A community for lazy dungeon masters
783 adventures found
Cover of The Carver's Cave
The Carver's Cave
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
14 pages

While searching for a series of missing people in the Galago Hills, the party comes across a cave decorated with disturbingly life-like statues. What lurks in the cave isn’t anything as simple as a monstrous basilisk, however. After all, what evil could possibly be as dark and dangerous as that which lurks in the heart of mortal men?

Cover of OP14 - Mission from Mars
OP14 - Mission from Mars
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

An older man named Mars Barz approaches you and your associate as you wander the small town of Senja. He is a local alchemist and purveyor of elixirs and has a delivery mission he needs fulfilled. You’ve got time to kill…why not!

Cover of FA2 - Springwood Forest
FA2 - Springwood Forest
Levels 3–5
11 pages

Rumor has it that an evil temple resides in the forest as well as a mad mage who may or may not consume children. While these rumors abound speculation of the existence of such is frequently countered with the tenacity of the elves watching over the forest and how it would be unthinkable for them to allow such issues to occur. Note: This seems an incomplete adventure. While the evil temple is mentioned, there are no maps for it. Also the mad mage is given back ground, there are not stats for an encounter.

Cover of FP4 - Butchery of the Geldamore
FP4 - Butchery of the Geldamore
Levels 3–6
18 pages

There your party is, having a few pints at the local tavern, minding your own business.....suddenly a fight breaks out! As you enjoy watching someone else take a beating for once, the town guards break in and stop the fight. A shriek and an old woman pointing her finger at one of the members of your party saying they have murdered the bar owner and now they are in custody. Can the other members of the party figure out the mystery and spring your cohort?

Cover of C17 - 1 - Rituals
C17 - 1 - Rituals
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
32 pages

You and your cohorts have their first adventure under their belts and are now recognized heroes of the realm! You plan on building your reputations but one of your henchmen has promised his love that he would marry her. You and your group are happy to attend and quickly discover that danger lurks everywhere as bandits crash the celebration.

Cover of The Staff and the Secret Shrine
The Staff and the Secret Shrine
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

A Scarred Lands Adventure. Maghiel has learned the location of the staff of Zuvys and has devised a way to use its power to aid her in summoning some strange fiends known as the “Mouths of Vangal”. What purpose she has in mind, what part this plays in her plan, only she can say. She has sent her henchman, a twisted wizard named Anuzor Okalis, to fetch the staff of Zuvys by whatever means necessary. Anuzor has used his magic to charm, disable, or destroy the Order of Silver guardians, and has penetrated the inner sanctum of the shrine. A Vengeance of the Shunned Side Quest The Staff and the Secret Shrine is a side quest that can be played standalone or used with the Vengeance of the Shunned campaign. Over 20 community content creators have banded together to bring a full-length campaign to the Slarecian Vault! Vengeance of the Shunned takes your adventurers across Ghelspad on a quest to end the greatest threat to the world since the Titanswar! This campaign offers adventures from levels 1-15, and will be releasing new content weekly ALL SUMMER LONG! Vengeance of the Shunned continues with A Titanic Feast by Jeremy Hochhalter! Published by Onyx Path Publishing

Cover of The Burning Goblins
The Burning Goblins
5th Edition
Level 1
61 pages

The quiet village of Greenfork is in a state of uproar, scarred twisted looking goblins raided the village during the night and kidnapped the miller’s daughter. The Mayor has put out a call for adventurers to bring the girl back safely and end the goblins threat once and for all. This adventure starts just outside the village of Greenfork and thrusts players straight into the action. This book contains a full length tabletop roleplaying fantasy adventure: Advancing players from one to three. Sixteen monsters and characters. New Games Masters advice and guides. A fantastic first adventure for new players, but more importantly this adventure was designed with first time Games Masters in mind, giving you as many tools as possible to help run the game. Published by Blue Sword Games

Cover of NC7 - Giant Foothold
NC7 - Giant Foothold
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
25 pages

The bustling metropolis of Saydown City is the largest settlement in the Denali land and home to the current ruler King Pellet. As your party reaches the watery entrance a huge iron statue guards the docks. Upon closer inspection you notice that the item is actually a golem. After continued investigation you discover that the ‘heart’ of the creature has been stolen and you accept the job to uncover the loss!

Cover of FVC5 - Emancipation of Clauslandia
FVC5 - Emancipation of Clauslandia
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Emancipation of Clauslandia is an adventure that has your young party meet with several northern lords for a few missions. One of these missions is the retrieval of some holly for the druid Thane Xmas. He will send the party to meet with the Elf lord Nicolanclauthus to procure this item. Unfortunately all is not well in Clauslandia where the Elf lord has been captured! Can your party free Nicolanclauthus and gain the holly needed for a good payday?

Cover of Plague of Paucity
Plague of Paucity
Level 2
35 pages

The mountainous lands of the Last Kingdom have long been home to dangerous oni and their foul servitors and kin, but the unification of the Saigoto under the enlightened rulership of the Five Truths has sent them scurrying back into darkness. For years since, they have kept the land shielded from harm. Yet even the great soldiers garrisoned across the Kingdom’s shores and roads cannot stop dissent from boiling up in the shadows. Not everyone embraces the edicts of the land—and while patient teachers, even the Five Truths have their limits. As growing numbers of lastfolk begin to question the traditions of the Last Kingdom, forces far more sinister, preying on the curiosities of mortals, have begun to emerge into the light... Can the PCs discover and end a treacherous plot that threatens to destroy the relative peace of the Last Kingdom?

Cover of Greenhouse of Nightmares
Greenhouse of Nightmares
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
32 pages

The natural world is dying and Thymia Scarletscale has had enough. It's time to destroy civilization and pluck the humanoid parasites from the face of this world. And honestly, is she wrong? Will the players succeed in infiltrating Thymia's lair The Verdant Phronstistery and bring an end to her schemes? Or will Thymia & her team of yuan-ti research assistants create an army of monstrous insects to wipe humanoids from the face of the world? Greenhouse of Nightmares is the first installment in Pretty Little Liches: a trilogy of adventures centered around three unique liches and their lairs designed for high-level play. These three lairs and the surrounding regions can be run independently as individual adventures or tied together into a mini-campaign that centers on the destruction of the Green Hand, an organization of dangerous liches. A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 4 (level 17-20) characters. This adventure includes: 6 Random Encounters for a Deadly Swamp, Battle Tactics for a 3-Stage Boss Fight, a CR 26 Medusa Lich with New Legendary Actions, 7 New Monsters, & 2 New Magic Items!

Cover of CCC-SFBAY-04-03 The Ashen Scar
CCC-SFBAY-04-03 The Ashen Scar
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

The fey hold sway over the forests of Cormanthor. Their presence has kept the goblinoids disorganized and warring amongst themselves. Now, a deadly enemy of the woods has laid claim to a Feywild glade. This foe is slaughtering the forest defenders and rallying goblinoid tribes in the name of vengeance. Can you stop them in time? The Ashen Scar premiered at Kublacon 2018. A D&D Adventurers League two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
Medium Level
16 pages

This setting was used in the F series and was used as an area for multiple adventure opportunities as a separate crossing of the Border Mountains. This mountain area has several travel sections to get from the civilized area to the frontier. With a multitude of side adventures this area helps mid-level adventurers increase their experience point base. In the Filbar campaign it was commonly used to get from Havendale to Arcanum College and Cordicstown.

The Second Black Dawn
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
55 pages

Hi! I am pleased to present the official English-language release of the Italian best-selling adventure: La Seconda Alba Nera – The Second Black Dawn! If anyone is looking for a good starter adventure for 5th edition but wants something a bit grittier and darker may I recommend it. The Second Black Dawn is coming ... The king is missing. Hordes of undead spread across the kingdom like a plague. Outlaws attack and pillage defenseless villages. A party of adventurers is called upon to explore the region and investigate the mysterious disappearance of the king. Main Features: - A compelling, dark adventure estimated to last over 30 hours of gameplay and bring the characters from 1st to 5th level. - Five new monsters and one new weapon - Random encounters designed specifically to integrate with the tone of the adventure. - A list of music suitable for use as a soundtrack to accompany the adventure, to engage the players and emphasize the adventure's atmosphere. - Four pre-generated characters usable for the adventure. - Hypertext links in both the index and the text and bookmarks included. - An optimized PDF also available in a printer-friendly version. Find out what is bringing the kingdom to its knees... before it’s too late! Thanks to Marco Fossati for the translation and Simon Collins for the English-language editing. Any questions, please ask!

Cover of FQ13 - Future Past
FQ13 - Future Past
High Level
19 pages

In FQ13 – Future Past our brave adventurers are summoned by the Duke of Bast to the capital city. You quickly learn that your exploits have earned you a celebration in Bast and are to be honored by all! Prior to the festivities, the duke’s advisor Thril Galia requests to meet you and makes a unique proposal and shows you an arcane piece of the historic book…what have you gotten yourselves into now?

Cover of B12 - Queen's Harvest
B12 - Queen's Harvest
Levels 1–2
36 pages

The wizard Kavorquian is dead. But certain items belonging to his adopted son were in the wizard's keeping at the time of his demise. Now someone must venture into the silent vaults of Kavorquian's stronghold and recover the missing property. Queen's Harvest picks up its story where B11, King's Festival, left off. It can be played as a sequel to that adventure or as a complete adventure in itself. It is tailored for beginning Dungeon Masters and players and contains helpful hints on adventuring and the land of Karameikos. The story develops simply, but ultimately leads the player characters into the nether reaches of Penhaligon's politics to confront Ilyana Penhaligon, mad pretender to the throne! TSR 9261

Cover of The Sword of Roele
The Sword of Roele
Levels 5–8
64 pages

On the border between Anuire and the land of the Khinasi, the Three Brother Mages fight an ancient and immortal awnshegh, the Chimera. The game of cat and mouse has recently begun to draw regents from the entire region. Rumors say that the blade of the last Anuirean emperor, the Sword of Roele, has been tracked to the Chimera's domain, the Chimaeron. The fact that the Gorgon's armies are mustering in Kiergard seems to support the rumor. But choosing sides between the Chimera and the Three Brothers is not easy matter. If the chimera drives the Brothers out, the trade routes through the Chimaeron may be sealed, leaving the seas free for the Khinasi to monopolize trade. If the Brothers drive the Chimera from the magical sources that give her strength, they may establish a beachhead for the Khinasi traders, who are slowly gobbling up the lands of Anuire just as their own lands were once annexed by the empire long ago. Who will you and your comrades ally yourselves with? Who is the true enemy? Can you recover the Sword of Roele before anyone else does, and lay claim to the Iron Throne? This Birthright adventure is suitable for use with any party of three to six characters of levels 5-8, including at least one regent. You must have a copy of the AD&D game rules, the Birthright campaign setting, and the Cities of the Sun campaign expansion to play. TSR 3118

Cover of FA7 - North Sordack Valley
FA7 - North Sordack Valley
Levels 4–7
29 pages

North Sordack Valley is set northeast of Commerstance and was originally slated for the Filbar Dual series but the players didn’t go in that direction. This area is filled with individual challenges synonymous with the Filbar Area series. This ‘sandbox’ style adventure has multiple different encounters can be used in a variety of ways. The general setting allows you to customize it for your own campaign! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Dual Campaign for various level groups of adventurers. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for several one shot adventures or a continuing campaign setting! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for extra information.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #23: Tide of Morning
Pathfinder Society Scenario #23: Tide of Morning
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
17 pages

Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks sends you to convince an Andoren druid named Hemzel to allow the Pathfinder Society to study his recently discovered lorestone, a minor magical item that unlocks some of the mysteries of the ancient Andoren druid circles. When you arrive and find Hemzel murdered and the lorestone missing, you must race against time to recover the lorestone and stop Hemzel's murderers from using it against the druids of Andoran.

Cover of Castles & Crusades I3 Dogs of War: Felsentheim
Castles & Crusades I3 Dogs of War: Felsentheim
Levels 3–5
24 pages

Shall you claim the glory of heroes, or accept your doom? You have raised the ire of the goblin warlord, and now you flee his kingdom with war parties hot on your trail. You must reach the borderland town of Felsentheim, for if you do not, no alarm will sound to hearken the coming of the Dogs of War and your bodies will lie in the forest grass, forgotten by all but the worms! Shall you claim the glory of heroes and warn the people or accept your doom and suffer death in the Treklant? Enter again the World of Inzae, where all things slip into the Maelstrom, and from hence true heroes are born.