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764 adventures found
Cover of C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
Levels 5–7
30 pages

This module was originally used for the AD&D Tournament at Origins '79. Your party is lost! You should never have abandoned the ship and struck out into the marshes, but your pursuers were closing on your trail, and it seemed the only way. Stumbling onward through the fens, your party makes for higher ground ahead. As you cross the ridge, you see a clearing before you. There in an ancient ruin - a worn and overgrown pyramid fills the courtyard, shining in the moonlight, seeming almost brighter than the moon itself. TSR 9032

Cover of V3 The Misty Isles
V3 The Misty Isles
Levels 1–3
48 pages

Precis Intermedia brings back this setting sourcebook for the original Roleplaying Game (First Edition/OD&D/0E). Originally released in 1977 by Wee Warriors, The Misty Isles briefly describes the people and events for nine islands, and includes maps for each. Each is full of inter-related danger, intrigue, and adventure that can be woven into entire fantasy campaigns. While hit points and armor class are provided when needed, the First Edition RPG or an OSR equivalent (B/X recommended) is required for actual rules and their descriptions. This piece of gaming history is a must for collectors and old school gamers. With the original on the extremely rare list, this classic reprint of The Misty Isles has been remastered for a clean print, and is readily available at a low cost.

Cover of The Secret of Spiderhaunt
The Secret of Spiderhaunt
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The infamous Sword of the Dales has always held a certain fascination in the eyes and hearts of the citizens of the Dalelands. Thus, it was no surprise when Randal Morn, rebel leader of Daggerdale, led an expedition into the crypt of a long-dead wizard to recover the weapon. Shaevyn the weapons-mage had created the Sword long ago, and it stood to reason that the blade would be waiting within his tomb. Perhaps the Sword of the Dales woulld allow Randal Morn to rule Daggerdale once again. But Randal Morn never returned from that fated party. Only tales of terror told by a lone survivor held any clues as to Randal's fate. A brave hand of heroes accomplished what Randal Morn's group failed to do in part one of this adventure trilogy, "The Sword of the Dales." Battling through the tomb's undead inhabitants, those heroes reached the burial crypt of Shraevyn. There, resting in the center of the coffin, was the Sword of the Dales, its azure glow filling the chamber. However, there was no sign of Randal Morn. Only a note signed by his hand held any clue as to his fate. "Seek me in Spiderhaunt," it proclaimed. "The fate of Daggerdale is in your hands." This is the second part of a trilogy of modules that began with "The Sword of the Dales." The saga concludes with "The Return of Randal Morn." TSR 9485

Cover of Desiccated Temple of Locha
Desiccated Temple of Locha
Low Level
12 pages

In the parched desert sands, a mirage glistens invitingly on the horizon, but the nearest water is a hard day’s march in the opposite direction. You swear you smell the faint wet smell like coming rain when the wind shifts just right and see the stars reflected off some far lake at night. There’s no water here, just a lone sandblasted pillar, its features smeared by centuries of sand. Smell that? The brine of ocean mist? Here? Is the pillar made of coral polyps and mollusk shells? What is this place? An aquatic temple magically transported to an arid environment. Based on the author’s one-page map that was published in Knock #2 by Merry Mushmen. Published by Duvelman Dice.

The Flames Witnessed at Temperance
Low Level
16 pages

Dreams of the sleeping wizard seep into reality. Manifest familiars war over the fate of a remote islet. An infinite garden houses an escaped experiment. The god of purity is fooled for his blessings. Into the nightmare we go. 16 pages contain 3000+ words describing 10+ keyed areas to explore (complete the wandering monsters table), 10+ friends and foes to talk to, 10 magic items to use, and thousands of gold worth of treasure to plunder. The adventure is designed for B/X, or like-systems. It is suitable for 4 to 6 characters of levels 1 to 3. It is heavily inspired by the dungeon synth album The Sleeping Wizard by Umbría, which may serve as a soundtrack.

Cover of The Dark Tower
The Dark Tower
Levels 2–4
39 pages

The Dark Tower A Worlds Without Number Compatible Adventure The adventure is set up so the Player Characters [PCs] can encounter diverse types of situations and different adventure styles, allowing for role-playing within a rural situation, with wandering monsters, and a dungeon/Deep encounter. The module offers a chance for the GM to immerse themselves and their players with as much, or little, detail as they want to put in. Rolling countryside surrounds The Dark Tower for miles. Giving you, the GM, the opportunity to fit the adventure into almost any setting within your game. I have left the ending open, allowing the GM to slot in further encounters or adventure twists to keep the game moving but with enough happening to turn it into more than one session if so desired. The Plot There are several options for the plot: A local innkeeper would like you to investigate the haunted tower on the hill. He is willing to offer a good reward. A local village Elder could ask the PCs to seek out/investigate/destroy the walking dead that have been seen around the tower. Please investigate the tower to see if the rumors are true. A Local priest would like the PCs to remove the possible undead worrying the locals from the tower.

Cover of The Trials of Ngura
The Trials of Ngura
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
34 pages

The Blood of a King The king is dead. All hail the king! The nomadic cattle-herding tribes of Shoma now meet at the Horns of Ngura to sacrifice gold and choose a new tribal king based on a series of ritual ordeals. Will you sneak into the temple of the Bull-God to steal its treasures, or will you participate as a champion in the Trials of Ngura? Savage Swords and Sinister Sorcery "The Trials of Ngura" is a stand-alone sword and sorcery adventure module, inspired by the pulp era tales of Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. Venture in the footsteps of Conan the Cimmerian, Satampra Zeiros of Uzuldaroum, Imaro of Nyumbani, and other fabled thieves, reavers and slayers! Written for the Fifth Edition (5E) of the world's most popular roleplaying game, the adventure in this book can be easily adapted to any fantasy roleplaying game ruleset or edition.

Cover of A Wizard's Fate
A Wizard's Fate
Levels 1–3
9 pages

If love overcomes evil, remember to get rid of the imp! It took only the love of one good woman - and the hatred of one evil familiar. After leading a life a villainy, the wizard Elzid Natholin gradually left his wicked ways, transformed by the true love of a young maiden. His imp familiar was not pleased with this benign transformation and tricked his master into detonating himself and his tower. The players will investigate the tower to determine the nature of the explosion. The imp still guards the treasure in the dungeon, and is waiting for a legion of infernal soldiers to come claim the treasure for their devil lords. Pgs. 20-28

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6)
Level 1
96 pages

The Reign of Winter Adventure Path begins with an exciting new adventure from RPG Superstar winner Neil Spicer! Every 100 years, the Witch Queen Baba Yaga returns to the nation of Irrisen to place a new daughter on the throne, but this time, something has gone wrong. Far to the south, winter cloaks the forest near the village of Heldren with summer snows. The heroes venture into the wood and discover a magical portal to the frozen land of Irrisen, whose supernatural winter will soon engulf all of Golarion unless they can discover the fate of the otherworldy witch Baba Yaga- a quest that will take them through snowbound Irrisen to even stranger lands beyond. Reign of Winter part one of six.

Cover of Statues
Levels 1–4
39 pages

Legends of a "mountain of gold" provoke a mad scramble for a mysterious book laden with clues to find certain statues around the city, which themselves hold additional clues leading to the hiding place of the fabulous treasure. An adventure for using old-school advanced rules with twists and open-ended problem-solving in a city rife with overt treasure-hunting and covert Byzantine plotting by multiple factions. Published by Coiled Sheets of Lead

Cover of The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–6
128 pages

An ancient gate to the abyss lies undisturbed in the Valley of Obelisks. Sinister forces seek to reactivate the gate for their own ends, can the heroes stop them in time?

Cover of Odyssey of the Dragonlords
Odyssey of the Dragonlords
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
460 pages

Odyssey of the Dragonlords is heavily inspired by stories from ancient Greek mythology. As we designed the campaign, we sought to include ideas from many different sources: The Odyssey, The Iliad, Jason and the Argonauts, The Oresteia, and others. However, Thylea is not ancient Greece. You will not find Zeus, Athena, or Apollo among the gods. As you explore Thylea, you will encounter familiar tropes, monsters, and treasures from Greek mythology—but the rules are different here. Mortals have only recently come to these lands. The world of Thylea blends high fantasy with the trappings of ancient history. Elves, dwarves, and halflings now live alongside minotaurs, centaurs, and satyrs. Our goal is to make your party feel like heroes from one of the greatest stories ever told—but the ultimate end of that story is entirely within your power. Your players will make choices that forever change the world of Thylea. As the gamemaster, we encourage you to embrace this idea and run with it. How will your players reshape history—and what does it mean to be a hero?

Cover of Escape from Wheloon
Escape from Wheloon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

The walled city of Wheloon holds the criminal population of Cormyr. The residents of that place are bound to it forever and cut off from the outside world. Inside, plans are made and malcontents pool their resources – and outside, forces influence the innocent to ensure that a dire plot can be realized without interference from the knights and mages that guard the realm. Now you’re here with no memory of what brought you to Wheloon, and all you can think of is finding out why!

Cover of The Abyssinial Chain
The Abyssinial Chain
Levels 3–5
31 pages

A silent threat grows in Freeports streets. One of the pirate city's own leaders brings Freeport ever closet to war, lining his pockets eve as he plans for eventual invasion by the foreign power Mazin.

Cover of FVU1 - Ga Mantse Tombs
FVU1 - Ga Mantse Tombs
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
22 pages

This introductory level scenario brings a new group of players into an area formerly controlled by the Tunnmaa Dynasty. This group of rulers was rich in gold and gems before collapsing. It is well known that their kings, known as Ga Mantse, were buried in underground barrows that are well hidden and protected by traps. A few days ago a group much like your own found one of these hidden tombs and attempted to investigate. Sadly for them they were not up to the task. Can your party succeed where they failed?

Cover of Martin's Fortune
Martin's Fortune
5th Edition
Low Level
11 pages

Martin's Fortune is a short classic horror quest that can be easily put in any (low) fantasy setting. This adventure scenario features a dark and trilling backstory and several handouts for your players. The quest is very much in the horror element and there are advices on how to approach the horror scenes. Adventure Synopsis: Martin Wesley, decedent of a faithful servant of Lord Amren Stieber recruits the players to pillage the Lord's lost tomb. Searching for the tomb reveals that forgotten history leaves its traces to this very day. The forest around Amren's resting place is cursed and veiled in darkness. When the party finally arrives to the Lord's tomb, they discover that it is something more - a jailhouse. Their prize will have to be earned in blood. Even when they vanquish the undead fiend, they can't be too safe, for the Lord's madness has become immortal.

Shadowed Temple of the Forgotten Goddess
Levels 2–4
19 pages

An adventure for 3-4 characters of Levels 3-4 exploring a ruined temple in a deep forest, with new monsters, new magic items, and all new original art. Deep within the Forest of Legressia lies a ruined temple of a long forgotten goddess. This ancient, crumbling temple is rumored to contain an artifact of the faith deep within its bowels, but also to be guarded by a shadowy malevolence. Your party has been tasked with reconnoitering the temple and retrieving the artifact. Great rewards await those courageous (or foolish) enough to delve into the Shadowed Temple of the Forgotten Goddess... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/475049/OSR-One-Shot--Shadowed-Temple-of-the-Forgotten-Goddess?src=hottest_filtered The adventure includes: 5 fully fleshed out encounters within the temple. Traps, monsters, riddles, and mysteries abound Four new monsters, two of which are variants of the shadow-bound Umbrathi, charged as guardians of the temple's secrets Harvesting and crafting options, for defeated and destroyed foes A new magical item, the Amulet of Redemption Lore connected with the world, including tie-ins to adventures to come A professional battlemap/sitemap from the superb Silver Compass Maps Incredible orginal artwork from Simon Underwood and Carlos Castilho Map Pack: includes gridded and ungridded versions of both GM maps and player friendly maps. Also includes VTT compatible maps

Cover of Gorgoldand's Gauntlet
Gorgoldand's Gauntlet
3rd Edition
Level 1
13 pages

“Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet” takes place in a cave network in the side of a cliff overlooking a lake and can be inserted easily into any campaign. Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet is a site-based adventure with a pre-dominance of puzzles and traps. The PCs discover a map leading to the Gauntlet and explore it looking for treasure. They test their strength and wits against various traps and puzzles created by a gold dragon who converted a cave network into a proving ground to surreptitiously test the abilities of local adventuring bands. If they make it all the way to the end of the Gauntlet, they’ll have the chance to fight a dragon construct made of the dungeon's treasure hoard and have the chance to gain access to a magic item that can have a significant impact on their adventuring careers. Pgs. 39-51

Cover of My First Adventure
My First Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

A quest to aid the Knights of the North, who have been overrun by a tribe of orcs, results in a group of 1st level characters learning everything there is to know about the basics of Dungeons and Dragons. This low-level adventure will use EVERY saving throw, ability score check and skill check, and goes over conditions, environments and different actions a player can make in combat.

Cover of FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

This dual offering is a true solo (no DM needed), as well as, the same dungeon for a PC/DM setting. The adventure is for new players at the lowest level of experience. It is centered on a recent discovery of an old dungeon that belonged to an arcane wizard. With no one to rely on, is your PC ready for a dangerous delve?