that it isn’t that simple, because teleport isn’t foolproof. The off-target teleports are a matter of scattering your PCs someplace else on the map and forcing them to get their bearings and make the long overland journey anyway. But this Side Trek focuses on the really intriguing column on the teleport chart: “similar area.”
You are the guest of the count, one of your allies and the strongest man in the region. Your sojourn has been pleasant, a nice change after weeks of battle. Suddenly the courtyard below your window is filled with the noise of galloping horses. More Guests? You yawn as you look out. But these people arriving look more like tax collectors than guests. You decide to give your attention to something more interesting, like dinner. Relax while you can, friend, because these new arrivals are about to lead you to a crimson sailor, a cozy Tower of Terror, and a river with an aching heart. Sabre River includes a complete campaign setting, new NPCs, dungeon and wilderness encounters, and a mysterious story. TSR 9119
Some monsters don't have any class. The quest for knowledge can be as dangerous as any other. The heroes investigate a library after one of the locals claims to have seen a librarian be attacked by a tentacled creature. In reality, a group of orcs found a secret entrance into the library and the "tentacle" is merely the whip that the leader wields. The party must make their way through a labyrinth hidden underneath the library and rescue the hostages. Pgs. 4-9
"A mutual friend has praised your skills highly. If you seek rich reward and the opportunity to delve into mysteries ancient and lost, bring this bottle forthwith to my demesne in the village of Volkumburgh. Together we may seek to bring mankind the lost wonder of the awtawmatawn." A mysterious note, a disappearing 5-foot-long religious relic, and the ruins of two magical schools. What do these things have in common? How deeply are your party members involved in all this? "The Shattered Statue" is the first dual-game-system module of its kind. Players of both the AD&D game system and DRAGONQUEST game system can use this adventure. It is suitable for use with FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. TSR 9221
Rumor has it that an evil temple resides in the forest as well as a mad mage who may or may not consume children. While these rumors abound speculation of the existence of such is frequently countered with the tenacity of the elves watching over the forest and how it would be unthinkable for them to allow such issues to occur. Note: This seems an incomplete adventure. While the evil temple is mentioned, there are no maps for it. Also the mad mage is given back ground, there are not stats for an encounter.
The Pumpkin Hag is built around halloween themes: plumbing the deapths of a giant pumpkin, fighting scarecrows and "Mum"sters, and a shapeshifting hag. It includes 5 new monster statblocks - Mumsters, Scarecrow, Hag (Ms. Kinny), The Pumpkin Heart, and Young Gibbering Mouther that are suitable for level 2-3 play. Designed to be played in 3-4 hours, with level 2-3 characters this is a great HALLOWEEN one shot or side quest for a longer campaign. Fewer words, more fun! The goal of one page dungeons is to get the important information across fast. Make running simple. There is a map, room descriptions, and reference pages for monster stat blocks. A background and overview are provided. The goal is to give low prep DMs high prep experiences at their table. Included in All One Page Dungeons by Arcane Ink: ◦ A *.jpg or *.png for you to load it in your favorite virtual tabletop ◦ A single page map with markup descriptions of the characters, monsters etc, the party will encounter in each room. ◦ A simple summary of the history / overview of what the adventure is all about. ◦ Reference pages with all needed stat blocks pre-looked up and ready to go ◦ Art to help inspire your imagination ◦ !!!SPECIAL BOUNS!!! 5 new monster statblocks - Mumsters, Scarecrow, Hag (Ms. Kinny), The Pumpkin Heart, and Young Gibbering Mouther One Page Dungeons take minutes to read and absorb and make preparation that much simpler.
Grave Detail has your mid-level PC asked to retrieve the remains of Sir LaGain from the nearby battlefield. The relatives have learned of the man’s demise and are willing to pay a sizable sum for the body’s return. While the battle has ended, dangers remain. Can your solo PC bring closure to a noble death?
Encounters in the Savage Underdark is a 150-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, locations, and magic items,from eighteen of the DMsGuild's best authors.This incredible 150 page supplement features 24 amazing new Underdark adventures. Visit Annarei's Garden Encounter an insane aboleth Interact with traveling merchants Attend the Fire Fest Perform an Underdark heist and so much more....
A few weeks ago, a neogi flying ship met with misfortune in a furious thunderstorm as it was setting out on a long journey. Heavily damaged, it crashed on an isolated rocky beach. Several neogi and their slaves were killed or injured in the crash, but five of the small monsters survived, along with four umber hulks and a handful of other useful slaves. Under the leadership of the sorcerer Neex Hist, the neogi are working to repair their ship so they can continue their interrupted voyage. In the meantime, they have set up camp in a large sea save close by the site of the shipwreck. While the repairs continue, the neogi and their minions are scouring the area for anything of interest - there's no point in leaving potentially valuable merchandise in the vicinity of the crash site, after all. Suitable for lvls 6-8 in 5e, using 5e stats.
Strange things are happening at War Tortle Brewery. Not only is the magically automated, multi-level stone tower brewery under the influence of corrupting magic, but a bodacious party of hipsters has taken over the grounds. Management needs help! Prove your worth to partying hipsters by playing games and earning VIP points. Earn enough points and earn a Supreme Party Animal Badge – your key to entering the tower. Once inside, navigate the automated brewery, infested with all-new creatures and threats manifested from the brewery’s equipment and brewing ingredients. Do you have what it takes to gain entrance, brave the tower, and put an end to the corrupting magic? Will you survive the challenges within, or fall trying? Content Warning: Alcohol, Drinking Games, Crude Humor, Intoxication
Coming off the Plains of Dorack, you enter the Glockenspiel Mountains, where the remote village of Fargone is located. A merchant caravan you encountered a few days ago mentioned that Fargone residents have discovered a pass through the mountains to the sea; and a new trade route is opening up. This sounds like a nice place to stop before venturing to the sea! As you approach the area where Fargone is said to be, large billowing smoke clouds can be seen….this could be problematic…..
An original Valentine's Day-themed one-shot adventure designed for level 4-5 characters. SUMMARY The city of St. Valentine is home to Dante's Casa di Dolci, a world-renowned bakery — and tucked within the bakery is the entrance to a secret labyrinth, created by a mischievous, merciless god. Every February, an unsuspecting resident from St. Valentine is pulled into the maze. Some return after years spent in the labyrinth, but most do not. When Dante's beloved wife, Simonetta, is pulled into the labyrinth, he must enlist the help of adventurers to get her back. The journey that follows is one of strange doors, riddles, and dangerous creatures that lurk among the hedges... DETAILS 2-4 hour session for 3-6 players Play-tested material Original NPCs and locations Diagrams and NPC stats 19-page campaign guide Enjoy the adventure? Share your experiences with me! Hashtag: #LabyrinthOfThorns
You found the treasure you were seeking. Now you have to escape from it. Sheltering from a storm in a wayhouse, the PCs fall foul of a powerful magical relic. They must navigate their way through an unfamiliar environment populated with changed creatures in order to free themselves from its influence.
This setting is a collective of different area encounters for several different character levels. While this land was a frequently traveled area for the adventurers it was used for a variety of challenges. While not every challenge is met for every level it is up to the PCs to decide if they are up for the challenge they discover. Of course you can always ‘discourage’ or hide some encounters from the party. It can also be used in an area frequented by the PC party that can offer an increased challenge with each visit they make.
Tillius Morganstein aka the Mad Mage has selected your group to investigate an ancient temple hidden below the peaceful waters of Lake Springwood. The wizard is too old to investigate the area himself and has enlisted your help. While he has studied the ancient texts dedicated to "Bulu" he cannot define what dangers may lurk or what treasures may await those brave enough to delve into the submerged halls but surely the rewards will be great!
A vibrant circus has just arrived, setting up on the edge of town. Run by the charismatic half-elf ringmaster, Marlow, the performers bring with them dazzling displays of magic and talent, artifacts with incredible powers to behold, and strange creatures most people would never get the chance to see close up. Behind all of the joy and revelry, the circus holds a dark secret, for Marlow keeps tyrannical control over his performers with both whip and word. As this latest performance reaches its height, two acrobats decide to take their chance at freedom, making use of a distraction to steal something valuable from Marlow and make their escape. Marlow will do anything to get the two back under his power, and so turns his significant charms upon a hapless band of adventurers attending his circus.