A Deadly Curse is Spreading! Morrick Mansion and the surrounding vineyards were deserted years ago when a terrible curse twisted every living thing on the property into a mockery of its prior form. Once whispered about and avoided, fear now grips the land. The curse spreads and someone needs to stop it. Can you find its source and cure it forever, or will the very curse you are investigating touch you with madness? Hatred, Death, and Danger! Morrick Mansion challenges adventurers to battle strange, mutant creatures in an effort to solve a mystery and stop an insidious curse. Do your players dare enter the mysterious mansion and can they survive long enough to discover the source of the curse?
A Maze of Tragedy and Mystery. While investigating a mysteriously abandoned mansion, the adventurers stumble into a tangled web of kidnapping, theft and murder. From a mansion with a deadly secret to the blood-stained waves of the high seas and an ancient, cursed citadel, the adventurers face a succession of deadlier and deadlier foes, with the rescue of innocents and the recovery of fabulous treasure as their ultimate rewards. A Family Affair includes a fully-developed town setting, numerous unique NPCs and a wide range of challenging opponents.
"Proudfoot’s Trials“ is a D&D5e one shot adventure for 3 to 6 players on level 1-3. The playing time is about 3-6 hours. It is an adventure for beginners, so it contains a few tips for the DM on how to handle various situations. The adventure also offers: - Social interaction - Wilderness challenge - Combat encounters - Traps - Riddles - Adjustment suggestions for higher levels - Sketches - City map "Proudfoot’s Trials“ can also be adapted into an established group and campaign. It provides a varied, but not too complicated plot and can be used to create an enjoyable evening for your group.
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house...Hey folks here is our holiday special (free) scenario. It appears that a local gift giver has had his magical sleigh taken by some drunken Elves in his employ. Their associates have requested you retrieve the item before the owner discovers it is missing! This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition AND AD&D for the Filbar Campaign, for a quartet of 2nd level character. This one page-ish offering was designed for our friends at Murder Hobo Inc (@mhoboinc).
Your party has finally made it to Queen’s Point only to discover that the military was already aware of the approaching humanoid army and dealt with them. After a rest and training period in the large city you now have to decide what to do next. The large seaport has plenty of options but a curious problem has been brought to your attention. A large giant north and west of the city is harassing the shipping lanes with random boulder tossing. Word has it that a nice reward is available to anyone able to solve this problem. Did I mention a Medusa also has a proposition for the party?
Inside the woods near Burke's Crossing lurks a very real danger. It began as a sense of unease, a feeling of being watched, but now people are disappearing. The lumberjacks who have stayed in the little village talk of ghosts and other superstitions. Or at least they did - until a mysterious statue appeared in a clearing near the logging camp. As if matters weren't strange enough, two mages have arrived and begun hiring armed guards to escort them into these very same woods. Is there a connection, or is it just coincidence? Either way, be prepared! You never know what's out there waiting... and watching. "Eye of Pain" is the first of three Monstrous Arcana adventures featuring the cunning and deadly beholder. If can be played as an individual adventure or as part of the series which continue in "Eye of Doom" and concludes in "Eye to Eye." For four to six characters of levels 4-8.
Everything would be fine if the person you're trying to help wasn't already dead. The requirements of honor reach even beyond the grave. A spirit asks the party to help grant it passage to the afterlife.
Despite the bitter cold that reigns here nine months of the year, the Timberway Forest has long been a source of prosperity for civilized folk who live nearby. Many trappers and hunters spend the better part of the year within its borders, stockpiling furs and meat to trade in the frontier towns to the south, where they spend their winters. Most feel that the value of these commodities makes braving the Timberway Forest worth the risk. Recently, though, a small group of trappers and hunters has awakened a terrible new menace in the forest. Based in a remote hunter's abode called the Bluerock Lodge, they hunted the animals of the woods more out of a deep-seated desire to be cruel than a need to feed themselves. In particular, they focused their hateful attention on the local Timberway lion population. Timberway lions are rather small (more like leopards), but they are known for being lithe and wary. Still, the trappers had the advantage of intelligence and tools, and before long they had slaughtered the entire pride save for its leader. As the winter worsened and game grew ever more scarce, this last surviving lion began to starve. At that point, the darker forces of nature took notice, and the Timberway Forest gained a predator like no other. Frozen Whispers is a short D&D adventure for four 3rd-level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set mostly in and near a remote hunter’s lodge in a snowy forest. The scenario can be placed in any cold area of your campaign world that features a remote tract of woodland—a copse of trees near the arctic circle, a swath of taiga near the treeline on a high mountainside, or even a normally temperate forest caught in the grip of an unnaturally snowy winter. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.
After handling a bit of diplomacy for the York Republic, the ruling council has asked for more assistance from you. Years before the western edge was not where it is now. A series to protective towers stretched out securing the land. Unfortunately for the country, those towers were taken by Giants of the region and pushed the York-ians to their current border. The council feels that your party is strong enough to go scout out the area and see if the land can be retaken. This adventure setting was designed for both 5th Edition rules AND 1st/2nd Edition D&D for the Filbar Campaign for six, sixth level adventurers and DM. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for a one shot adventure or a continuing campaign.
5e Solo Gamebooks presents Citadel of the Raven, the third in our series of solo adventures. Citadel of the Raven is the sequel to Tyrant of Zhentil Keep, but is also playable as a standalone solo adventure. The first solo adventure in this series is titled The Death Knight’s Squire. At 589 entries, you can expect a lot of variety from this solo quest. There are several main paths your character could take, and numerous encounters and options on those paths (including short sub-threads designed for specific classes), making the number of possible adventures practically endless. Add to that the characteristics of your class, and the numerous variegated combat encounters, and it’s safe to say that no two run-throughs of Citadel of the Raven will be the same.
This adventure takes the heroes to the Nightmare Lands in search of an item that can destroy night terror, Mandalain. This item, called the rose of midnight, is the night terror's one true weakness and the means for ending the curse hanging over the Clinic for the Mentally Distressed. Adventure IV: The Rose of Midnight From Book Three: Nightmare Lands: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124
This scenario was originally written for use as a competition event at Games Day 1987. We have published the adventure so that you will be able to reproduce the competition. The scenario also serves as an introduction to the forthcoming supplement detailing the land of Lustria. (see WFRP World Map, p272). At Games Day the party had to play the part of a small band of pygmies, and we have included details of this party so that you can use them too. You should carefully read the notes on Witchdoctors, Ancestor Spirits and the spell Control Spirits before starting play. If a conventional party is used here there is a significant chance that players will lose favourite characters. Much of the scenario is geared towards pygmies, (some tunnel heights, the presence of pygmy ancestors and so on), and a party without access to pygmy-magic may find some areas extremely difficult. Pgs. 11-27 Published by Games Workshop
The final adventure (maybe) in the Provincia series is Dungeons of Harvick. Deep below the ruins of the once great city lie twisting tunnels and rooms filled with danger. While clearing the ruins above was no easy feat, clearing out the winding corridors below will challenge even the most courageous of delvers. Do your players have what it takes to eliminate the danger of the depths?
"The Spectre of Sanguine Isle" is an adventure included in the product "Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps". It's an adventure that features traps from the document. The isolated town of Cupidinum has been shaken by a senseless murder. The culprit has fled to Sanguine Isle, and it's up to the heroes to find him and bring him to justice. But the fugitive doesn't want to be caught, and he knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare. Can the heroes catch their elusive prey? And was his crime quite as straight-forward as it was made out to be?
Long unoccupied, the pyramid on Sorcerer’s Isle now flows with strange magical energy, warping creatures and the landscape around it. The Cult of the Dragon and Red Wizards of Thay have taken notice, and it’s up to you to keep whatever power dwells there out of their hands. An adventure for 5th-10th level characters.
Who ever heard of a civilized gnoll? Stories of a secluded valley full of peaceful gnolls have been swirling for years, the occasional nonviolent encounters dismissed as tall tales or unique oddities. Now you are about to discover these gnolls for yourself. The rumors are true...but the full truth is a secret more terrible than anyone knew. A sect of the tribe maintain the magical peace by a terrible ritual sacrifice--not of blood, but of memory. The gnolls who undergo it become Forgotten, losing their identity and becoming a stranger to the clan who once knew and loved them. What is the truth behind the valley's protection? Will the gnolls be allowed to continue living in peace? Or will their only hope become Forgotten?
This module contain three handy encounters for the time your players have to face a mighty river. The encounters are varied and can be faced with violence or wits, wathever you players choose to. The encounters leads from one to the other so you can run the three in the same session if you are lucky or you can save some for another river. The encounters are adjusted for characters level 1, level 3 or level 6. "You reach the bank of the river but the bridge is not there, your calculations were a little of. The river runs strong and wildly. What do you do?" -------------------------------------------- Este módulo contiene tres útiles encuentros para cuando tus jugadores se encuentren con un poderoso río. Los encuentros son variados y pueden ser enfrentados con violencia o con ingenio, lo que tus jugadores prefieran. Los encuentros pueden encadenarse uno tras el otro así que puedes tener la posibilidad de utilizar lo tres en la misma sesión o guardar alguno para algún otro río. Los encuentros están ajustados para jugadores de niveles 1, nivel 3 o nivel 6. "Leegan a la rivera y el puente que estaban esperando encontrar no está allí. Sus calculos fueron erroneos. El rio corre rapido y salvaje. ¿Que hacen?"
When devils slay the knightly leader of Arwyll Stead and orcs from the Hell's Fury tribe attack the town, all hope seems lost for the brave people living on Lastwall's border. The coincidental arrival of the mysterious half-orc Vegazi also raises unsettling questions, and it's up to the heroes to make sense of these events and end the Hell's Fury tribe's threat to Arwyll Stead once and for all. What does Vegazi have to do with the raiders' diabolical plot? Who will rally Arwyll Stead now that the town's icon has been cut down? And who is the mastermind orchestrating the orc tribe's alliance with devils from beyond?
Riddled with veins of precious ore and gem, the Earthspur Mountains to the west have long been a valuable resource for anyone able to mine them. One such mine has gone silent and the only thing more concerning than its long overdue shipment is the fate of the members of the Soldiery sent to discover what has happened to the mine’s workers. Though the mine lay in a region of the Mountains once claimed by a clan of reclusive dwarves, the Ludwakazar clan wouldn’t be so bold as to violate their long-standing peace with Mulmaster. Or would they?
When the players get teleported to the plane of the Beastlands, they meet with an intelligent petitioner in the form of a Dog named Reith. Eventually Reith will lead the players to a human; an eagle winged boy by the name of Addler. Addler already knows a way out of the Beastlands, but doesn’t want the players to know because the key is his body and if the petitioners knew he could leave, they wouldn’t like him anymore. Not being the best at planning, he’ll be coerced into giving the players a map to the petitioner that helped him find the portal (A snake named Siy). After passing through some small adventures in the beastlands, the players will meet with Siy and learn about Addlers portal. From here, the players will travel back to Addler and confront him.