For as long as men remember, the Lord of Evil Amphibians carried out unspeakable rites in his squatting temples situated far from civilization. Tales of human sacrifice, squirming servants, and rich but loathsome treasures were whispered of his followers. Now, unexpectedly, his servants have seemingly vanished, leaving behind their fanes to molder in the marshes. A brave band of adventurers gathers to explore one such tabernacle, eager to discover what riches—and terrors—the Lord of Evil Amphibians has left behind…
I am sorry child. The world is unfair. You are not like the rest of them. And you never will be. Sparkless is a 5E adventure set in a world of spirits and filled with exploration, conflict and magic. This adventure is designed for characters of 1st level and should provide enough content for two or three game sessions. In this supplement, you will find everything you need to take your players on a dangerous journey through mist-covered swamps to unearth forgotten knowledge and save a lost child. Content Warning: While no children are harmed in this adventure, it features a kidnapped newborn as a major driving force of the story. Before running this adventure with your friends, consult them and make sure they feel comfortable with exploring this theme in their game. The supplement contains 3 encounter maps and 2 dungeon maps. Each map is available in high resolution for print, and a lower resolution perfect for VTT. You can also download each of the maps without a grid and customize it to your liking! Sparkless contains plenty of new 5E compatible material including: 5 creatures, 3 magic items, 1 spell, and a new playable race: The Reclaimed. A new design that lets you keep some of your old race features and get access to new ones! Published by Beyond the Screen
Characters explore a dangerous, but sparsely populated temple in search of the Staff of the Dragon. They will encounter traps, environmental hazards, and a nest of lizardfolk. The characters are rewarded for a 'look but don't touch' approach to the temple's features. The real highlight, though, is the closing encounter. Once the staff of the dragon is retrieved, it can transform the characters into dragons for a set period of time. As they exit the temple, they are beset by an ancient dragon and the stage is set for an epic brawl as the characters take to the sky in dragon form. Can be completed as a one-shot.
Just beyond the fields of Orleans a small hole in the earth hides treasure and monsters. The townsfolk are far too scared to delve inside the abandoned cave, but the marquis needs its silver, and right quick. Just a couple of miles away from the town of Orleans, between rolling hills and well maintained forests, a small mine, long abandoned, lies in wait. Once a lucrative silver mine the “little cave” is now shunned by both the miners and its owners, the marquis of Orleans. Local whispers say that a few decades ago its miners stumbled upon something evil that lurked beneath the earth which killed the marquis’s son and twenty miners. Old people tell of a curse that lay on the mine which if reopened would cast doom upon the town. A few even tell of tiny demons, not taller than a housecat, that live in the mine and torment the smiths of the city. True or not these stories have all one thing in common: they have kept people from using the mine and extracting its precious silver ore. This that has plagued the marquises for three generations already and so the last heir of the family, Touvel of Orleans, is looking for brave adventurers, knights, sorcerers and all able bodied folk that wish to brave the mines and secure them from whatever evil may lurk inside them.
Enjoy a day at the faire and a chance to earn some easy coin in the process! A wealthy merchant wants to hire security for his daughter’s extravagant handfasting ceremony. It sounds like simple work, but why would a merchant hire seasoned adventures as wedding security? Perhaps the groom has some skeletons in his closet? A 4-hour standalone adventure for 11th-16th level characters Note. This adventure was written for Role Call 2019, a small Adventurers League gaming convention in Collinsville, IL. For more information about Role Call, visit
Everybody's a fool for a lost kid. He wanted power but settled for scraps - for now. The outcast wizard Lertol has adopted two leucrotta, and their team is ambushing passing travelers and robbing them with no-one the wiser. The players first fall into this trap when the leucrottas mimic a lost child and a search party in the middle of a night at camp. If the players leave to investigate the voices, the wizard loots the camp while they are gone. The players can then follow the wizard back to his lair and get their treasure back. Pgs. 48-49 & 28
This adventure concerns a once-proud fortress that fell into the earth in an age long past. Now known as the Sunless Citadel, its echoing, broken halls house malign creatures. Evil has taken root at the citadel's core, which is deep within a subterranean garden of blighted foliage. Here a terrible tree and its dark shepherd plot in darkness.
As your party closes in on the coast of the Newmack Sea you are greeted by a large group of the duke’s military. After gaining an audience with General Zulta you discover that your reputation has preceded you. The general asks your party if they could assist him in the capture of the rogue mage Oxidosus who is currently trapped in his island fortress. A cautionary note, if the players make poor decisions TPK is a very real possibility!
Fane of Serpents is a titanoboa lair suitable for three to five 10th-level characters. A rocky butte covered with soaring ruins looms over the landscape. Legend describes it as a monument raised by an inhuman race that was wiped out centuries ago as retribution over foul practices. Locally, the spot is known as Titan’s Height. It rises starkly above the surrounding area, with four terraced plateaus. Each level is covered with the ruins of many-columned halls in an architectural style unlike anything else in the area. Their age and strangeness alone are enough to generate fearful legends. The stories grow worse when travelers or livestock disappear near Titan’s Height, which they sometimes do.
The druids gave the forest a mind of its own; that their creation would turn evil was not part of the plan. Remember: Only you can prevent dire forests. The party must purify the sentient Black Oak at the heart of an evil forest.
An unceasing rain has settled over the hamlet of Holmford and with it a darkness has fallen. Minister Scrim is dead, livestock and crops wither and rot and now a child is missing. Whispers of an old hate returning feed fear and paranoia. All the while the Hornwood looms hiding it’s vile secret. Light must return to Holmford before history repeats and more innocents perish.
"A murderous laboratory comes to life in this adventure for 5th level characters." The players are tasked with investigating the disappearance of a mage who has been creating an A.I.-like arcane Workshop. Through the adventure, the PCS will soon learn that the A.I. has taken over and is using magic beyond it's understanding, having never ventured out into the world. How will the PCs stop a naive yet dangerously magical A.I. determined to get out into the world?
Nanfield is an island village of over 50 NPCs with mysteries plaguing both its present and its past. It contains a unique ecosystem and economy and a ship full of friendly pirates that will invite you by for dinner after accidentally attacking your party. It can be inserted into any campaign as an interlude during a travel montage, as a one-shot encounter, or as the base of future adventures. Nanfield contains over 50 NPCs you can use, several very unique and compelling characters, a Druid stat-bloc, a ship-to-ship fight, an investigation, and a fight with a Harpy (or more, depending on the outcome of the investigation).
Terrible Trouble at Tragidore is a 16 page tournament module for 5th to 8th level characters. Notorious for being one of the worst modules of all time, with implausible background and encounters and a railroad of a plot.
A dangerous beast - but one with a mission. Even the gods slip up now and then, but few dare remind them of it. Ri Conn's son was killed by the white boar of Kilfay, and he has passed sentence of death upon it! What starts as a hunting expedition for the PCs ends up being a grand adventure through the forest. Several interesting set pieces on the path of the boar's rampage are included in the adventure. The path of destruction leads through a goblin camp and ends in the tower of a now-dead mage (which still holds the target of the boar's ire, a mutated bulette that the mage bred). Will the party help the boar kill the bulette mutation, or let it free? Pgs. 32-47
Have you ever wanted to raid your neighbor’s garage for that tool they “borrowed” a year ago? Or dig through your friend’s closet because you know half your wardrobe is hiding in there? What if you had a band of adventurers to do it for you? The wizard Rastakeen needs a book returned that he lent his not-so-esteemed colleague, Frex, some time ago. Apprentices are for running errands you don’t want to do yourself, right?
The Disappearance of Esme is a short adventure for four or five characters of 2nd to 4th level. It will take a party from an ancient forest to a magical island at the fringe of the Feywild to the Feywild itself. As a standalone one shot, it is possible to complete it within a session of six+ hours. However, it is ideally played over two or even three sessions so that the players have time to absorb all that is happening and make decisions with more care. It can be placed within any setting where travel to the Feywild is a possibility. Features A painstakingly crafted 25 page full-color and fully illustrated PDF, a printer friendly B&W version, and a tested for screen readers accessible version A customisable, standalone adventure with opportunities for exploration, skill challenges, NPC interactions and combat Multiple entry and exit points, suggested developments for many different pathways Well rounded, complex NPCs with old school portraits Tooth Fairies, Flying Monkeys and Foglings: custom monsters with stat blocks A colorful battle map with both DM and player versions and separate monster and environment art assets
Deep in the elven forests of Myereth, ancient rowan trees spread white boughs above a sacred site. Pillars of stone twist like some strange form of vine, curling among the branches and reflecting the light of a silvery moon. The forest is silent, and beautiful, protected since the dawn of time by a powerful Unicorn. The elven forest of Myereth is well known throughout the world as a safe haven of good and peace, a place where evil cannot stand to enter and where the trees weep healing tears upon those injured within its boundaries. Any player character elves know of the forest, its healing properties, and its legendary beauty. They may have heard of it as a legend, or they may have visited its mystic shrine when they were children, brought along on a pilgrimage by other elves. But something has gone terribly wrong. Refugees from Myereth, terrified and confused, are flooding into other elven cities. They speak of a great evil that has conquered the forest, one that has killed the body of the immortal Unicorn and tainted its spirit. Myereth runs with blood, they say, and the once-powerful rowan trees have begun to wither and die. In the center of the Rowan Grove, the bloodied bodies of the last elven warriors of Myereth lie scattered and broken. Those responsible call themselves the Servants of the Blood Moon, and they are led by a dark-robed sorcerer. The surviving elves do not know this evil man — all but one of those who fought against the Servants died — but they know that the sorcerer calls himself Tamarat. He has butchered the Unicorn, the spirit of the forest. The Myereth, and the elves, are dying.
In this adventure for four to six 2nd level characters, you will search the Witchwoods for missing people, overthrow a tyrant, and bring peace and justice to a small frontier town by the name of Bromwich. The Biraven Chronicles are a series of three adventures linked together by an overarching plot. The campaign will take characters from 2nd level all the way to 10th level. FELL DEEDS IN FELFAIR GROVE revolves around the northern region of Biraven, a place called the Felfair Grove and will see the characters advance to 4th level. FELL DEEDS IN FELFAIR GROVE is a fully illustrated 54 PAGES adventure complete with maps, NPC portraits, and more. In it, you will find new monsters and new magic items. Furthermore, every creature encountered in this adventure is included in the appendix so you do not have to look elsewhere for monster stat blocs! FELL DEEDS IN FELFAIR GROVE is made for 5e. It is in its own self-contained setting, but can quickly be adapted to any setting.
Two head-strong sisters and a dying giant all have something in common: they need help only adventurers can give. It seems there's this little problem. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - TSR 9202