Once again, Provost Nigel Faurious has tasked the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild with retrieving an artifact, this time from Daanvi, the Plane of Perfect Order. The party boards the lightning rail in Karrnath, prepared to dive into a deep river gorge in order to make the transition to Daanvi. Before they can do so, however, agents of the Emerald Claw steal the authorization crystals they need to access the plane. The party must race through the lightning rail to retrieve their authorization crystals from the Emerald Claw agents, then make a thrilling plunge at terminal velocity into Daanvi. There, the characters find their plans hampered by endless red tape, and they must navigate the legal system in the most orderly of ways in order to return home with their prize.
Millennia ago, aberrations from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, were driven from Eberron. The Gatekeeper druids–mostly orcs–placed powerful dimensional seals throughout Khorvaire to prevent the creatures of Xoriat from returning. To repair a breach in one of the seals at a settlement called Tjorda, a Sealguard Complex was built. An immortal guardian ws tasked with attending to the repaired crack in the seal. Thousands of years later, the Gatekeeper druids rediscovered the sealed complex. Even without knowing its precise history, they ascertained its sacred nature and have guarded it from then on. Being sealed in to protect the site and commune with the inner guardian is considered a great honor. Much of this history has long-since been forgotten. But 10 years prior to the adventure’s start, Vilda Karrte–a relic hunter with her own agenda–tracks a Xoriat artifact called the Spiral Well to the complex. Turned away by the Gatekeeper, she forces her way inside, grievously injuring them. Having discovered Vilda’s journals, Provost Nigel Faurious, through the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild Handler Lhara, tasks the adventurers with recovering the Spiral Well.
In this adventure, the Lord Commander of the Sharn Watch hires the heroes to investigate the murder of an actress. The investigation quickly spirals into a bloody dispute involving a dead wizard’s spell-book, political rivalries, and secrets that might foment war among the Five Nations. Pgs. 1-37
Provost Nigel Faurious’s continued planar research has uncovered a reference to a sapphire amulet and a map with general directions to the entrance of the Shining Valley deep within the Graywall Mountains. He believes that the Valley is an Irian manifest zone, capable of charging the sapphire and granting unknown healing properties. The Provost has already acquired the sapphire and contracted Lhara, a female shifter within the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild, to put forth a writ calling for adventurers to follow the map he uncovered and discover if the amulet’s properties are authentic. Unbeknownst to the Provost, a flight of harpies known as the Haunting Song is already living within the Shining Valley after escaping an attack on their lives by two other flights. The characters will have to convince these current inhabitants that they mean no harm. The harpies have already learned the healing properties of the valley and have been raising a new generation without any outside interference, but due to the party’s recent expedition, an oncoming war party has been spotted and the harpies now demand they assist in defending their home.
A Riedran deserter has come to the adventurers with a simple request—save her lost love from the control of the Inspired and bring her safely back to Khorvaire. Player characters must navigate the sinister surveillance state, do battle with powerful psionic foes, and resist the creeping threat of psychic assimilation. Far more than an adventure module, Escape from Riedra provides DMs and players with a bounty of tools to bring any Sarlonan adventure to life, including: * An introduction to the empire of Riedra and how it integrates psionics into daily life. * A new system for tracking the nefarious and ubiquitous psionic influence of the Inspired. * An extensive bestiary with thirteen new monsters for use in any campaign. * Racial traits for Chosen and eneko player characters.
A roach thrall has infiltrated Sharn's highest circle of power, the council, and few have noticed. It's up to our adventurer's, with a little help from a perceptive councilor, to rid Sharn of the growing infestation.
The characters arrive in Thaliost, a city rife with unresolved tensions from the Last War. Through danger and discovery, the party will discover that the Lammanian artifact they were sent to escort back to Sharn has been stolen. They’ll have to track down the thief, who jumps onto the Five Nations Express, House Orien’s flagship lightning rail service, in a bid to escape to the Eldeen Reaches and open a gate to apocalypse.
Can you navigate fairy-tale intrigues among fey and living nightmares without getting trapped in the tale? Fight your dreams in the twelfth adventure of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path with this adventure for 7th level characters. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: Using his recently acquired Aethervane, Provost Faurious locates the only connection between the material plane and Dal Quor, a feyspire called Taer Lian Doresh that exists simultaneously in both planes. The player characters are sent to retrieve a powerful artifact, the Mind’s Eye, the petrified eye of a kalaraq quori. As the party enters the feyspire and negotiates with its eladrin lord, what are they willing to give up in return? Negotiations unveil a far deeper story, centered around the machinations of the Inspired of Riedra and the kalashtar they persecute. Can the characters navigate the shifting stories of nightmares and dream-touched fey for possession of the Mind’s Eye?
The brilliant (if somewhat eccentric) detective Viktor Saint-Demain has put more criminal masterminds behind bars than any three other inqusitives. But when the master sleuth fails to get the recogintion he deserves, he sets out to prove to Sharn that they can’t live without him. Pgs. 16-34
Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood is an intricate, character-driven mystery set against the sins of the past. On a journey to Arythawn Keep at the edge of the Mournland, the adventurers stop for the evening in the Thranish village of Brightdawn where they discover that there are dark secrets hidden in the wilds nearby. . .
Lightning rail rides in Breland are never as relaxing as they should be, especially when the coach is being used to transport a monolith hauled from the mysterious depths of Xen'drik Can the unsuspecting PC's overcome their surprise in time to repulse the invaders from the inside, or will they finish their journey in chains? Pgs. 18-27
WE-1: Red Dawn: An Eberron adventure about the end of the world. The year is 1019 YK, and the world is ending. Twenty-three years ago, the nations that were once Galifar signed the Treaty of Thronehold and ended the Last War. Now, the drums of war rumble once again. The peace that lasted a generation is threatened, and Eberron may go to war once again. As a member of the Scions of the Second Dawn, a secretive order dedicated to studying the Draconic Prophecy, this is merely background to you. Or, it was, until the eve of your initiation as full Scions. You emerged from the rite to find your monastery destroyed, bandits looting it, and all your friends and allies slain. You are the last survivors of your order, and the world is ending. You cannot stop the end of the world. But you can rebuild it. Can you escape the wreck of your secret order’s monastery, journey across the mountains in winter, search the mountain valley to unlock the cipher, and discover how to rebuild the world? Or will your frozen bodies join those of your fellows? Will you fall to fatalism and ennui, or will you fight to save what can be saved and rebuild what can be rebuilt? Find out, in the light of this RED DAWN.
In this adventure for the Eberron Campaign Setting a group of adventurers travels to the well known but seldom explored thorp of First Tower, 27 miles north of Sharn, the City of Towers. The adventurers must solve a terrible event that happens on the House Orien lightning rail, but then will have some time to relax and have fun in the many events and fun things that happen in the festive town of First tower. In the third act, the adventurers must find a way to fight or negotiate with an orc tribe that claims a section of the land as theirs.
"You enter some sort of corridor, but it is a far departure from the airship hallway you expected. The walls and ceiling are rusty chain-link fences and the floor is a corroded mesh of iron slats. Beyond the fence is a void of black, unmoving emptiness which carries the faint scent of ozone and rotten meat..." Inspired by horror franchises such as Silent Hill and Saw, Flight of Madness is a one-shot horror adventure in which the players must venture though an airship which has been warped by the plane of Xoriat--also known as the Realm of Madness! During the adventure the players will attempt to save the crew from unspeakable horrors, uncover the nature of the madness that has afflicted the ship, and face off against the one who appears to be responsible for all of this. But is everything as it seems? The adventure is for four level 5 players and is expected to take around 5 hours to complete. It is a great introduction to the darker side of Eberron for DMs and players alike. • An exciting mystery to unravel, with multiple interpretations and endings • An alternative to the madness mechanics provided in the Dungeon Masters Guide, which is integral to the final encounter of the adventure • Two terrifying new monsters: the winged torso and corrupted captain • Detailed battle maps as well as a map of the ship • Newspaper hand outs for the end of the adventure • Terrifying monster art WARNING: This is a horror adventure aimed at mature audiences and as such includes extreme violence and disturbing scenes. Before running this adventure it is recommended that you confirm that your players are comfortable with the adventure’s contents.
Designed as an Introduction to the world of Eberron and is intended for a party of four 1st-level characters. This adventure takes place in Sharn, the city of Towers. It begins, as many incidents in the City of Towers do, with a corpse. A warforged assassin, a mysterious blank book, and an offer from a House Cannith heir leads the adventures into the depths of Sharn--eventually to an ancient ruin dating back to before the creation of the Kingdom of Galifar. Along the way, if the adventures are successful, they recover a lost schema--a part of a pattern used by artificers to craft magic items. They also learn that many different agencies are interested in this relic, including those loyal to the various House Cannith elders and agents of the infamous Lord of Blades. Pgs. 307 - 317
Blackwater Redux is an Eberron adventure designed for a group of five characters starting on 1st level. It brings the group to the backwater of Khorvaire, aptly named the Shadow Marches. By the end of the adventure, the characters should reach 5th level or higher. To run this adventure, you need the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and Eberron: Rising from the Last War (RFTLW). Blackwater Redux is a dark, hopeless adventure with strong horror notes. It is inspired by Apocalypse Now by John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft. Consuming these before running the adventure is highly recommended. The adventure’s themes loosely touch on current and past real-world conflicts. If one or more of the players are former or active soldiers, make sure to discuss the campaign’s content beforehand.
The Golden Dragon, conceived as a skyfaring warship, now serves as a symbol of peace among the Five Nations. Even before the luxurious airship embarks on its maiden voyage, nefarious pirates, thieves, and saboteurs conspire to defame, steal, or destroy it. Resourceful adventurers are needed to protect the ship and its passengers, but can they uncover the secret enemy lurking in their midst? "Voyage of The Golden Dragon" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game that immerses your characters in the Eberron campaign setting. Designed to challenge 7th-level characters, it takes heroes on a perilous journey from Sharn to Stormreach and also serves as a launching pad for adventures the world over.
Deep in the jungles of Xen'drik, a relic of great power has lain hidden for thousands of years. Now, determined adventurers race against time and the nefarious agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw to locate the relic, overcome unimagined obstacles, and unlock its ancient secret. The Order's hunt for the parts of an ancient creation pattern nears its conclusion, but other groups also seek this powerful item. Once all of the pieces come within close proximity of each other, the ancient intelligence awakens. Suddenly all parties have a new and powerful enemy to contend with...
Terror grips the city of Sharn. A serial killer stalks the streets and catalogues his slaughter in the annals of the city’s newspaper, to the delight and horror of its readers. To catch this elusive criminal, the PCs must match wits with an old adversary. Even beaten, scarred, and imprisoned, Viktor Saint-Demain is determined to have the final word. This is a sequel to Dungeon Magazine issue #133’s adventure “Chimes at Midnight”.
In Flight of the Magpies your party is employed by a famous band of sky mercenaries to do a simple job: find out which airship will be transporting a mysterious prisoner. Simple jobs turn into crazy adventures in Eberron though, and this module is no different. Will the party rise (or fly?) to the challenge? Flight of the Magpies is an adventure for a group of players at level 3 that can be played early in an Eberron campaign to start things off with a bang. It was originally devised as a one-shot and can still be played as one, while also being a fun introduction to this game for new players. It will take 3 to 5 hours to complete as a single session, or it can be split in two shorter ones. This adventure is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced players, and contains enough information on the World of Eberron that you don't have to do any "homework" to play it. Statblocks for all the custom enemies you may fight in this adventure are also provided, so that you can start playing without having to own any other book.