A community for lazy dungeon masters
377 adventures found
Cover of Damnation
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
26 pages

Twenty years ago, the humans built a dam and flooded Gormelin Valley. They drove the Cinderborn goblins away from their land. But now the Cinderborn are back and they want vengeance. The dam must fall and the human towns must drown! Damnation is a set of two parallel adventures that cover the same events, locations and characters. In The Heroes' Tale, the players control a traditional heroic party. They get to attend a wine festival, save a town from a flood, dive to the bottom of a lake, choose between retaliation and negotiation, and face a demon atop the dam as he attempts to demolish it. The Goblins' Tale tells the other side of the story, allowing players to take control of a party of goblins. As the Cinderborn, they must deal with human spies, sneak into a wizard's tower, trigger a catastrophic flood, choose between peace and vengeance, face their own demonic leader, or aid him in breaking the dam. Also included: maps and goblin pregens!

Cover of X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
Levels 7–10
64 pages

Lots of stronghold assaults and shipboard travel/encounters in this one. This adventure's deep political basis might be seen as an introduction for the domain-focused adventures of Companion-level play. This adventure is for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic, Expert, and Companion Rules, and includes the intrigue of engaging with nobility's lands and agendas. Intro: All is not well in the kingdom of Vestland. Not only is the king dead and the holy Sonora Crown missing, but the heir to the kingdom was lost at birth and no on knows where to find him. As if this wasn't bad enough, the forces of the Ethengar Khanate, never on the best of terms with Vestland, are now massing on the borders, hoping to take advantage of Vestland's plight. To complete the rosy picture, traitors from within also threaten to speed the downfall of the High Kingdom. Sounds like a job for you. You must find the long-lost heir to the kingdom and recover the Sonora Crown, the mystical device without which a king cannot be crowned. Standing in your way are traitors and spies from within and invaders from without the kingdom of Vestland. Time is running out! Can you save Vestland from disaster? TSR 9218

Cover of Fluffy Goes To Heck
Fluffy Goes To Heck
Levels 4–6
12 pages

Remember Fluffy? The cute little dog? Well... Fluffy Goes to Heck is a shamelessly absurd AD&D® game adventure for the six silly characters provided on pages 39-40, or 4-6 characters of 3rd-5th level, played by those with senses of humor. A good mix of classes and races is helpful but hardly necessary.

Cover of A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
Levels 7–11
128 pages

"... an Adventure to Challenge the Bold..." Screams echo in the night, the charred remnants of a village are mute by day. From the decaying lands of the Pomarj, slavers have struck again! The adventure that began in the Temple of Elemental Evil now sweeps southward across the Wild Coast and into the desolate lands of the inhuman Pomarj. Slave raiders scour the countryside, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Daring adventurers strike into the heartland of the foe to harry the villains and bring retribution and justice to the land. This product contains the completely revised Aerie of the Slavelords series of adventures. Also included are new challenges and new scenarios detailing the Wild Coast, the city of Highport, the blasted lands of the Pomarj and the Drachensgrab Mountains. TSR 9167

Cover of Master of the Fallen Fortress
Master of the Fallen Fortress
Level 1
16 pages

The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. But the tower's empty halls once more echo with living footfalls, and a new master has claimed the Fallen Fortress as his own.

Cover of DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
DDIA-XGE Underworld Speculation
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

Operating as secret agents for the Lords of Waterdeep, a promising lead takes you deep into the world of the Xanathar, but what will it take for you to return?

Cover of CM4 Earthshaker!
CM4 Earthshaker!
Levels 18–20
24 pages

Into your hands has been thrust a great responsibility: the management of a growing domain. It has been a hard winter. Now, with the coming of spring, the populace looks to you for leadership. It will take a careful and generous hand to restore your subjects' confidence. But even as you hold your first courts of the new season, an ominous shadow falls across the land. Earthshaker - wonder of the world - has arrived! Will its arrival be a curse or a blessing? With bold action and skillful diplomacy, you may yet divert disaster. But if you fail, the consequences will certainly be the subject of many a minstrel's tragic songs for years to come! "Earthshaker" includes a complete dominion setting, new player characters and NPCs, and complete material on one of the greatest marvels of the world - the giant and unstoppable Earthshaker! TSR 9128

Cover of Little Trouble in Big Absalom
Little Trouble in Big Absalom
Pathfinder 2e
Level 1
15 pages

Always living in the shadows is hard when you're a clever and regal creature like a kobold. Now it's time to make a name for yourself and bring honor and prestige to your clan. In Little Trouble in Big Absalom, you take on the role of one of five kobolds from the Hookclaw clan tasked with exploring a treasure-laden vault discovered by a team of Hookclaw diggers. Enticed by the potential wealth, the kobolds brave terrible dangers in what turns out to be a grandmother's basement before being asked by the kind old lady to retrieve her magical hedge trimmer from a neighbor's garden. Little Trouble in Big Absalom includes two mini adventures that can be played back to back or alone—filling as much or as little time as you have for madcap adventure. In addition, the five pregenerated kobold characters provide a preview of the upcoming Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide in this exciting offering for Free RPG Day! Grab some dice and some friends and play the role of determined kobolds!

Cover of WGA4 Vecna Lives
WGA4 Vecna Lives
Levels 12–15
95 pages

Vecna Lives is a high level adventure that pits players against the lich and almost demi-god Vecna. Although based in Greyhawk, the adventure is easily adaptable to Ravenloft and Planescape. This adventure is meant to kill characters. If you are a DM who cannot bring himself to kill a player’s prized character or one who can be pressured to “give a guy a break,” you must be extra strong when running Vecna Lives! For centuries, Vecna-archmage, despotic tyrant, the most fearsome of all liches-has been nothing but fearful legend to the honest folk of Greyhawk. Once the supreme master of all undead sorcerers, even today his Hand and Eye are object of immense power. Now something evil is stirring in the lands around Greyhawk. The Hand and Eye of Vecna have been found-and Vecna wants them back. TSR 9309

Cover of 100 Rounds
100 Rounds
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
30 pages

100 Rounds is a Roleplaying adventure for the world's most famous RPG, is it designed for 4-6 characters levels 4-6, and takes up to 100 initiative rounds to run. *** You’ve been hired as additional security for this special city counselors meeting or whatever... easiest gold you’ll probably earn in your life. You settle into a cozy room next to city hall and get some shut-eye. A while later one of the guards burst into the room screaming. A goblin horde started attacking city hall from all sides, the building is about to collapse and three of the counselors are still stuck inside the building. You get out and run toward the entrance to the burning building. Guess you’ll have to earn that gold the hard way. *** This adventure includes: * 7 New types of Goblins including the Goblin Worg Shaman, the Goblin Assassin, the Goblin Fearmonger, the Goblin Wereworg, and more. * Over 20 encounters all fully stat and including a "tactics" section * A large battle map designed by Christian Zeuch (including a high res 8k map) * Interesting NPCs * Pre-generated player characters so you could start playing right away

Cover of Floating Gardens of Bahb-Elonn
Floating Gardens of Bahb-Elonn
Level 1
14 pages

This scenario was originally written for use as a competition event at Games Day 1987. We have published the adventure so that you will be able to reproduce the competition. The scenario also serves as an introduction to the forthcoming supplement detailing the land of Lustria. (see WFRP World Map, p272). At Games Day the party had to play the part of a small band of pygmies, and we have included details of this party so that you can use them too. You should carefully read the notes on Witchdoctors, Ancestor Spirits and the spell Control Spirits before starting play. If a conventional party is used here there is a significant chance that players will lose favourite characters. Much of the scenario is geared towards pygmies, (some tunnel heights, the presence of pygmy ancestors and so on), and a party without access to pygmy-magic may find some areas extremely difficult. Pgs. 11-27 Published by Games Workshop

Cover of A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords
A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords
Levels 4–7
28 pages

Trapped in the dungeons of the Slave Lords! The hardy adventurers must find a way out, with only their wits and courage to help them. But can they do it before everything is destroyed by the dreaded Earth Dragon? This module contains a challenging scenario for experienced players, the tournament scoring system, and nine fully-equipped playtested characters. Also included are large-scale referee maps, playing aids, notes, and background information. A4 is a complete adventure in itself, but can also be used in conjunction with A1 (SLAVE PITS OF THE UNDERCITY), A2 (SECRET OF THE SLAVERS' STOCKADE), and A3 (ASSAULT ON THE AERIE OF THE SLAVE LORDS). TSR 9042

Cover of X6 Quagmire!
X6 Quagmire!
Levels 4–10
32 pages

Swamp creatures! They surround you now as you move slowly through the gurgling muck. How will you reach Quagmire now? Each day, the hungry sea swallows more of the ancient port city. A fierce fever ravages its people, and now - these foul monsters! Their beady eyes glimmer from deep within the tangled vines. Are these the creatures that have blockaded the city, turning away the ships that are the city's lifeline? Are these the scum that are starving the people of Quagmire, threatening an entire race with extinction? These creeps? Let's clean this jungle out! Quagmire includes a large-scale map that expands the D&D world and introduces new areas to explore. The adventure also includes new magic items and a special, expanded monsters section. Hurry! Hoist your colors, saddle your horse - go, before the city by the sea becomes the city beneath the sea! TSR 9081

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon
1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon
Levels 7–9
21 pages

Sacred relics of the monastery, the eyes of the dragon, have been stolen from their rightful place in the eyes of the Ascendant Dragon statue. The elders have chosen one from among their ranks to go and retrieve these two fist-sized emeralds and bring them home.

Cover of H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
Levels 18–100
96 pages

The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated! As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the sources of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed. The Throne of Bloodstone is the fourth and final installment in a series of modules specially designed for high-level characters. While it is not necessary to have played any of the three previous modules, The Throne of Bloodstone is the climax of an epic struggle for a kingdom against the forces of darkest evil. Recommended for characters of levels 18-100, The Throne of Bloodstone is the highest-level adventure ever published by TSR! TSR 9228

Cover of Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Level 1
80 pages

A new, expanded, OSR-ised, prettified edition of Joseph R. Lewis’ Ragged Hollow Nightmare which was rated among The Best by Tenfootpole. Joseph Lewis hit a perfect balance between the classics of dungeonverse fantasy and the whimsy of the folk tales we love so much (as testified by our Folklore Bestiary. we released last year), adding a dash of dreamworld strangeness and a pinch of body horror to spice up his brew. We did our best to respect his recipe when adding our extra material (about 30 pages of it). We worked with Joe and Li-An (the perfect artist to give life to spooky Ragged Hollow and its strange surroundings) to make the best module we could: a solid introduction to old-school gaming for both players and gamemasters. And for the veterans among us, it also makes an excellent, full-fledged campaign starter. Nightmare over Ragged Hollow is a sandbox adventure centred around a quaint town at the edge of the kingdom. But however quiet life in Ragged Hollow is, the town lies between places where you shouldn’t be traveling alone. Places like Gloam Wood (“A witch or two lurk there!”), the Bleak Mountains (“I’m told there are bugbears…”) and their infamous Mount Mourn (“Home, they say, to cursed Dwarven ruins”), not to forget the Wailing Hills (“Bandits on every road!”). There’s even a haunted house by the river (“That mad inventor riddled it with traps!”). But only when an impenetrable dome of golden light materialises around the Temple of Halcyon (“Hey, my kids go to school there!”) do things really get out of hand. Some selfless heroes (or, failing that, a bunch of greedy ne’er-do-wells) should really get involved. One town with three adventure mini-sites Three small dungeons One 50-room dungeon Three hexes with 16 detailed locations Two groups of potential allies or rivals Sixteen pre-generated characters One deadly countdown! Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of DSQ1 Road to Urik
DSQ1 Road to Urik
Levels 4–7
122 pages

"Tyr is free! Tyr is free!" Such is the heady cry that echoes from the darkest warrens to the gleaming chambers of the Council in that ancient city. Now is your chance to savor life released from the oppressive gloom of the sorcerer-kings-but for how long? New forces threaten the newly-born independence of Tyr, as outside forces march upon the city. King Tithian is determined to resist, but there are others on the Council of Advisors less eager to risk their wealth and lives for the cause of independence. It falls upon you to help mobilize and lead the citizen-army of Tyr on the road to Urik. In Road to Urik, the city-State of Tyr has thrown off the yoke of the sorcerer-king Kalak and declared all slaves free, but the neighboring city-state of Urik is amassing its own armies to conquer Tyr. In the first part of the adventure, the PCs must negotiate with various factions of the city in order to win their support for the war effort. In the second part the PCs leading a scouting force ahead of the main army, and the choices and successes in the first part will affect the troops they lead here. Finally, they will need to fight and lure away the Urik army's own scouting force, letting the army of Tyr ambush them. The second and third part make heavy use of the Battlesystem rules, which were pushed pretty heavily in the early Dark Sun books. Like many Dark Sun adventures, the module makes heavy use of handouts that come in a flip-book along with the main adventure. This adventure is a sequel to Freedom. It stands on its own, but the plot of the adventure is based on the events of Freedom and the novel the Verdant Passage, so you can't really run them in reverse order. Much like Freedom took place concurrently with The Verdant Passage, Road to Urik takes place just before the events of The Crimson Legion, the second novel in the Prism Pentad. TSR 2406

Cover of N4 Treasure Hunt
N4 Treasure Hunt
Levels 0–1
54 pages

The island of Viledel, the mighty Sea King, was sacked by a pirate army 60 years ago. Its destruction was so complete that even the location of the island was lost and forgotten. Despite the rumors of immense treasures still hidden in the ruined stronghold, no one ever found the Sea King's island again. Until now. Through a cruel twist of fate, a small band of unwilling adventurers is washed ashore on a small, barren island, and discovers what remains of Viledel's settlement. But they aren't alone; marauding ores and goblins have found the island, too, and are frantically searching for the lost hoard. In this desperate treasure hunt, the real payoff may be survival. TSR 9185

Cover of IM3 The Best of Intentions
IM3 The Best of Intentions
Immortal Level
48 pages

Prime Plane Immortals are dying like flies: nasty, violent deaths. The Hierarchs suspect Entropy, as usual, especially with all the rumors of demons' involvement. To top it all off, one of the Hierarchs is missing - Mazikeen. Your Mission as novice Temporals, should you choose to accept it, it to find Mazikeen, uncover his kidnaper, and bring him or her to a court of Immortal Justice. This entails much more than mere detective job - it also means taking part in the Immortal Olympics and going plane-hopping with the best (or worst?) of them. Should you not accept this mission, the fate of all Prime Plane Imoortals rests on your heads. (Well, it rests there anyway, but this is meant to make you more than a little guilty about not accepting - after all, you're supposed to be duty-bound and all that kind of thin, and I you don't do this, then who will? Huh? Did you ever think about that, Bucko?) TSR 9207

Cover of WGS1 Five Shall Be One
WGS1 Five Shall Be One
Levels 7–10
71 pages

Adventure in the world of Greyhawk! Powerful forces are set in motion as your party searches for the legendary Blades of Corusk. Take them on the perilous journey from Rookroost to the Lair of the Shadow Dragon in the frozen northlands. Will they survive the ramifications of events that they have initiated? Those who hold the magical blades will not easily give them up. Plucking them from the grasp of a jealous dragon or stealing them from the center of the subterranean City of the Ore Horde will strain your adventurers to their limits! TSR 9317