A political wedding is threatening a major source of income for the Thieves Guild Ebonclad. Ebonclad would like to see the affair disrupted and the couple never wed. Such a job may be risky, and its outcome could very well start a war if done poorly or without subtlety. That’s why a team of promising agents has been assigned to handle it. The mission’s goal is to disrupt the upcoming wedding of Camilla Swain and Le’Nal Beshiin, to ensure Ebonclad keeps a revenue stream open that their marriage would surely close. The caveat is, neither the bride nor the groom are to be harmed. This will mean the party will have to come up with a method to disrupt the wedding as it’s happening, while avoiding suspicion. As a bonus, the party members can rob wealthy guests or steal wedding presents. The mission is open-ended, giving the players full reign to decide how they will work towards a successful outcome. It lets you work to guide player decisions based on the information presented here, or improvise results based on the players’ actions.
Long ago, the eight tribes of the Softoy Valley put aside their differences and united in peace to erect a great monument to test the mettle of their young men and women. Only by defeating the challenges and guardian of the monolith could a child demonstrate their strength and wisdom to complete their coming of age in the community. All of the tests can be defeated by mind or might in recognition that each member of the tribe has unique skills that can benefit everyone. Although the tribes are long since gone, the monolith remains for adventurers to test their skills.
A nearly forgotten dwarven kingdom once ruled these mountains. Its rulers were wealthy beyond compare. Time and greed wore the kingdom to dust and now all that remains are ruins and wonders. Recently coins of that ancient kingdom have appeared in the streams of the foothills to the south of the mountains. Rumors have passed with tankards of ale that a vault laden with gold is waiting to be found. You and your friends, on a fortnight's furlough from guard duty, have set off in search of this lost horde.
That’s it, you are done! Your stint in the guard service has come to a close and you are eager to begin your life as an adventurer. With a few coins in your pocket, you head towards the town gates to find fame and fortune. As you approach the city well, a crying child stops you and asks for your help. Do you have that friend, coworker, or family member interested in playing D&D but you don’t want to ‘throw them to the wolves’? This month’s free offering has you covered. Your PC is just getting out of his military stint and wants to carve out their future of fame and fortune. This scenario helps you, the DM, present the basic principles of gaming to a neophyte! This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition AD&D AND an AD&D offering, for a single 1st level character, which is included for each! This adventure was designed to be a teaching scenario. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for news and offers.
This module is intended for a 3rd- to 5th-level party and can be played in 3-4 hours. An original short module of a Fairy Ball, complete with gowns, a fey palace, and all the fey lords, ladies, and regal enbies in attendance! "The adventurers find themselves on the steps of the Monarch’s spring palace, its marble pillars standing like beech trees in a forest grove. The air is thick with moonlight and a heady, treacly aroma. Ivy curls around the balustrade leading up to the main pavilion, and a nearby fountain bubbles with a faintly glowing liquor the color of cherry blossoms. Everything around the party beckons them closer. But, as they say: you catch more flies with honey."
Short adventures and persistent random encounters to shake up the streets of your city! Tiny Weird Adventures: Urban Edition is a collection of short Tier 1 adventures to be used in conjunction with the Fifth Edition of the most popular fantasy RPG of recent times, easily adaptable to your medieval fantasy game of choice. You will get 6 urban-themed adventures to enhance your game with stories of exploration and intrigue around a big city. Each adventure describes short-lived events that can range from a short random encounter to a one-shot adventure. Each adventure has its own Weird Rumors and Unfolded Paths that will help you expand your campaign in new directions. Content 6 Tiny Weird Adventures! The Creepy Handshake: In the midst of a major crime wave, adventurers are hired to find a lost "pet". His identity, however, is somewhat peculiar... The Trickster Sword: In the big city, not all that glitters is gold: play this adventure to meet a magical weapon from another world. Vengeful Trash: What happens when a faith man loses patience? The gods aid him, of course! Help maintain order in the city or face the weirdest kind of creature ever seen! Sick City: Living behind the great walls of a big city may seem safe, but what if the real danger comes from within? There is no time for quarantine: cure the curse that falls on the population or go insane forever! A Love Supreme: After an unresolved event, two souls separate. Is every form of love valid? Play to find out! The Mug Mystery: In a newly opened tavern, a picture of a bald dwarf holding a mug is getting everyone’s hair up. Appendix with tables to generate NPCs instantly! A multitude of names of various types: human (male, female and neutral), elven, dwarf, dragonborn, orc, and surname for Halflings. Additional rules to give your NPCs more color, granting them Desires and Personalities. Quick custom NPCs creation according to its stat block: generate specific Personalities and dDesires for your guards, thieves, and town clerics. 5 new monsters and antagonists! Use the bizarre and smelly Garbage Golem and scare your players with the fury of rot. Add an extra dose of horror to your game with Unraxda, the demon of subterfuge and violence, able to possess and control his victims Meet little Crawly, the best undead rogue in town. Populate your encounters with the Fragile Zombie and give your players the opportunity to make their way across the battlefield by slicing through these weakling monsters! Lopo the Necromancer is the low Tier version of an end-of-campaign boss: perfect for starring in a battle full of evil minions.
Delve into ancient ruins of civilizations past in this one-session adventure for 4th level heroes of the world's greatest roleplaying game! The Corwyn Catacombs is a one-shot adventure that sees characters delve into ancient ruins of a precursor civilization to rescue citizens of Corwyn and keep the village safe from harm! Will the heroes succeed in vanquishing the evils that lurk within? Or will they meet a grisly end, to rise again as servants of the undying Chiran Empire? Published by Animancer
A group of young islanders have been snubbed by the village elders as they move off to protect their island. Their dispair doesn't last long as they quickly find themselves facing foes of their own! After boarding a small fishing boat the group quickly finds themselves sucked into the swirling currents where adventure finds them! The original PCs are included!
Beneath the fetid roots of a noisome swamp linger the pathetic remnants of a once proud and noble tribe. Laid low by a powerful narcotic administered by their ambitious (but wildly paranoid) mistress, the lizardfolk of the Dark Oak are but a shadow of their former greatness. Now, in the fetid caverns below the slumbering body of a diseased treant she plots to bring bloody slaughter to the folk of the nearby villages before her followers forget their proud heritage and sink into a lethargy from which there is no escape.
Abridged description from DriveThruRPG.com: From award-winning RPG podcaster John Grana comes a new supplement for the Pathfinder RPG: a sprawling goblin warren and the tribe that inhabits it, fleshed out in full detail and turned into a campaign setting for goblin player characters. Within Bloodmoon Goblins is all the information a gamemaster needs to bring a goblin campaign, full of action and intrigue, to life.
When the Guildmaster speaks, everybody listens. When the going gets tough, the thieves get going. For 3-6 thieves. Pgs. 9-16 & 34
There is no particular overarching story here, just a prospect dungeon you can drop into your own sandbox and run as you see fit. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
The Nerastrim Manor on the hill once belonged to a wealthy family with great influence in the region; that is until Nathaniel Nerastrim's wife, Helen, decided she was through with the oppression of her rich husband, made a deal with a demon, and took a butcher's cleaver to everyone in the house. In the years since the massacre, the house has remained untouched. The spirit of Helen is still trapped within the house and repels the attempts of any who would cast her out. In this horror-themed adventure, your players have but a single candle to safeguard them against Helen's persisting wrath . . . will it burn long enough for the party to explore the manor and finally send the malevolent spirit of Helen on her way?
After basking in the glory of your accomplishments, you learn of a problem with a caravan attack. A group of possibly Goblins have brazenly attacked the Hamlet of Kako, burning it to the ground. The information comes from a local farmer that witnessed the carnage. Pack your gear…time to go back to work in the Principality of Lockerbie!
With the Heart of Light secured, the adventurers now pursue the Ebon Stone, hidden in a remote keep. Part 2 of 2. Part 1 titled The Heart of Light. Pgs. 43-52
Ka-boom! A mad bomber terrorizes the city of Red Fern. Can you unravel the string of clues and bring this criminal to justice? A follow up to Dungeon Magazine #79 The Best Laid Plans Pgs. 12-27 & 86
Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202
The sequel to the DMs Guild best-selling Tales from Frozen North returns better than ever with almost 4 times more content! What you will find inside: * 36 random encounters (plus 4 mini random encounters within random encounters! Encounter-ception?!) * Chapter 1: Carnival Encounters. 6 Short encounters for any carnivals and fairs in the Feywild. * Chapter 2: The Summer Court. 10 Encounters that are short and whimsical, or featuring creatures common to the Summer Court. * Chapter 3: The Gloaming Court. 10 Encounters that are short and wicked, or featuring creatures common to the Gloaming Court. * Chapter 4: The Feydark. 10 Short encounters in the subterranean world of the Feydark. * Scaling guide provided for most encounters (Tiers 1-2) * Puzzle Encounters (The Fey do love their puzzles, especially if it infuriates others) * New Fey-themed Magic Items * New Creatures! Including but not limited to: * Tooth Fairy (you might want to hold on to your teeth with this one!) * The Dawn Growlers — a team of superhero hounds?! * and a totally innocent and harmless small white rabbit…yes… harmless
A dwarven laboratory forgotten for many centuries has finally been rediscovered, but there is sure to be danger lurking within. It turns out some of the other machines within are still active, as are some of the traps and puzzles. Prepare your party for a blend of challenging puzzles and diverse fights in the dungeon that was home to my first player kill.
In the Tower of Yladhra the Grim, a party of adventurers braves the dangers and puzzles of an enchanted wizard's tower, and finally confronts the wizard herself. The adventure is designed for a party of five adventurers between levels five and eight. It features: Encounters by Level - Varying types and quantities of creatures are suggested based on the party's actual level, allowing each encounter to present the appropriate challenge to the party. Encounter Notes - Suggestions for how to run combats are provided for game masters who place an emphasis on engaging, tactical battles. Inciting Action - Suggestions for ways to present the adventure to players are provided. Aftermath - Ideas for future adventures based on this one. Unique Magic Items - New magic items to introduce into a campaign. Ease of Use - The format and style of the document allows the game master to find information quickly while running the game at the table. Detailed Maps - What's an adventure without maps? Not much else to say here.