Trapped in the mysterious Castle Amber, you find yourselves cut off from the world you know. The castle is fraught with peril. Members of the strange Amber family, some insane, some merely deadly, lurk around every corner. Somewhere in the castle is the key to your escape, but can you survive long enough to find it? TSR 9051
After a restful time in Queen’s Point you begin to hear rumors of some “lost city” being discovered. After speaking with some of the locals and visiting the library you become intrigued. Apparently Harvick was abandoned during the plague years and its riches were never recovered. Along with the regular valuables one would find in an abandoned city, it is rumored that an ancient artifact or two may also be present. Sounds like it’s time to strap on the adventuring gear and take a look around.
Hot on the trail of Selise Teshwave and Baron Rajiram, the adventurers must enter newly exposed mountain excavations in the Galena mountains. Swift action must be taken to prevent the Baron from obtaining a powerful weapon from this ruin. Meanwhile, the mysterious Teshwave siblings, Abigail and Char, are hot on the trail of their older sister. This is Adventurer's League legal adventure set near the Galena Mountains. This module first premiered at Carnagecon 2018. Part Two of the Storm Series.
Somewhere in the region of Thesk, at the small village of Amaranth, a despicable night hag has taken residence in the farmstead of a native family. There, she devised a malicious magical disease called Lungsprout and intends to infect the unsuspecting villagers with it, using her deceptively aromatic candles. As if that wasn’t enough, she has created a powerful servant, a cross between a golem and a homunculus. She aims to slowly but steadily wipe out the entire village, and use the villagers as fuel for her hideous experiments. The players will have to rush against time and investigate the village, finding clues that will eventually lead them to the night hag herself. Will they be able to save the villagers and destroy the hag and her abominable creations?
As the City of Danger struggles to rebuild, a spate of unexplained disappearances in the Zhent Ghettos threatens to erupt into fresh chaos. The factions are hard pressed to investigate, and it falls upon you to uncover the truth behind this new menace. A 4-hour D&D Adventurers League Convention Created Content adventure for 1st – 4th Level Characters (optimized for 3rd level). An ENNIE Awards 2019 nominee in the Best Organized Play category! This adventure is Part 1 of "The Neverdusk Trilogy", and has been praised as the hardest Tier 1 module written to date! Ooze There? is the first CCC written and developed in Singapore, and debuted at RPG Day Singapore 2018 - Singapore's largest Dungeons & Dragons community event. The v1.2 package gives you even better value, and includes: - All new cover art by Carillus, the creator of the highly popular ExCo webtoon - A high quality map pack for key encounter locations - A two (2) page cheat sheet with Jason's personal tips for running Ooze There?
The Harvest Festival has come to Concord, but with it comes danger - a bulette and its calves are here, too, and the storm is coming! Published by Loot The Room
The caravan master Santos Boromite was personally assaulted and his Euriduis, the symbol of caravan power, was stolen. The item signifies full authority over all legs of the caravan and in the wrong hands would wreak havoc. You have been summoned to speak with the Governor Lando Shardo at once to save Timel yet again! Can you find the bandits responsible for the theft and bring them to justice. Timel wants a caravan traffic and unless this matter is taken care of quickly that won't happen. Just when you think you have it figured it out it turns out you were wrong!
In this adventure players are set first on a simple task, to solve the disappearance of the local witch before outside forces take an interest. But as the players get deeper, they will rapidly kind themselves on a quest for far more, as they range from an alchemist's lair on a crumbling tower down to a dark swamp full of mystery and danger, seeking a holy relic that might lead them to the outskirts of Hell itself. All in service of the sleepy Village Sujeira and the dusty souls within. 1452: Saving Sujeira’s Soul is an adventure set in northern Portugal on an alternate history Earth during the year 1452, in a world where history is much the same, but for the fact that the Rus are all hirsute dwarves, the hordes that poured out of central Asia were orcish (and half-orcs are mostly janissaries split among the Ottoman Empire’s demesnes), and elves are creatures of rumors and myth. Halflings live among the English and Portuguese in villages and farms, while goblins are pests best left for dead in the wilds between civilized countries. The Church arms its inquisitors with holy blessings, for witches are not mere milk-souring old women but vile devil-pacted souls, and wizards and sorcerers seek human and kine for sacrifices to fuel their darkling magics. There be dragons on the edges of the world, and ogres and sea serpents and giants, but the alchemists of this world know things beyond mortal ken and fight these horrors with science and canny concoctions. Published by Coldlight Press
Who is the dying woman? Where is the lake that can save her? Even ladies in distress aren't all that they seem. Ideally, there should be at least a cleric, a magic-user, and a ranger in the party. Pgs. 11-18
The door to the Abyss can be opened with good intentions. An act of mercy released a creature of unspeakable evil. Now, only you have a chance to stop it. A vrock has been trapped inside a stone circle outside the village of Sundown. This stone circle remained untouched for thousands of years, until an unwitting mage decided to depetrify one of the standing stones that he mistakenly thought was a helpless farmer. This released the vrock, who killed the mage and has been trying to regain enough power to plane shift back to its home. This module primarily is based on investigation and problem solving, with a final fight with the vrock at the end. Roleplaying should be emphasized. The town of Sundown is fleshed out with NPCs and stores for player exploration. Pgs. 4-16
The northwest corner of the Duchy of Bast is ruled by Sir Elwin of Monoth the 4th Earl of Kawall. This pudgy ruler sits in his tower in the small city of Phillipsburg which is a hub of the Caravan trade. The town is rather dirty and mostly considered a backwater area for good reasons. This city is a stopping point on the upcoming release of “FQ4 In the Caravan Service” Get a jump on the next adventure by getting used to one of the main settings. Phillipsburg, along with the Barony of the Knolls are point “A” and point “B” in the next adventure!
A beloved noble is at death’s door, struck down by a mysterious affliction! A desperate plea for aid has been answered, but will the heroes solve the mystery in time? This much is certain: Sinister forces are at work in Toven, and time is running out! Lost in Malice is a 5e compatible mystery adventure optimised for a party of four 2nd level characters. Low level mystery adventure Includes a mystery overview and clue map for ease of running at the table Focused on Roleplay and Exploration. Fascinating cast of NPC's Includes a detailed battlemap of a woodland cabin (day and night version)
The frost giants of the Ice Mountains have long held to the belief that a great Jarl will one day step forward to unite the families as Konung (king). With the Ordning shattered, Jarl Ryndölg believes that if he can locate Hartkiller’s Horn, a legendary artifact among giant-kind, he could be the one. He may very well have found what he is looking for. A great clarion call has echoed across the Hartsvale for two days, and the giants are all marching north, has Ryndölg done just that? A Four-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters This adventure consists of three Parts, as follows: Part 1. The adventure begins with the characters having already arrived in Stagwick (whether sent by their faction or by their own, individual search for adventure and wealth) and have been briefed before preparing for an important journey to the north Part 2. From Stagwick, the players discover their guide has been killed and must make their way through the deadly cold fingers of the Ice Spires alone—either by skill or luck. Part 3. Once at Ise Festing, the group discovers it’s been inhabited by a troupe of Shatterblood Ogres whom they must defeat to gain access to the redoubt’s observation deck.
"Ribbons of blood dance through the air, tracing wide crimson arcs before fraying into thousands upon thousands of bright red droplets. The cheerful tavern atmosphere evaporates in a moment, rent apart by screams and cries. A woman with grey hair stands near the bar, grasping at the dagger in her throat with fingers made slippery by blood. She sways and collapses. More screams. A man stands before her. He is holding the hilt of the dagger, but lets it slip from a gory hand as the woman falls. He freezes for a moment, then spins and sprints away, knocking aside people as he goes. A young, flaxen-haired woman at the back of the tavern cries out, “Stop him! Stop him!” as he approaches the entrance – the entrance where you and your comrades are standing. What do you do?" A lonely outsider murders a popular village local before a room full of witnesses. But could he be innocent? The Lurker Beneath Red Larch is a 4-6 hour adventure for characters of 3rd-4th level. It is full of roleplaying, problem solving and challenging combat encounters.
30 Ravenloft adventures inspired by various domains of dread, including Gothic Earth, that can be played as a single campaign! Dreams of Solitude is a collection of thirty exciting adventures that can either be played as a campaign, run as a one-shot, or have pieces taken out to supplement your current home game! You'll meet your match against Atarte, the evil master of dreams, who will task you to defend ancient fortresses from the undead, explore a terrifying maze, fight in the trenches of world war 1 or even a karaoke contest with werewolves! It's SO much fun, and you'll be able to go back for more adventures, again and again! Adventures summary: Demon's Isle: Explore a watery cave and find your way to the Pirate Demon Zekel! Airic's Forest: Survive a forest ruled by werewolves while you try to find the cure for lycanthropy! Fractured City: Enter a glitchy uncompleted illusory town and try to find the "Butcher" that roams the dark alleys. The Heinfroth Heist: Enter Dr. Heinfroth's asylum and steal his journal without becoming his test subject! Tomb of the Hentempet the Red Queen: Face Hentempet the red queen inside her Pharaoh tomb! Graveyard Of invitation: Enter a cursed graveyard and follow the clues to find the reason why the undead have risen! Fey Blood Merchant: Help the Vistani child escape his Rakshasha master before he returns! Horrors in Chateaufaux: Play the role of the Gendarmerie guards and find out who creates chaos in the roads of Dementlieu! On the Run: Explore an ancient tomb and escape the curse that you have unleashed! Vampire Escort Child: Can you help this poor child leave this jail meant for monsters? Defend the Keep!: Command your own military force to defend a keep against waves of undead! Lena's Pets: Explore the heidius laboratory of Frantisek Markov's student and escape before you become body parts for her next experiment! Lava trip: Who would want to be inside an ACTIVE VOLCANO? RUN! Escape Rooms: Find the way to escape before time runs out! How investigative are you? Singing Showdown: Karaoke competition with werewolves??? Labyrinthine Horror: Can you escape the labyrinth before the Vampiric Minotaur catches you? Teety's Hunt for Lulo: Find Teety's elusive love in an enchanted forest of pain! Monster Lab: Create your own Flesh Golem and make sure you are a good parent! Through fire and steel: Run through the No-man's-land while enemy planes and tanks bombard you and assassinate the enemy general! Don't forget to dodge the bullets! Drowning in Filth: Will you manage to escape before you drown in filth? Wilted Roses: Explore the forests of Sithicus and find the Black Rose Effigy! Shyclin’s Circus: An encounter inspired by the Carnival. The joke's on you! Among Us: Can you find shelter in a small cabin found in the woods? The Free Trader, Mist Runner: Avoid the enemy pirate ship at all cost while trying to reach the port with your own ship! The Curious Case of the Man Who Drowned in Air: Solve a detective's case in Victorian era London! Night at the Museum: Protect the museum's artifacts from invisible adversaries! Raid the Shadow: Lay siege on a castle controlled by the undead! Who could be its ruler? Journey to the Center: Control a mechanical worm of Kwalish and drill to the center of the earth to mine mithril! Journey Through Barovia: Visit Barovia's most famous places while trying to solve riddles or die trying! Choose Nothing: Solve a Death Slaad's riddle or get mad! The Final Dream: Tackle Atarte and their illusions in an environment that continiously alters between all of the dream-adventures! Only few can take on a Darklord and live to tell the tale! Published by Mistfactor Press
This setting brings the players to a community with a jungle atmosphere. Based offshore the city of Ru-Marta is a trading depot and religious center. Several independent adventures are also available for those PCs needing just a little more experience points to level up!
Par1 – Opportunity to Shine brings your new group of PCs to Jayneville in the country of Pardor. A civil war is raging with neither side able to gain an upper hand. To make matters worse a third faction, “Green skins” has been running around the countryside taking advantage of the chaos. As your party is about to discover, these individuals need to be dealt with, severely!
So you want to be a Mage of High Sorcery? To join the esteemed organization, you must travel to the Tower of Wayreth and undertake the most important event in your life—the harrowing Test of High Sorcery! If you can survive where so many aspiring mages have failed, you will forever bind your soul to the Gods of Magic and gain access to untold arcane secrets. The Test of High Sorcery is the perfect adventure for new and veteran players looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It is a solo adventure, where your choices have meaningful consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master. This 154-page tome features: - A sprawling adventure that fits perfectly as an expansion to any Dragonlance campaign, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, or as a stand-alone replayable experience - A tale full of sorcerous intrigue, featuring many new characters alongside iconic favorites like Fistandantilus, Takhisis, Fizban the Fabulous, and the Gods of Magic - Innovative Destiny and Trait mechanics make your choices really matter—and ensure every mage’s Test of High Sorcery is a unique experience - Over 60 possible outcomes to determine which Order of High Sorcery you join and provide compelling new plot hooks for your character during future adventures - Dozens of unique locations with rich stories and sorcerous challenges that Dungeon Masters can use to create their own version of the Test of High Sorcery - New magic items and stat blocks, with mechanics that support clever use of enemies’ weaknesses and the environment against them - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story - A detailed primer on the history of Krynn and how it relates to the Mages of High Sorcery - A community survey when you finish to let you see how you compare to other mages taking their Tests of High Sorcery
Nightmare of Blood! The village of Karvolia has paid its annual tribute of blood to the Red Goddess—but this year, none of the donors returned. Now the priestess commands the village elders to send another dozen young men and women to the edifice of stone that looms on the cliffs overlooking the village: the dreaded Blood Vaults. The terrified elders are willing to pay adventurers handsomely to find a way to make this second tribute pass them by. Unfortunately, the latest set of donors has already entered the Blood Vaults, and are being prepared for the donation process…
Ten days ride north of the great city, there is a small town named Treefall. Up until recently, this town was well known for its rich harvests, happy villagers, and prosperous weather. These days, however, the once-proud details from Treefall have turned darker. Instead of tales of unending prosperity, you hear hushed whispers of a great curse that has struck the once-happy village. Word has it that, where once roamed contented cattle, now strange beasts hunt by the moon's cold light and terrorize the hapless region. You have scoffed with the others at these stories. Despite the things you've seen in you adventures with your friends, the thought that such ill might befall such a sleepy town strikes you as terribly unlikely. There is plenty of evil in the world, true, but there are also much bigger and better targets. But, tonight despite the firmness of your disbelief, the stories come to find you. You have been traveling north along the roads on your own business, enjoying the rich fall colors and warm afternoons. Your camp os small and secure, with a roaring fire and meat cooking over the flame. It's one of those crisp autumn days that makes you long for a warm hearth after a long ride in the cool air. Still, the fire is good enough for now and you and your friends have a wonderful meal, talking and singing and laughing, anticipating a restful sleep beneath the blanket of stars. Until the beast attacks.