A community for lazy dungeon masters
102 adventures found
Cover of AS3 - Peregrination
AS3 - Peregrination
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
26 pages

The exciting artifact series concludes with AS3 – Peregrination. With a pair of control rods in hand you are guided to an ultimate prize, a Gnomish flying vessel! The rods have directed you to a crashed ship buried in the sandy beach. A check of the debris sheds light on the mystery of the artifact and a description of how to repair the intricate machine. Apparently finding the vessel is just the start!

Cover of Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
114 pages

Een gevallen ster inspireert moed! Samen met de jonge priesteres Volana zullen helden een spannende tocht ondergaan waarin kracht, kennis en geloof een hoofdrol spelen. Onderweg krijgen ze te maken met sluwe vijanden, unieke bondgenoten en een duistere macht welke de vonk der goddelijkheid maar moeilijk kan weerstaan. Word een groter deel van het avontuur dankzij deze mogelijkheden: - Begin jouw legende: drie nieuwe subclasses voor fighter, cleric en druid - Aspectgeborene: een nieuw speelbaar ras met een elementaire connectie - Maanzeiler en Zandklauw: twee aan Padkust unieke backgrounds voor spelers - De stad Padkust: gedetailleerde informatie over de stad en zijn leiders - Magische voorwerpen: bekende maar ook unieke schatten om te verkrijgen

Cover of The Sunken Ruins of Ishau
The Sunken Ruins of Ishau
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
44 pages

Near the jungles of Chult, beneath the waves of Refuge Bay, lies a ruined city. Evil hags and their minions make their home among the ancient relics. Even deeper down, at the bottom of an old undersea lake, an otherworldly monstrosity guards its eclectic hoard of oddities. What does it know about the Soulmonger? An adventure for characters between levels 4-6 Requires the Tomb of Annihilation adventure This 44 page adventure adds Ishau as a location to your Tomb of Annihilation campaign. It describes the city's history and current inhabitants, including maps, new monsters, and treasure. In an undersea temple, characters face off against a coven of sea hags. The sunken wreck of the Decapus is the lair of sea spawn pirates. And among the ruins lurk giant crabs, skeletal sharks, vegetan mummies, and other monstrosities. A second location, complete with keyed maps, is available to characters who wish to dig deeper: the underwater island-domain of a Morkoth, pulled into Chult by Acererak's magic. The Morkoth's home is in disarray. Trophies it collected from across the multiverse are now running wild and its treasures are being looted by marauders from Ishau. If the characters help, it may share its secrets with them.

Cover of The Sea Witch
The Sea Witch
3rd Edition
Level 10
8 pages

The Sea Witch is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The difficulty of the adventure can be adjusted by changing the level of main antagonist (Black Molly, the sea hag pirate) or by altering the number of her ogre servants. To tailor the encounter to groups of different levels, refer to table 4-1 in Chapter 4 of the DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE. The adventure is set off a lightly populated coastline known as Misty Bay, but adapts easily to any coastal region in existing campaigns. The sea hag known as Black Molly is a notorious pirate who has plagued the coastal cities for the better part of a decade. A successful Knowledge (local) check (DC 15) will reveal that Molly and her ogre crew have a filthy reputation as merciless killers who delight not only in plundering vessels for their riches, but also in destroying the ships themselves and sending all hands to the bottom of the sea. Now the villain and her followers have seized control of the Old Lighthouse of Misty Bay located off a lightly populated coastline. For generations the lighthouse beacon has protected the fishermen of this region, warning them of the dangerous rocks that lurk just below the level of the high tides. Recently, the hag has put out the beacon, darkening the lighthouse; misery and destruction are sure to follow as ships start to blunder into the rocks. Blackmail is apparently Black Molly’s aim in this venture: She conveyed a message to the nearest shore community, the fishing village of Poisson, demanding the princely sum of 50,000 gp. Until she receives this ransom, she intends to hold the lighthouse and its beacon hostage. The fate of the human keepers who tend the lighthouse is unknown to the seaside communities at this time, but they fear the worst. The Sea Witch is ostensibly a rescue mission: The PCs are pitted against the evil of Black Molly and the brawn of her savage ogre crew. It is the heroes’ task to retake the lighthouse and, if possible, free its captives from the clutches of their jailer. What neither the PCs nor the shore communities yet realize is that while she 1would be pleased to have the gold, Black Molly is in fact after bigger treasure. Molly has no intention of giving up the lighthouse — at least, not until she finds what her master sent her here for. Lying on the sea floor practically at the base of the rock on which the lighthouse sits is the wreck of the war galley Flying Cloud, which according to popular legend was captained by a cleric who wore around his neck an amulet of the planes. Black Molly wants this prize, but so far she hasn’t been able to find it. She’s scoured the wreck without finding any sign of the magic item. Now she’s trying to determine where to search next, for the item might well be somewhere near the wreck. If she can’t find it, she’ll start torturing her captives to find out if they have any useful knowledge about the amulet.

Cover of Blood of the Ice
Blood of the Ice
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
20 pages

The unease penetrates deep in the heart of the town of Wildereach. Amalgamous bodies have been found, frozen, roaming, howling. A cloaked figure looms, suspected of snatching townsfolk when the midnight sun hits its darkest points. A creature of the deep tries to stop all that enter it's domain. Many strange happenings, here in Wildereach, is something bigger at play?

Cover of The Test of High Sorcery
The Test of High Sorcery
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
154 pages

So you want to be a Mage of High Sorcery? To join the esteemed organization, you must travel to the Tower of Wayreth and undertake the most important event in your life—the harrowing Test of High Sorcery! If you can survive where so many aspiring mages have failed, you will forever bind your soul to the Gods of Magic and gain access to untold arcane secrets. The Test of High Sorcery is the perfect adventure for new and veteran players looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It is a solo adventure, where your choices have meaningful consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master. This 154-page tome features: - A sprawling adventure that fits perfectly as an expansion to any Dragonlance campaign, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, or as a stand-alone replayable experience - A tale full of sorcerous intrigue, featuring many new characters alongside iconic favorites like Fistandantilus, Takhisis, Fizban the Fabulous, and the Gods of Magic - Innovative Destiny and Trait mechanics make your choices really matter—and ensure every mage’s Test of High Sorcery is a unique experience - Over 60 possible outcomes to determine which Order of High Sorcery you join and provide compelling new plot hooks for your character during future adventures - Dozens of unique locations with rich stories and sorcerous challenges that Dungeon Masters can use to create their own version of the Test of High Sorcery - New magic items and stat blocks, with mechanics that support clever use of enemies’ weaknesses and the environment against them - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story - A detailed primer on the history of Krynn and how it relates to the Mages of High Sorcery - A community survey when you finish to let you see how you compare to other mages taking their Tests of High Sorcery

Cover of Lowdown in Highport
Lowdown in Highport
Levels 3–5
26 pages

Important: The adventure is 1e but it has monster conversion notes for D&D 4th edition The town of Highport, once a human community overlooking Wooly Bay from its perch on the northern coast of the Pomarj, fell prey to hordes of humanoids swarming out of the jungle-covered hills surrounding the settlement. Though the orcs, goblins, kobolds, ogres, and gnolls razed much of the place in their ferocious rampages, the smoldering ruins they left behind soon became a new kind of community, a place of trade between the humanoid “locals” and the unsavory human traders who have no compunction about doing business with them. Slaves are a commodity in ready supply in Highport’s market, since many pirates raid up and down the coast of the bay, putting fishing villages to the torch and filling their holds with captured refugees. Slavery has become a thriving business in the town, and rumors abound of a cartel of Slave Lords who run things from behind the scenes, filling their coffers in secret from the buying and selling of human chattel. The trade has become so prolific that the good folk to the north have grown tired of these depredations and decided to fight back. Forces of righteousness and honor have recently descended upon Highport, some openly and others in secret, in various attempts to destroy the machinations of the Slave Lords and abolish the abominable enterprise that has taken far too many loved ones from home and hearth. One such doughty servant of goodness is Mikaro Valasteen, a cleric of Trithereon. Mikaro slipped unnoticed past the crumbling walls of Highport with a single mission: to rescue and transport as many slaves to their freedom as possible. Mikaro and a handful of faithful assistants located a number of escaped slaves—as well as rescued a few more not sufficiently restrained and guarded—and shepherded them through the gates and beyond the reach of their humanoid tormentors, returning them to their lands and homes. This covert freedom brigade enjoyed remarkable success early on, since the servants of the Slave Lords were often lax in their vigilance and sloppy in their efforts to prevent loss of the “merchandise.” After one too many shipments never made its destination, the humanoids stepped up their security and the normal channels of escape from Highport closed to Mikaro and his team. He cannot risk exposure by smuggling the freed slaves through the gates as merchandise any longer, since shipments of goods are now regularly stopped and checked. No longer able to free the slaves in that manner, Mikaro began hiding his charges in an abandoned villa in a particularly rundown part of the town. Although they are safe for the moment, their numbers have grown unmanageable, and the priest fears it is only a matter of time before someone slips up and brings slavers to their doorstep. Ever more desperate to find a new means of escape from Highport, Mikaro has started work on a plan that is both daring and dangerous. He intends to use a series of old sewers coupled with natural caverns running beneath the town as an escape route to the sea beyond the walls. But he needs someone to clear out the creatures and pitfalls he knows lie within. Pgs. 2-27

Cover of DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

Operating as secret agents for the Lords of Waterdeep, a promising lead takes you deep into the world of the Xanathar, but what will it take for you to return?

Cover of Tammeraut's Fate
Tammeraut's Fate
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–10
31 pages

Ten years ago, zombies arose from the foamy sea to take vengeance against the inhabitants of Firewatch Island. Now, they have risen again, just in time to welcome the visiting player characters! Will your heroes manage to escape the island with their lives (to say nothing of their delicious brains)? The PCs have to clear the island and learn its secrets, then defend it against an undead attack and then travel to the bottom of the ocean to seal Dagon's Maw! Pgs. 19-50 Updated to 5th Edition in Ghosts of Saltmarsh

Cover of The Submerged Cavern
The Submerged Cavern
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
7 pages

In a cavern lying beneath the surface of the ocean is a series of trials awaiting any heroes who think they are worthy. Come meet the ancient tortoise who wants nothing other than to try out his riddles, partake in the bullywug tournament with such exciting events as Wig-Wag-Woe, and face down the wrath of a mindflayer. Contains multiple uniques puzzles and riddles to give your players a challenge beyond combat.

Cover of The Submerged Spire of Sarpedon the Shaper
The Submerged Spire of Sarpedon the Shaper
Levels 3–6
33 pages

The Submerged Spire of Sarpedon the Shaper lies to the west of the Isle of the Dismemberer. On the northwestern shore of this island, crumbling steps spill from the shore directly into the sea. There, a seaweed choked stone path can be glimpsed winding down into the depths. At low tide, a quarter mile along the path, a lone onion dome may be seen poking through the waves. In the twilight of the sorcerer lords, The Submerged Spire was the jewel of the Shattered Isles. Within his submarine redoubt, Sarpedon penetrated ever deeper into the organic mysteries. Now, its for- lorn dome the roost of seagulls, its secrets slumber beneath the waves.

Cover of X7 The War Rafts of Kron
X7 The War Rafts of Kron
Levels 9–12
32 pages

The lerendi princess, Corinna, has disappeared. She set sail aboard a ship of the Minrothad Guilds - the guilds whose ships have been pirated and plundered for many weeks. Trade is horribly disrupted as many ships leave, never to be seen again. The guild masters now call for adventurers of great skill and renown. They offer small fortunes to any who can help them discover who is pirating their ships. But most importantly, to any who can rescue the princess. Can you and your party of adventurers defeat the dangers that lurk in the dark depths of a terrifying sea? Or will you find a watery grave within the cold confines of a murky sea floor? This game adventure contains special rules for underwater adventuring. TSR 9079

Cover of FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu
FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu
Levels 4–6
15 pages

Tillius Morganstein aka the Mad Mage has selected your group to investigate an ancient temple hidden below the peaceful waters of Lake Springwood. The wizard is too old to investigate the area himself and has enlisted your help. While he has studied the ancient texts dedicated to "Bulu" he cannot define what dangers may lurk or what treasures may await those brave enough to delve into the submerged halls but surely the rewards will be great!

Cover of Seers of the Drowned City
Seers of the Drowned City
Level 6
64 pages

With the dawning of the Age of Lost Omens, a supernatural hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego brought ruin to the nation of Lirgen. Today, what was once a powerful nation exists as a flooded swampland, its fallen cities immersed under the endless flood of a perpetual storm. In Hyrantam, the ruined capital of Lirgen, a few stubborn survivors have managed to eke out a living for themselves, but now, strange new patterns in the storm that constantly looms on the horizon have swept local predators into violent frenzies. Worse, a new sect of strange seers known as the Stormreaders has come to the area, and its demands on the people of Hyrantam have grown increasingly dire. What link might the Stormreaders have to these new squalls, and what vile plots might they be hatching from their new seat of power deep in the drowned city’s ruins? Seers of the Drowned City is an adventure for 6th-level characters and features a poster map of the ruins of Hyrantam. The author of this adventure, Nicholas Wasko, was the Season 9 winner of the RPG Superstar contest, in which hundreds of unpublished authors compete for the chance to write a Pathfinder Module. In addition, this book contains a host of new monsters and magic items designed by the contest’s talented runners-up. Seers of the Drowned City is designed for four characters and uses the medium XP track. The characters will reach 8th level by the end of the adventure.

Cover of Die Vecna Die
Die Vecna Die
Levels 10–13
160 pages

The End of the World Is at Hand! A hideous death cult has seized control of an ancient artifact-monument known as Tovag Baragu. The power behind the cult is the Old One himself, Iuz the Evil, demonic master of an empire. He's on an all-or-nothing quest for supremacy over the world—and the heavens beyond. To stop him, heroes must face horrors never dreamed of, journeying to a shadowed city where Death rules and the living cower. Here, Iuz will achieve his mad dream by destroying the imprisoned master of that alien citadel: Vecna, the mightiest lich, an immortal demigod. Two items exist with the power to stop Iuz—the Eye and the Hand of Vecna—but using them carries fantastic risks. Not even the gods know what will be unleashed when these items are fully activated. Die Vecna Die! takes the heroes from the Greyhawk campaign to the demiplane of Ravenloft and then to the Planescape city of Sigil. However, none of the material from those settings is required for play. TSR 11662

Cover of FVC6 - Inquiry into the Wildlands
FVC6 - Inquiry into the Wildlands
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
62 pages

The land of Felora is a stable pedocracy off the Feso Seaway. Generally considered a safe place to live because of a low humanoid population and a large defensive wall that rings the country. The same cannot be said for the area to the west known as the Wildlands. Once a thriving human land the area was taken over in humanoid raids a century and a half ago. With the aggressions against the wall lessening the Council of Wisdom is organizing groups to go in and explore the land for possible "taming". Potential explorers will be paired off with non-combatant survey teams. Are you new adventurers ready for a job? Played at Epic Nerd Camp '17!

Cover of Trail of the Hungering Dead
Trail of the Hungering Dead
5th Edition
Levels 13–16
16 pages

Do you want your players to feel like they are in a zombie movie, struggling against a deadly horde that tries to surround them, overpower them, and bear them down to the ground to be devoured? This is an adventure that can threaten even the stoutest of characters, and is not recommended for parties of levels 12 or below unless they are larger than normal. This module is designed to take 4-8 hours of play and cover a single day, depending on the party’s speed of play and how thoroughly they decide to explore. It includes suggestions and some plot hooks that can be used to tie this easily into a variety of long-running campaigns, or it can be run as an indepdent adventure. The players will come upon a sacked town, figure out what happened, track an item whose theft has ominious implications for the region, and explore a partly-flooded old temple to end the threat. It's primarily combat-focused, but there are a few areas where exploration and route choice makes a difference, as well as traps if the party goes for the optional temple treasury. The antagonists in this module are mostly ghasts and ghouls, but the module title and cover page are deliberately selected to not spoil this. These are greater ghouls and ghasts that can challenge higher-level characters, backed up by mobs of lesser ghouls that can surround, paralyze, and devour the weak and unlucky, led by a Warlord whose aura can drive even the stout-hearted into forgetting their plans in a moment of madness.

Greger's Grotto
5th Edition
Level 1
52 pages

Greger’s Grotto is a community of pirates and other criminals, hidden away on a desolate coastline. The players are slaves sold to the Grotto’s owning family and used for manual labour and bloodsport in the arena. In this adventure, the players will need to: * survive harsh prison conditions, including the rivalry between prisoner factions: human, orc, goblin and hobgoblin * fight in arena battles against prisoners and beasts, often with strange twists to entertain the crowd * explore small mini-dungeons attached to the prisoners’ caverns * ultimately escape; whether by force, alliance with fellow prisoners, stealth, cunning or any combination of these Features of this adventure: * Pay-what-you-want (even nothing). * Illustrated with art by Setvasai. * Designed to fit into most campaign worlds. * Simulationist or story-driven: includes information for both. Use random rolls to determine what happens when, or take inspiration from various story hooks. (Or do both.) * 11 unique NPCs, including members of the Grotto’s owning family and leader of the prisoner factions. * Full maps of the Grotto, its arena and prisoner caverns, totalling over 40 rooms.

Cover of The God In The Lake
The God In The Lake
3.5 Edition
Low Level
4 pages

The sleepy village of Raven's Lake has a secret: A terrible god lives in the depths of the settlement's namesake. The citizens of Raven's Lake know that something lives in the lake. People who go out on the lake after dark go missing far too often and frequently turn up weeks later with no memory of where they've been. The local church of St. Cuthbert has been abandoned no fewer than seven times in the last two years, each time its lone cleric packing hastily and fleeing town without a word. Adventurers who come to Raven's Lake have a habit of vanishing forever. The truth is that something does indeed live in Raven's Lake but it is far from a deity. It's an exiled aboleth by the name of Zlorthishen.

Cover of RA2 Ship of Horror
RA2 Ship of Horror
Levels 8–10
63 pages

Horrible hauntings, cruel curses, dark secrets...this is no pleasure cruise! The mists of Ravenloft know no boundaries and observe no rules. One way or another, they always get what they want - this time with some help from a cursed captain and his ship. Player characters boarding an innocent-looking ship will soon find themselves aboard a haunted vessel, destined for an island inhabited by a new form of undead creatures. But that's not the end of the horror - an evil necromancer lies at the root of the evil on the island. The battle isn't over until he's been defeated! Ship of Horror is an adventure set in Ravenloft with two beginnings: one for PCs already in Ravenloft, and one for DMs looking for a way to push his PCs into Ravenloft from other worlds. The adventure includes three new monsters, new spells, and several handouts ready for distribution to players. Ship of Horror is an adventure for four to six players of levels 8-10 looking for grisly chills and thrills! TSR 9321