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3364 adventures found
Cover of Figgy Puddin' Steals Christmas PF2
Figgy Puddin' Steals Christmas PF2
Pathfinder 2e
Levels 1–7
22 pages

Figgy Puddin' Steals Christmas is a short adventure for three to six characters, and optimized for 2nd level characters. We also include Scaling Suggestions, allowing you to run this adventure for lower- or higher-level characters. We anticipate a run-time of 2- to 4-hours. There's a bit of roleplay in this adventure, which may extend the playtime. Adventure Background A traveling jester known as Figgy Puddin’ and her Coal Smudge Gang have stolen Christmas presents and now hold them for ransom. While safe and secure in her lair, she awaits either a payment of an outrageous ransom, or a crew of heroes to claim the presents after they navigate her not-so-festive lair. What's the Adventure? After you introduce the hook, the adventure occurs in Figgy Puddin's lair - a refurbished kobold bunker consisting of eight rooms. As the characters explore the linear dungeon, they encounter new creatures, complete challenges, and are tested about their Christmas knowledge. However, the final confrontation with the naughty Figgy Puddin' could make for a very Unhappy and Unmerry Christmas for our heroes, the children of Thistleton, and their parents. Who Is Figgy Puddin’? Figgy Puddin’ was once a happy jester who loved Christmas. For years she traveled the realm, bringing fun and festive cheer to villages and children while preparing the way for Santa. However, times have become tough, and entertainment doesn’t always pay as well as one would like. As Figgy prepares for retirement, she’s learned she doesn’t have enough gold to last. During this time, she’s also decided that Santa doesn’t know who she is, let alone appreciate the work she puts in every year. Using her savings, extortion, blackmail, and other nefarious means, she’s convinced several mechanical geniuses and arcane specialists to help her refurbish her underground bunker with wondrous effects, creatures, and tests. To fund her retirement, she’s taken extreme measures to make some quick gold — holding Christmas presents for ransom.

Cover of Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
5th Edition
Level 2
26 pages

The town of Oallhelm is small and remote – for years they’ve been prosperous, peaceful, and self-sufficient. That's why it was such a surprise when the hobgoblin Thetch Blindeye led a war band of goblins into town and started terrorizing Oallhelm’s citizens! The PCs are on the outskirts of Oallhelm when they learn town square is overrun with the invaders – the goblins are now feasting in the streets, starting fires, setting traps, and terrorizing anyone left behind. They must drive out these mischief makers to save the town!

Cover of AT1.5 Storm Seasons
AT1.5 Storm Seasons
Levels 5–7
3 pages

Everyone comes to Taux for a reason, and yet they come. A few will brave the Ebon Swamp, but most come via ship, which is the method the party now employs. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strom is brewing, one with untold magical energy that can bend the very fabric of space and time. If they are lucky they will have a story to be told beyond imagination. If they aren't, they will become the fodder of sea-faring legend, just another lost ship that never made it into the sheltered bay of Taux. This mini-adventure sets up the events of Folio #11 (AT1 The Subtle Revenant) This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown (Hell's Vengeance 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown (Hell's Vengeance 6 of 6)
Level 15
96 pages

Cheliax's largest city, Westcrown, has fallen to the Glorious Reclamation, and the evil adventurers are sent to reclaim the metropolis in the name of House Thrune. Armed with the legendary weapon they created from a gold dragon's head, the nefarious characters confront the Glorious Reclamation's forces and break its siege of a nearby Hellknight citadel. Once the army is defeated, the villains enter Westcrown, where they must undermine the chivalrous knights' rule of the city. Finally, they face the founder and Lord Marshal of the Glorious Reclamation to end the rebellion and restore the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune's rule over the empire of Cheliax.

Cover of The Halls of Beoll-Dur
The Halls of Beoll-Dur
Level 8
17 pages

Built into what was thought to be an inactive volcano, the Halls of Beoll-Dur were created as an isolated training ground for dwarven clerics. However, upon their mountain shaking itself awake the dwarves discovered that they shared the mountain with something far more sinister. Few escaped to tell of the massacre as an horde of salamanders rising from the fiery depths, claiming the halls for their king. Now the temple sits desecrated, waiting for the day that hero's will purify it of the evils within. Pgs. M1-M16

Cover of Ghastly Grins
Ghastly Grins
5th Edition
Levels 13–15
7 pages

A city deep in the woods is plagued by a series of beheadings of the leadership. A twisted bargain and a dark secret are threatening to destroy this town forever. Your adventuring party finds themselves brought in to help stop the Dullahan who has been summoned against her will to enact political revenge.

Cover of Valley of Black Tears
Valley of Black Tears
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
3 pages

An evil oracular being has taken up residence in a lonely valley. The only access to the valley is through a thick, dead wood whose shadows draw out foul memories from those who travel there. The oracle, Lurinax, has recently divined the season in which the world will end. This knowledge is greatly prized by many, so the evil fortune teller hides in his lair, protected by maddening winds and the souls of those he slew to obtain his knowledge. In this grim and dark adventure for tenth- and eleventh-level PCs, the party must travel the trail of shadows, face the manifestations of Lurinax’s victims, and finally the evil oracle himself.

Cover of F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Near the Southern end of the Border Hills between Gortelburg and Havendale is an area rumored to be the home of a Minotaur. Recent reports have begun to surface in Havendale of the surrounding farms and villages that a huge Minotaur has begun to disrupt life in the area. The governing board of Havendale has offered a bounty on the beast to anyone who can track it, kill it, and return proof of its demise. Quite a few parties of adventurers have taken up the task but none have returned for the reward.

Cover of Candlekeep Mysteries
Candlekeep Mysteries
5th Edition
Levels 1–16
? pages

A Book of Books Candlekeep Mysteries is an anthology of adventures written by members of the Dungeons & Dragons community. Each adventure begins with a book that the characters find in Candlekeep, an enormous library located on the Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms setting. If you're not running a Forgotten Realms campaign, you can adapt the adventures in this book for other settings, substituting any large library similar to Candlekeep. Examples from other published D&D settings include the following: On the world of Exandria, the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum (a large city on the continent of Wildemount) or the Cobalt Reserve in Westruun (a small city on the continent of Tal'dorei) On the world of Eberron, the Library of Korranberg in the nation of Zilargo, the University of Wynarn's library in the nation of Aundair, or Morgrave University's library in the city of Sharn On the world of Oerth, the Great Library in the Free City of Greyhawk Contains: The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces Mazfroth's Mighty Digressions Book of the Raven A Deep and Creeping Darkeness Shemshime's Bedtime Rhyme The Price of Beauty Book of Cylinders Sarah of Yellowcrest Manor Lore of Lurue Kandlekeep Dekonstruktion Zikran's Zephyrean Tome The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale The Book of Inner Alchemy The Canopic Being The Scrivener's Tale Alkazaar's Appendix Xanthoria

Cover of FVS11 - Queen's Cemetery
FVS11 - Queen's Cemetery
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
17 pages

The village of Hammerston is the site of a quick meal stop for a single PC and they quickly discover that the people are highly superstitious. A mage booms into the Kingfisher Tavern and reports his apprentice was chased while returning from collecting some items. The apprentice refuses to return to the cemetery where he was attacked and the mage, seeing your adventurer garb seeks your assistance.

Cover of Of Mistletoe & Monsters
Of Mistletoe & Monsters
5th Edition
Level 4
19 pages

Characters are asked by a local cleric to deliver gifts to a family whose homestead is in the harsh frontier. During the trek they encounter several “spirit forces” that they can overcome through combat, or they can decipher clues to use tropes that suggest some fun, holiday-themed alternatives to combat. Once they reach the homestead, they must plan to secretly deliver the gifts. All of this must be completed in one day’s time before the Winter Solstice ends. This adventure is an homage to the Christmas holiday time, but it is not a traditional “Santa Claus” story. The cast of monsters and NPCs are inspired by European folklore that have contributed to today’s Christmas celebrations. The legends have been mashed into a single, tier 1 D&D adventure, designed for four level 4 characters. Suggestions are given for scaling. Total play should not exceed 4 hours.

Cover of Mini-Dungeons #1: Caves 3 Adventures in 1 Bundle
Mini-Dungeons #1: Caves 3 Adventures in 1 Bundle
5th Edition
Levels 3–8
34 pages

Within the pages of this book, you will find three mini-dungeons, all with a common theme. They are all set in dangerous and exciting cave systems. Not only will you be able to drag and drop these mini-dungeons as you need, but this book will also provide a suggested campaign structure and tie-ins to each of them for those witty Dungeon Masters who wish to run them all together. 1. Lizard Folk Tunnels - APL2 to APL5 A daring rescue mission to save two young children from the grasps of a tribe of lizardfolk who's evil intentions are to sacrifice their captives to their evil god. 2. The Cavern of One-Eye - APL4 to APL7 A cave system riddled with orcs as described in Volo's Guide to Monsters. Players will need to think on their feet in this one. 3. The Lair of Frostingbite - APL5 to APL8 Snow-oxen are being stolen from the farmers of Sleet-Town, tracks lead into the ancient and abandoned mine shaft within a nearby mountain. Killer Kobolds, Quaggoth slaves and a ferocious White Dragon await. Published by P.B. Publishing

Cover of The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse
The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse
5th Edition
Level 8
24 pages

The tritons have arrested the keeper of Skyhorn Lighthouse for unleashing vile, bug-like abominations into the sea. When a lone triton comes to the characters and asks their help in exonerating the keeper, will the heroes rise to the challenge and confront the dangers lurking in the deep? The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse is a 5-7 hour adventure for 8th-level characters. You can run The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse as a standalone adventure or as a follow-up to The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse, a free 5th-level adventure downloaded over 100,000 times with 350+ five-star reviews! Inside the The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse, you'll find: -Three new monsters that prowl the ocean depths -A goblin submarine, a darkmantle sea captain, and a marid with a pet starfish grove -The Arcane Library's signature format to make running the adventure effortless -Combat cards for monsters, PCs, and special treasure -Gorgeous maps designed for easy use with Virtual Table Tops

Cover of Deep Horizon
Deep Horizon
3rd Edition
Level 13
32 pages

The Underdark holds many secrets. A series of earthquakes and eruptions have rocked a normally placid land. Strange creatures sighted in the dark of night raise fears across the already disturbed countryside. As tales of a lost race that once warred with the drow begin to surface, only the boldest adventurers dare to descend into the shadowy darkness.

Cover of Fosc Anansi - Shadow of the Spider Goddess
Fosc Anansi - Shadow of the Spider Goddess
5th Edition
Level 6
52 pages

Silent crawlers with a venomous bite. Web spinners, creating sticky, beautiful homes that double as deadly traps. Nature’s most artistic killers. What fools would grow these tiny killing machines into the size of ponies or even larger? Gnomes! Opportunistic dark gnomes, looking for profit, who stumbled upon an inter-dimensional substance—experimental, yet undoubtedly powerful. Then something came creeping down the strand that connected the spiders to the inter-dimensional world, a shadow—the Shadow of the Spider Goddess! This adventure is designed for 5e for 4-6 characters of 6th level. The adventure is designed to link to the Lands of Lunacy setting from Fail Squad Games, but has been adapted to be run in any setting with no additional GM or player effort. The hold of Nevnooblin contains steam technology and creatures.

Cover of The Shadow Rift
The Shadow Rift
Levels 7–9
160 pages

For many years folks have gazed into the churning black vapors of the Shadow Rift and wondered at the horrors that might lie within. Some have speculated that it might be a realm of the doomed, where tortured spirits suffer the hours of eternity. Others have speculated that it might be an empty domain, waiting for the arrival of a master who is evil enough to claim it and shape it in his own image. Ever the mysterious Vistani do not know what secrets are hidden in the depths of this gaping chasm. Now, the time has come for the veil of Shadows to be parted. Loht, king of the shadow elves, has reclaimed the mighty Sword of Arak. With this relic, he intends to set in motion a plan that has taken thousands of years to form. He will throw open that vary gate of darkness and invite one of mankind's greatest enemies to walk the land of the living. And if he is not stopped, the rivers of Ravenloft will run red with the blood of the innocent. The adventure can be played independently or in conjunction with the Ravenloft Adventure Servants of Darkness. TSR 1163

Cover of Veil Down Conquered (Free Preview Edition)
Veil Down Conquered (Free Preview Edition)
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
25 pages

Veil Down Conquered is a free preview of the full-length adventure KOBOLDS VS. OGRES, coming in 2018! Veil Down is an affluent halfling village known for its vintners and farmers. Recent kobold incursions into the region around Veil Down have forced gangs of monsters closer and closer to civilized land...and this has brought a gang of ogres to the idyllic village! After driving the halflings out, the ogres have attempted to make the best of their situation and turn the village into their new home, but in a village built for halflings, these ogres are going to have a hard time fitting in... This adventure site contains a chapter from the forthcoming adventure Kobolds vs. Ogres, coming in 2018. Fully presented as a standalone site, expanded gameplay content includes a much more in-depth look at the gnome town of Hardbuckler, briefly touched in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast and Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Additionally, extensive random encounter tables round out the book, steeped in historical lore from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, presenting stunning mysteries, interesting sites to explore, and evocative NPCs and monsters. This chapter only begins the trials and tribulations players will face in Kobolds vs. Ogres!

Cover of Tower of the Mad Mage
Tower of the Mad Mage
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

The door slams open so hard that the wall shakes and the hinges groan. To everyone’s astonishment, a goblin staggers in. He is badly wounded, with dried blood covering about half of his body. Only a moment before the air was full of the rattle of dice, the slap of cards, and cries of victory and defeat. Now the Gambling Golem is dead silent. The goblin lurches toward your table then collapses right in front of you. “Help me,” he croaks, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes. “I’ll make you rich!”

Cover of FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
Levels 2–5
20 pages

The fifth offering of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is Venture into Sordack Valley and takes the small group of young adventurers and puts them on the border of the frontier. The small town of Commerstance is located on the edge of the Lordek River separating civilization from the wild. Several locales are present for the aspiring group of adventurers including two wanted criminals.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #10: Blood at Dralkard Manor
Pathfinder Society Scenario #10: Blood at Dralkard Manor
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–7
18 pages

Venture-Captain Juberto Savarre plans to retire soon, and he’s set his sights on spooky Dralkard Manor in southern Andoran. With the locals swapping tales of hauntings and missing persons, Savarre sends Pathfinders in to uncover the truth. Are the stories just tall tales or will the Pathfinders find themselves drenched in blood at Dralkard Manor?