A community for lazy dungeon masters
251 adventures found
Cover of TB3: Bloody Jack
TB3: Bloody Jack
5th Edition
Level 5
80 pages

All the children of the Blight know the nursery rhymes about Bloody Jack Carver, cautionary tales for naughty or overly inquisitive children to mind their manners and obey their parents. However, their parents know the true horror of those times 30 years ago when the lunatic serial killer known as Bloody Jack Carver stalked the fog-shrouded streets of the Blight and abducted children. The killing spree finally ended, but the perpetrator was never caught. When the PCs are deputized to assist in a homicide investigation, they find terrifying clues that point to the three-decade-old Bloody Jack killings and signs to indicate that they were just the beginning. Now the PCs are in a race against time across the breadth of the decrepit and deteriorating city that is the Blight as they attempt to stop a new killing spree before it can start. The PCs’ investigation takes them from the halls of the Capitol and the seedy streets and alleys of Toiltown to the garish carnival piers of Festival and the pollutant-crusted banks of the Great Lyme River. Only they stand between the children of this decayed city and new nursery rhymes being written in their blood. Bloody Jack is a stand-alone adventure set in the Blight for 4–5 5th-level characters.

The Road to Swordfall
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

The road to the remote village of Swordfall is a long and winding one. It takes pilgrims who wish to visit the holy site from the main trade road, through the hills, and into the mountains where once, thousands of years ago, two gods engaged in an epic battle. Now, all that remains of the battlefield is a lone sword, several hundred feet tall, embedded in the ground at the center of a massive crater. Over the years, a large temple to Thuul, god of battle, sprung up around the site. Now, warriors and fighters from across the land travel to Swordfall to pay their respects once in their lifetime. Recently, however, pilgrims have begun going missing. Somewhere between the main road and Swordfall itself, something, or someone, has been waylaying travelers. Unbeknownst to most, a cult to Ghenna has taken over one of the lone inns along the route and has begun using it to capture and sacrifice pilgrims to their own dark god. Unless a group of adventurers can stop them, the sacrifices won't stop.

Cover of Solomon's Screaming Tomb
Solomon's Screaming Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
43 pages

In the eastern desert stands the ancient tomb of Solomon III. Like all tombs, it is full of magical treasure and crawling with deadly creatures. But unlike other tombs, this one is screaming. Years ago, soldiers and wizards went in to silence the screams, and they succeeded, but they never returned. Now Solomon’s tomb is once again screaming out across the dunes, and no one knows why. Solomon’s treasure is still down there, but then, so is whatever is screaming. ADVENTURE TYPE: Small Linear Dungeon DESIGN NOTES: This adventure is intended for characters levels 5 to 7. It includes a desert wilderness area, an oasis, the tomb exterior, the tomb interior, and a cave system below the tomb to explore. Each area contains various NPCs, new monsters, old traps, shiny treasures, and strange magical items. There are many opportunities for (deadly) combat, and a few of them may be inescapable, but it is possible for players to have complex interactions and to experience very different consequences, depending on their choices. INCLUDES: Story hooks, dialogue prompts, creature stat blocks, dungeon overview map, and full-sized battle maps of each dungeon room that can be printed and used right on the table. KEYWORDS: Tomb, ghuul, ghoul, skeleton, ooze, demon, devil, thief, wizard, desert, sabercat, oasis, spider, viper

Tower of the Ascendants
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
35 pages

A ten-part, fourthcore megadungeon designed to take a party of 4-6 players from level 1 to level 10. The Voice of All spoke three times before falling into silence. The first time to give shape to the Ancients. The second to give them the world as their domain. The third to build the TOWER for the war that was to come. And war did come. The Ancients, primordial warriors charged with protecting the world, were subverted by three great crusaders, vindictive and powerful. The Ancients were stripped of immortality and cast from the heavens to serve and suffer with the rest of humanity. The crusaders claimed new bodies for themselves, and became the Triumvirate, god-tyrants of all realms. The long line of descendants of the Ancients is dwindling, along with humanity’s last hope. What few remain have gathered to enter the TOWER OF THE ASCENDANTS. Crumbling stone tablets of ages forgotten say that a mortal who ascends the TOWER that pierces the heavens and slays the gods who dwell in its highest bower will reclaim lost immortality.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Bunker
Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Bunker
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 4–5
3 pages

The Bunker transports the party from their starting hex to a destination 2 hexes away. It can be placed anywhere on the Purple Planet map that does not already contain a numbered encounter. It could be hidden beneath the fecund growth of the mushroom forests, lost in the broken lands, amid the Ancestor Peaks, or uncovered by a sand storm in the wastes.

Cover of Diablo II: To Hell and Back
Diablo II: To Hell and Back
3rd Edition
192 pages

Bringing Diablo II to the tabletop. The legendary Diablo and Diablo II computer games come to life with the release of the tabletop Diablo II: To Hell & Back roleplaying adventure. All a player needs is the Dungeons & Dragons(r) Player's Handbook (0786915501-8/00) to accompany the Diablo II game. Every level and all 4 acts of the computer game are represented in the tabletop mega-adventure, which will also include 64 pages of monsters, information for levels 1-30, and over 60 maps!

C1: Crucible of The Gods
4th Edition
Level 1
35 pages

Centuries ago, the four deities worshipped by mortals – Kishar, Kotaresh, Lyth, and Asar-Segt – threatened to drown the world in a flood of saltwater to punish the living for their impiety. The oracles and witches of the realm struck a desperate bargain with the gods, however, and convinced them to spare the world. In exchange, the mortal kingdoms were bound to demonstrate their faith once every generation by sending their most courageous and adroit warriors to the Crucible, a ziggurat in the lowest valley of the land. Every quarter-century, on the first full moon of summer, an eclipse darkens the night and the sealed ziggurat opens. Many traps, tricks, and guardians lie within the Crucible to test those who enter. Few who heed the challenge of the gods survive – most find only quick death. If the races of the world are deserving of the gods’ affection, their champions will overcome the trials of the Crucible and light the Divine Brazier hidden in its uppermost chamber. If they are not, the flickering candle of civilization will be snuffed. Little of value will have been lost. Published by Defy Danger and Save Versus Death

Cover of In the Lair of the Night Thing
In the Lair of the Night Thing
5th Edition
Level 1
38 pages

It is Autumn. Most of the clans of the Great Valley have departed south with the herd animals they depend on for survival. But one small clan lags behind. For seven nights they have been unable to travel, plagued by a terrible monster known as the Night Thing, which has killed their people and wounded more. Your party answers the call of dwarf chieftain Skarna Two-Axe, begging hunters from neighboring clans to pursue and kill the monster that’s been attacking her clan, and that slayed her son. Starting at the chieftain’s clanfire, the characters uncover mysteries about the creature that can only be fully solved by tracking the awful Night Thing to its lair, which is full of frightening apparitions. As the party ventures deeper into the Night Thing's lair, they'll discover an even deeper menace, and a plot to overthrow the chieftain. Only they can save Skarna and her people from the grim machinations of their powerful enemies! Published by Atlas Games

Cover of The Slumbering Tsar Saga
The Slumbering Tsar Saga
Levels 7–20
951 pages

The Sleeper Awakes! At last, after languishing in its crypt for an age, the secrets of the slumbering city of Tsar burst forth in all their macabre glory. Poured forth from the eldritch furnaces and crucibles of the Necromancer and Orcus himself comes Frog God Games bringing you at long last The Slumbering Tsar Saga™. Something Stirs in the City of Evil Over the distant northern hills, beyond The Camp, and past the Desolation stand the pitted walls of Tsar. A hundred armies have crushed themselves against this bulwark in futile attempts to breach the city. Even the combined might of the Heavens and Earth were unable to break through in the final battle of Tsar. So why was the city suddenly abandoned on the verge of victory, and what waits for those foolish enough to enter the Temple-City of Orcus? The Black Gates Await Only the bravest and most powerful of heroes dare the depths of the Desolation and live to tell of it. But what happens when they penetrate that blasted landscape and look upon the gates of the very center of evil on the earth. Can even heroes of such renown breach the Walls of Death and live?

Cover of The Wizard's Egg
The Wizard's Egg
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
34 pages

Break in. Do the job. Survive the fallout. In a city so vast as Pindus-on-Isles, if you want to get ahead, you need to cozy up with someone powerful. And do something dangerous. When Hope the Fixer shows up at your door with a job from an anonymous employer, the pay is good enough. Are you? Seems there’s a thief holed up in a Wizard’s Egg, a stone laboratory suspended high on a tower. The anonymous employer wants the stolen goods trashed. It’s in Lightmill though. Those glittering skyscrapers are no place for basegels like you. Get your disguise together. Hope’s got the hippogriffs. It’s destruction time.

Cover of Of Leaves & Stewed Hobbit
Of Leaves & Stewed Hobbit
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
17 pages

The company discovers the Easterly Inn, a piece of the Shire in the land of the Beornings. But the Wild is still the Wild, and it takes more than Hobbit cooking to keep adventures at bay; in no time, the companions find themselves involved in the search for a missing trade caravan. Their quest will put them on the road to the High Pass, and see them go over hills and under hills. Published by Cubicle7

Cover of Quests of Doom: Volume 2 (5e)
Quests of Doom: Volume 2 (5e)
5th Edition
100 pages

Quests of Doom Volume 2: 6 MORE Adventures for Fifth Edition Rules, First Edition Feel! For Quests of Doom Volume 1, we brought in some of the biggest stars in adventure-writing history to produce 12 mindbogglingly insidious adventures for Fifth Edition. This is volume 2, containing six more explorations into “doom or glory” for your players. Once again, the all-star cast of authors delivers what we strive to give you: Adventures Worth Winning! Volume 2 of Quests of Doom contains 6 adventures in 100 pages, byBill Webb (Of Ants & Men, Pit of Despair, Isle of Eliphaz), Matt Finch (Perils of Ghostwind Pass), Jim Ward (Dread Dragon Temple), Michael Curtis (The Darkening of Namjan Forest), and Casey Christofferson (Pit of Despair).

Knowledge is Power
3.5 Edition
Level 6
9 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. Harried by pursuing Shadow forces, the adventurers take refuge in the fissures of a vast glacier. In these icy caverns they battle the risen remains of an orc tribe and make contact with a powerful potential ally.

Cover of Fever-Dreaming Marlinko
Fever-Dreaming Marlinko
Levels 2–4
72 pages

Visit Marlinko, a borderlands city where life takes a strange fever-dream cast, in this 72-page urban adventure fantasy supplement. Part city-setting, part full-blown adventure, Fever-Dreaming Marlinko is a stand-alone companion to the Slavic acid fantasy weirdness of the Slumbering Ursine Dunes. Contains background and hooks for the city's four city quarters, two complete dungeon adventure sites, two new players classes (Mountebank and Robodwarf), Chaos Index with escalating events/triggers scattered throughout the city, news generator with full news briefs and hooks, and tiger-wrestling mini-game.

Cover of RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
Levels 10–14
32 pages

If you but have the will Sonja, you may use your strength to make the world your home. You may become a wanderer, the equal of any man or woman you meet. (The Ring of Ikribu) Red Sonja #1 Steel met steel as Sonja slashed wildly before her. Sparks flew into the air; the mercenary's sword flew to the ground. Her arms vibrated with the contact and her hands grew numb as she tightened her grip on the mighty sword. Still they came - only four in all, but with deadly intent shining deep within theiir hungry eyes. What do these men seek? Why would they rather die than run? TSR 9183

Cover of Caveat Emptor
Caveat Emptor
Levels 3–6
13 pages

Let the buyer be-were! Sometimes you should be afraid to visit the dentist. A small coastal town is plagued with a curse and it is up to the PCs to find out what is causing the inhabitants of the town to transform into mad seawolfs. This adventure is set in the busy seaport of Rocky Harbor, which is located on a sheltered island dep in an extensive archipelago. Rocky Harbor is another location in the Volkrad campaign setting, as previously published in Dungeon Adventures issue #41, Old Man Katan and the Incredible, Edible, Dancing Mushroom Band. Pgs. 8-20

Cover of Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Levels 4–6
72 pages

Many years ago a brutal bugbear chieftain united the goblinoid tribes of the Meirlara Forest and nearly wiped out all traces of the elves there within. A stroke of chance fate turned the tide and the dreaded bugbear warlord Spragnokk was defeated. His loyal kin hid his body away in a sealed chamber and then the world forgot about Spragnokk... until now. Now his bloodline continues, and they have plans to resurrect their fallen "great chieftain," to bring ruin and revenge upon the elves that handed them defeat decades past. The goblinoid tribes have once more been gathered, and their bloody revenge is imminent, except fate has yet once more placed new champions to stand in their way. They just don't realize it yet.

Cover of Saving Sujeira's Soul
Saving Sujeira's Soul
Levels 1–2
20 pages

In this adventure players are set first on a simple task, to solve the disappearance of the local witch before outside forces take an interest. But as the players get deeper, they will rapidly kind themselves on a quest for far more, as they range from an alchemist's lair on a crumbling tower down to a dark swamp full of mystery and danger, seeking a holy relic that might lead them to the outskirts of Hell itself. All in service of the sleepy Village Sujeira and the dusty souls within. 1452: Saving Sujeira’s Soul is an adventure set in northern Portugal on an alternate history Earth during the year 1452, in a world where history is much the same, but for the fact that the Rus are all hirsute dwarves, the hordes that poured out of central Asia were orcish (and half-orcs are mostly janissaries split among the Ottoman Empire’s demesnes), and elves are creatures of rumors and myth. Halflings live among the English and Portuguese in villages and farms, while goblins are pests best left for dead in the wilds between civilized countries. The Church arms its inquisitors with holy blessings, for witches are not mere milk-souring old women but vile devil-pacted souls, and wizards and sorcerers seek human and kine for sacrifices to fuel their darkling magics. There be dragons on the edges of the world, and ogres and sea serpents and giants, but the alchemists of this world know things beyond mortal ken and fight these horrors with science and canny concoctions. Published by Coldlight Press

Dry Spell
3.5 Edition
Level 3
7 pages

An unusually severe drought in a remote area recently worsened dramatically when three lakes dried up almost simultaneously. The locals suspect foul play, and the foulest player they know is a bugbear named Relgore -- the leader of a highly successful group of humanoid bandits. Could he be seeking revenge for the militia attacks that recently dispersed his band?

Cover of The Fairy and the Wizard
The Fairy and the Wizard
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A wizard has kidnapped a young lumberjack... What macabre ritual will he preform with his blood? What devil will he conjure to occupy his body? In to what kind of aberration will he transform the young man? A maiden wants to recover her fiancé, a father wants to recover his son, a village wants to recover it's hero. The village anxiously hopes the road will bring courageous characters, who have the valor they lack to undertake the journey to the tower of the wizard. A caravan can be seen on the horizon... Un mago ha secuestrado a un joven leñador… ¿Qué macabro ritual llevará a cabo con su sangre? ¿Qué demonio conjurará para ocupar su cuerpo? ¿En qué aberración convertirá al joven? Una doncella quiere recuperar a su prometido, un padre quiere recuperar a su hijo, un pueblo quiere recuperar a su héroe. La aldea espera ansiosa que el camino traiga valerosos personajes que tengan el coraje del que ellos carecen para emprender el viaje a la torre del mago para rescatar al joven. Una caravana se divisa en el horizonte… Published by Caravana