A community for lazy dungeon masters
956 adventures found
Cover of Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers
Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers
5th Edition
Level 8
21 pages

Beneath the blood moon, a dark monastery appears for one night atop a high plateau. Inside its walls, the mighty black lotus flower reaches its full bloom. Can the characters steal inside the monastery, defeat its sorcerous guardians, and claim the blossom before the sun rises? Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers is a fiendish sword-and-sorcery adventure and includes: -An extra-planar monastery brooding beneath the blood moon -Sorcerer-monks who move like smoke and strike with fire and blade -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Bridge of Fallen Men
Bridge of Fallen Men
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
52 pages

Nightmares that kill, a mysterious thief that only steals knick-knacks, tales of a huge beast terrorising fisherfolk, an inn with disappearing guests, discoveries of hidden magic portals and rumours of an assassin at large: None of these things are enough to stop the ever-flowing tide of traders and travellers crossing the Bridge of Fallen Men, but its protectors - Cormyr's Purple Dragons - are short on time, and courage... ...will adventurers answer the call?

Cover of The Known Gnomes
The Known Gnomes
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
13 pages

The Known Gnomes are a Gnomish adventuring party who must use their size to save Lady Kaja Foss from a horrible fate. This module is a level 5 primed adventure that requires an entirely Gnomish player character party. Come Gnome it up! This module was inspired by the porter Known Gnome by Off Color brewery located in Chicago, Illinois. 'The Known Gnomes' is meant to be fun and zany module for those looking to crack skulls and be silly. Included in a separate link (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/256719/The-Known-Gnomes-Maps--Extras) are: Maps Keeper Maps (Color & Low-Ink BW) Player Maps (Color & Low-Ink BW) Trap Prop

Cover of CON18 - 10 Stalking Game
CON18 - 10 Stalking Game
5th Edition
Level 3
20 pages

Today's offering was our convention scenario for SkyCon 2018. The scenario was written for younger gamers with some combat challenges along with a lot of roleplaying opportunities. It is easy enough to drop into your own campaign for an entertaining little adventure.

Cover of Formaggio's Font
Formaggio's Font
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
26 pages

Can an ancient, smashed relic be put back together? Your employer thinks it can and sends you to find some of the fragments. A colorful town, detective work, interesting NPCs, a new race, and a challenging trip to the dump await you. The surrounding region inspires additional adventures.

Cover of Dragon of Icespire Peak
Dragon of Icespire Peak
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
64 pages

An adventure included in the Essentials Kit (2019). The party starts in Phandalin, the starting town for the Starter Set (2014) adventure, Lost Mine of Phandlever. Various jobs are posted by Harbin Wester, townmaster, which the PCs can pursue. These jobs culminate in a raid on Icespire Hold, where Cryovain, a young adult white dragon, has recently claimed as its lair.

Cover of Temple of Lies
Temple of Lies
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
15 pages

Unwrap this player-driven winter mystery for four to five characters of 5th level. No more railroads. Every decision matters and changes how the story unfolds. Branching paths, multiple dungeon entrances, and a myriad of potential conclusions—this adventure provides endless fun with rewarding choices and a range of challenges for any character. This product includes: - 4 to 6 hours of play packed into 15 pages - High-resolution VTT maps of the temple - 6 new monsters, including Brain in a Jar and Workshop Devils - 7 stand-out NPCs with clear motivations players will love or love to hate - The perfect adventure for the holiday season, including a Midwinter festival with two classic games reimagined using D&D rules—snowball fight and charades - All magic items and stat blocks detailed in the appendices for easy reference Content Warning: Animal mutation, blood, enslaved devils, undead, torture,

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #97: The Queen of Elfland's Son
Dungeon Crawl Classics #97: The Queen of Elfland's Son
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
20 pages

Strange attacks in the night plague the people of Eng. Slaughter and shadows keep the villagers inside after dark. Mighty adventurers are needed to seek out the source of these threats and stop them for good. This quest will take the heroes to the very borders of Elfland and pit them against the cruelty of the Unseelie Court of Faerie. Will the heroes overcome the machinations of the Queen of Elfland or will they fall victim to the glamours and wiles of Elfland’s malicious nobility?

Cover of The Dread of Dynwel
The Dread of Dynwel
5th Edition
Levels 2–8
241 pages

The Dread of Dynwel is an adventure set in the Forgotten Realms and optimized for 4-5 players. The characters start as a down on their luck but somewhat experienced crew of adventurers with a wanted poster which pays a much-needed gold reward. Soon, events in the Sunset Vale are revealed as more dangerous than they seem, sweeping the characters along with them. From the heights of the Sunset Mountains, the alleyways of Scornubel, and depths of the Reaching Wood: The Dread of Dynwel covers levels 2 through 8 and features material which can be played as a full campaign or dropped into an ongoing one.

Cover of FQ1 - Ruins of Heliopolis
FQ1 - Ruins of Heliopolis
Levels 1–3
21 pages

Your group of fledgling adventurers has come together from their respective backgrounds to seek out their fame and fortune in the wilderness. Upon their initial foray they uncover the lost ruins of a forgotten city. Little do these young adventurers realize that they may come into contact with a page and cover of the relic known as the Codex of Gamber Dauch!

Cover of Ruins of Bonekeep - Level 3: The Wakening Tomb
Ruins of Bonekeep - Level 3: The Wakening Tomb
Levels 5–9
28 pages

The Pathfinders descend deeper into the ruins of Bonekeep, a centuries-old siege fortress. The deeper dungeons hold even deadlier threats, yet even they cannot compare to the terrible revelations of the tower's true purpose.

Cover of Asflag's Unintentional Emporium
Asflag's Unintentional Emporium
Levels 3–7
14 pages

When the wizard's gone, who minds his home? The wizard's gone, and his pets are home alone - but not for long! The wizard, Asflag, has met a horrible fate as a result of a sorcerous accident! Dangerous creatures have since been escaping from his home. The players are hired by the town to stop this danger. Pgs. 8-21

Cover of CM1 Test of the Warlords
CM1 Test of the Warlords
Levels 15–36
32 pages

The king requests your presence in the honorable kingdom of Norwold. If you're worthy, you may be appointed lord of a dominion filled with friendly villages, sturdy fortresses, and raging band of monsters. Raging bands of monsters? Well, yes, and you may have to lead your forces into a war or two. But you'll be ready for the challenge. You'll be ready for treacherous spies who conspire to steal you land. You'll be ready for a foul band of giants that raids your dominions. And you'll be ready for the inevitable clash of empires, the outcome of which may alter the fate of millions. You'll be ready! Won't you? Test of the Warlords includes a complete campaign setting, several new NPCs, and dungeon and wilderness encounters, and guidelines for running a war between empires. TSR 9117

Cover of OA6 Ronin Challenge
OA6 Ronin Challenge
Levels 5–8
96 pages

It begins as a simple martial arts tournament. Sure, your skills are tested and you might even win a trophy - or learn a lesson or two. But it's still just a tournament.... Until someone starts playing for keeps. When a traitor to the empire is revealed, His Excellency calls loyal and heroic citizens to follow the trail of deception. The scale of the treachery is grand - it seems that an entire army has turned its back on its rightful liege! The trail leads through trackless (or seemingly trackless) mountains, into peaceful (or seemingly peaceful) valleys. The emperor has promised great rewards to heroes who can solve his mystery, but as the journey progresses the heroes find their own reasons for continuing. As a sinister suspicion grow in the minds, the adventure reaches its climax in the ruins of an ancient civilization. Finally, our heroes are faced with an ultimate choice - between success and failure, loyalty and betrayal, even good and evil. On their choice rests the future of nations. TSR 9257

Cover of SQ9 - Wizard of Gelga
SQ9 - Wizard of Gelga
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
26 pages

Barbarian forces are handing out trouble to the combined forces of the Inydo Federation and your assistance has been requested! You have been told that the aggressive forces are being bolstered by a rumored, powerful wizard. The general of the military has asked you to skirt around the major engagement areas and attempt to locate and capture/kill the troublesome wizard. A major windfall will be given to the PCs as Xalo Mendas, leader of Helvana is known to add treasure to agreements if handled “effectively”.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #45: Broken Moon (Carrion Crown 3 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #45: Broken Moon (Carrion Crown 3 of 6)
Level 7
96 pages

Part 3 of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path takes the heroes to the infamous Shudderwood in Ustalav. They travel to Ascanor lodge, the only safe place in the woods, to find more information on the necromantic cult The Whispering Way and meet a colorful group of npcs that reside at the lodge. The werewolf packs that live in the woods are on the brink of war as their pack leader has disappeared and as the heroes get involved, strange things start happening within the lodge. Soon all three story lines will intertwine and the heroes are left to piece the puzzle together and follow the trail left by The Whispering Way. It's worth noting that this book does an excellent job at fleshing out the npcs (lodge residents and werewolves) both through stat blocks and background information including history and motivations. This book includes: - “Broken Moon,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 7th-level characters, by Tim Hitchcock - The secrets of the Whispering Way, a notorious cult sworn to the powers of death and undeath, revealed in blasphemous detail, by Adam Daigle - Insights into the savage lives of werewolves, wererats, and other lycanthropes, by Gareth Hanrahan - Laurel Cylphra comes face to face with an ancient mystery in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F. Wesley Schneider - Seven exciting and deadly new monsters, by Tim Hitchcock, Rob McCreary, and Patrick Renie

Cover of The Ooze Chambers of Emirikol
The Ooze Chambers of Emirikol
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
55 pages

The legendary spellcaster Emirikol the Chaotic has turned the region into a wild magic zone, a place where all magic goes awry. The only way to put things back to normal is to retrieve the source of the problem deep inside the Ooze Chambers of Emirikol! This adventure is for 4th level characters and can be run on its own or as part 3 of the Litany of Arrows adventure path. This adventure contains, 2 pages of new magic items, 8 new monsters and NPCs, a full write-up of Bwimb II, the Paraelemental Princess of Ooze, an entity referred to in many D&D products but never fully fleshed out and stats for the 3rd edition iconic heroes Regdar and Mialee, who play a major role in this adventure. It's got over 10 pieces of original art, full color maps, tagged and untagged, and a special handout for the player who obtains the Ooze Fist of Emirikol. This adventure builds on the story begun in the platinum-selling Castle of Corellon and the follow-up, Warpath of Gruumsh.

Cover of Ebonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures
Ebonclad - A Thieves' Guild Setting & Adventures
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
170 pages

Inside Ebonclad you'll find: 170 pages of setting lore and history, accompanied by lavish illustrations and short stories to bring the setting to life. 7 adventures for character levels 1 - 4 GMs can use to introduce new players to the setting, or customize for use in their own campaigns. Tons of character options including new backgrounds, subclasses, feats, equipment, poisons, and spells. Tools for GMs to generate random citizens, valuables they may possess, the contents of their pockets or purses, and ways of determining how connected they are and how they'd react to witnessing crimes. Dozens of new NPCs, from generic stat blocks for thieves in the Ebonclad guild or town guard, to specific characters living in the city. A primer on thievery, for characters who live the life of crime. Over 30 random street encounters with different customization options a GM can use. New urban chase complications specific to the setting. More than a dozen encounter area maps saved as PNG files to print or use online.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–02: The Silver Mount Collection
Levels 3–7
22 pages

The esteemed Blakros family—famous for their museum in Absalom—receives a large shipment of artifacts from Numeria but fears that the ever-vigilant Technic League will attack to reclaim its "stolen" property. When they request the help of Pathfinders to help guard the collection, the PCs discover that the Technic League is the least of their worries. Content in “The Silver Mount Collection” contains faction missions for the Dark Archive.

Cover of CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
41 pages

What links an infamous Zhentarim mercenary with a brilliant but tormented artificer? To find out, the adventurers must break the goblinoid siege of the village of Westfir. After the bizarre goblins are defeated, the Cornflower Hive must be destroyed. Ultimately, what secrets are held in the grain mill by the Westfork river? A D&D Adventurers League four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.