A community for lazy dungeon masters
1432 adventures found
Cover of A Worrying Outbreak
A Worrying Outbreak
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
3 pages

The poor village of Bunting Freely, somewhat off the beaten track, is suffering from an oral health crisis. The villagers are plagued by overly aggressive Tooth Fairies due to a confluence of events in recent history.

Cover of The Belly of Gargantuel
The Belly of Gargantuel
Levels 1–2
14 pages

The carcass of a gigantic sea monster is now a small dungeon... Gargantuel was a gigantic sea monster (a whale? a prehistoric serpent? the Kraken? Leviathan itself?). She used to roam the high seas, destroying ships and devouring everything. Some of the people she swallowed survived in her belly. One of them, the sailor Torsti Seppänen, actually managed to turn the place into a comfortable habitat. One day, Gargantuel passed away. Her body now lies out in the open, luring the carrion-eater, the curious, the foolish. Strange creatures and artifacts await in the mounds of decaying flesh, and the insane Torsti Seppänen will do everything to defend his “home” from intruders. Statted for Lamentations of the Flame Princess, usable with any OSR type game. Hosted by eldritchfields.blogspot.com

Palace of Shade
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
9 pages

This module is intended for a 3rd- to 5th-level party and can be played in 3-4 hours. An original short module of a Fairy Ball, complete with gowns, a fey palace, and all the fey lords, ladies, and regal enbies in attendance! "The adventurers find themselves on the steps of the Monarch’s spring palace, its marble pillars standing like beech trees in a forest grove. The air is thick with moonlight and a heady, treacly aroma. Ivy curls around the balustrade leading up to the main pavilion, and a nearby fountain bubbles with a faintly glowing liquor the color of cherry blossoms. Everything around the party beckons them closer. But, as they say: you catch more flies with honey."

Cover of The Dark Tide of Damodan
The Dark Tide of Damodan
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
31 pages

The Dark Tide of Damodan is an underwater rescue adventure, where time is of the essence. A mysterious disease is killing of locals and visitors alike in the port town of Havenword. While the adventurers are in town, Havenword is attacked from the sea by nasty fish-headed creatures. After the battle, the characters learn that the creatures dragged off several townsfolk. They have been tasked with finding the captives and returning them safely. The only problem...they were taken out to sea. The characters must delve into the depths into an underwater keep to rescue the captives. Using the knowledge the captives to help locate one another, all the while, avoiding the sinister Damodan's forces. Will the characters turn the tides in their favor? Or will they swim with the fishes? Published by Crit Academy

The Golem Master's Workshop
Levels 1–3
1 pages

The Golem Master, creator of pricey artificial servants, hasn’t been seen around for some time. His house stands dark and silent. Dare you enter?

Cover of RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
Level 5
29 pages

In part two of the Rock Con scenario, our group of heroes heads towards Bibliotheca. This urban adventure has a variety of encounters unique to the city setting. Can the group uncover the missing books?

Kingdom of the Blind - Episode Two: Stairdown
3rd Edition
Level 8
3 pages

Kingdom of the Blind is a short adventure for four 8th-level characters. The adventure is set in a minor duchy that is fairly removed from the ruler of the land. As a result, trouble can brew in the land and the king would not know immediately. The PCs had just entered the citadel in the last episode. Are they now dealing with hauling statues or fighting angry staircases in their efforts to get to the second floor?

Cover of Seven Weddings
Seven Weddings
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

The community of Lukestown has been haunted by a vengeful spirit, Lilian. She is intent on keeping her widower Marcus from ever enjoying marriage without her.Today is Marcus' seventh wedding after his late lover passed. Will this ceremony end in celebration or death? The answer rests in the hands of a small group of adventurers. This urban one shot adventure involves some murder mystery and puzzle solving components.

Cover of The Waking of Willowby Hall
The Waking of Willowby Hall
Level 3
32 pages

The manor of Willowby Hall is under siege by a giant, enraged at the theft of his magical goose. The band of thieves has taken shelter within the manor's crumbling walls, cowering with their ill-gotten poultry as the building shakes itself apart. But something else is stirring. The giant's rampage is slowly awakening a Death Knight from its black slumber, and once it rises it will call on the bones of the manor's old residents to drive out the intruders. Will the party loot the manor of its ancient relics, or succumb to the blades of its skeletal guardians? Who will make off with the goose and its golden eggs? Will anyone survive the giant's onslaught? The only way to find out...is to play.

Cover of The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
5th Edition
Level 1
44 pages

Listen up! You're in my dungeon now, Morty! On Earth C-141, I'm a LEGENDARY D&D adventure writer! When people think of impossibly difficult dungeons or winding, labyrinthine maps, those things ain't Gygaxian - they're SANCHEZIAN! I do whatever I want over there, and they eat it up! I'm a celebrity Dungeon Master there, too! My livestreamed show, Cynical Troll, gets a billion views a day! It seemed a little selfish to contain all that GREATNESS to a single dimension, so I lifted one of the all-time favorite Sanchezian adventures and snuck it back here to dimension C-132. (Usually that kind of s**t is frowned upon, but it's just a D&D adventure. We're not exactly violating the Prime Directive or whatever.) This is a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl for a party of 1st-level adventurers, whose character sheets in this box should also contain. They'll probably reach 3rd level by the end of it. So here it is. This adventure brought peace to a warring galaxy. What did you ever do? Oh, you picked up this adventure? Good start. And awaaaay we go!

Cover of The Vault of Iptiz
The Vault of Iptiz
5th Edition
Level 5
9 pages

There is the well-known regional legend of Iptiz, a spirit naga whose greed was remarkable even among its own kind. Murderous raids and relentless pillaging yielded a hoard so valuable that the creature needed some place to store and protect it. Thus was the Vault conceived: an underground complex custom built to destroy anyone who is not its creator. Years ago, Iptiz's campaign of terror suddenly ended without precursor or cause. The location of the Vault was never discovered. Until now. The ring-city of Sulindal, built upon the shores of a mile-wide desert oasis, has come under martial law by an invading army of yuan-ti. They intend to exploit the resources in this renowned city of knowledge to locate the third and final Beacon of Selune. ...but for what purpose? A four to six hour adventure for four 5th level players.

Cover of FT - Barony of the Knolls
FT - Barony of the Knolls
Levels 1–6
63 pages

The Knolls is the second largest city in the Duchy of Bast and a frequent spot for the adventurers going through the Filbar Quest (FQ) series. At over 60 pages this setting can easily appear in any campaign. Welcome to the city that Baron Tamar Wizzel rules and is a safe haven for adventurers of any level.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #87: Against the Atomic Overlord
Dungeon Crawl Classics #87: Against the Atomic Overlord
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 5
32 pages

For a thousand years Mezar-Kul has known only war, and now the Overlord reigns supreme. From his gargantuan metal fortress he rules the blasted remains of the planet’s last city. Hope seems lost – until visitors arrive from a distant world, bringing uncanny, magical powers. Your adventurers must pick a path through twisted ruins, ancient missile silos, strange monorail systems, and a conflict with four deadly factions to save a world – or destroy it! Note: This adventure does require that the party have some access to spell casting, whether through an item or class that requires a spell casting roll.

Cover of The Guardian of the Forest
The Guardian of the Forest
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
7 pages

Rare portals between the planes sometimes appear in the Caslan Woods. Recently though, these mythical woods have slowly moldered into swampland. As if that wasn’t grim enough, bands of ogres and kobolds raid nearby settlement without fear of reprisal. Your adventuring party traverses the Caslan Woods, hoping to find the source to these strange occurrences. What lies at the heart of the swamp, however, is anything but expected.

Cover of Bark at the Moon
Bark at the Moon
4th Edition
Levels 5–7
43 pages

While camping in the wilderness, the characters find a tracker surrounded by wolves. Once the heroes dispatch the beasts, the tracker reveals that she is seeking aid in the fight against the darkness enfolding her community, Silver Lake. Should the characters help, they find the village terrorized by lycanthropes that hail from a tiny island rising from the mist-shrouded lake.The island is a fey crossing, and heroes who set foot on it find themselves in the Feywild, where a war is brewing; the lycanthrope clans are at each other’s throats, and many are turning their feral eyes outward to the rich lands beyond their secluded valley. To avert an unimaginably savage war, the heroes must rescue a werewolf lord from his captors and expose the conspiracy that threatens to drench the Feywild in blood...

Cover of The God In The Lake
The God In The Lake
3.5 Edition
Low Level
4 pages

The sleepy village of Raven's Lake has a secret: A terrible god lives in the depths of the settlement's namesake. The citizens of Raven's Lake know that something lives in the lake. People who go out on the lake after dark go missing far too often and frequently turn up weeks later with no memory of where they've been. The local church of St. Cuthbert has been abandoned no fewer than seven times in the last two years, each time its lone cleric packing hastily and fleeing town without a word. Adventurers who come to Raven's Lake have a habit of vanishing forever. The truth is that something does indeed live in Raven's Lake but it is far from a deity. It's an exiled aboleth by the name of Zlorthishen.

Cover of A Most Potent Brew
A Most Potent Brew
5th Edition
Level 1
4 pages
10  0

Summary The party is sent to deal with a problem that should be instantly familiar to all rookie adventurers - exterminating giant rats that have taken up residence in a beer cellar. However, if they are to achieve their goal our heroes are going to have to get their first taste of a real dungeon as they explore the ruins of an ancient Wizard’s Tower. What is this adventure? This first-level adventure is designed for D&D veterans and complete beginners alike. It only uses rules, items, monsters and concepts found in the free basic ruleset that can be downloaded from the Wizards of the Coast website. That means that you and your friends can play this without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some dice - though even these can be replaced by the many free Dice Roller apps available for phones and tablets.

Cover of Elves in Pink
Elves in Pink
5th Edition
Levels 11–14
37 pages

We’re a rumor, recognizable only as déjà vu, and dismissed just as quickly. We don’t exist. We were never even born. Anonymity is our name. Silence, our native tongue. We are no longer part of the system. We are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We’re “them.” We’re “they.” We are the Elves in Pink. The EiP headquarters has been compromised. Can your intrepid band of adventurers determine what happened and take back the facility before it's too late? A 6-10 hour adventure for 11th-14th level characters

Cover of The Copperbolt Conundrum
The Copperbolt Conundrum
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
7 pages

The party approaches the Dwarven Kingdom of Narol'Duun, where things are far different than in your typical dwarven empire. The first major difference is that Narol'Duun is split into three distinct categories of dwarven tribes based on the main type of ore that they mine and refine. The dwarves take on characteristics of these ores - the Cobalt Dwarves having a tinge of blue to their hair, the Copper Dwarves having tough skin and beards of shining reddish-brown, and the skin of the Iron Dwarves is a deep grey in color. These dwarves engage in trade and drink, but the one thing that they are sure to never do is breed outside of their respective tribes. To be found in a relationship with a dwarf of another tribe is to be exiled to the surface - a punishment worse than death for most of these dwarves. On this particular adventure, the party finds themselves caught up in a case of forbidden love between a royal member of the Cobalt Dwarf family - Nadom Glintstone - and a simple merchant woman from the Copper Dwarf tribe by the name of Lajeera Copperfist. They have been doing their best to keep their love a secret for they both know the risks, but the Cobalt King, Norgith Glintstone, has suspicions and is deeply afraid of the damage such a scandal could have on his family's reputation. He doesn't want to draw any attention to the situation, so it is difficult to find a dwarf of his own tribe that could look into it further, so when the party comes along he sees it as a perfect opportunity. He will hire the party to look into the situation with Nadom, offering grand rewards in exchange for the truth if they can provide proof. The party will be torn between multiple threads of possibility in this adventure – telling Norgith the truth about his son's affair with Lajeera, helping Lajeera to permanently change her form to that of a Cobalt Dwarf so they can be together, or perhaps even trying to end the tribalistic ways of the dwarven kingdoms all together. This is a heavily role-playing based adventure, perfect for those who would rather talk their way through a difficult situation than cut their way through it, but there is still some combat along the way depending on the party’s choices. This story will decide if love can win out against all odds or if the temptation of coin is greater than the happiness of others.

Cover of Can Seapoint Be Saved?
Can Seapoint Be Saved?
Levels 4–7
8 pages

Can Seapoint Be Saved?” is an adventure designed for use with the AD&D rule system. To be able to answer that question, a party of adventurers should consist of 4-8 player characters, each of 4th-7th level. The group may also include henchmen and hirelings. To have the best chance for success, the party should include as many different character classes as possible, with emphasis on fighter-types.