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1034 adventures found
Cover of Skyfall
5th Edition
Level 7
63 pages

Save Sharn from planar catastrophe in the epic thirteenth and final episode of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path. This three-part adventure is designed for five 7th-level characters. Your party does not need to have played past episodes to enjoy Skyfall, though previous adventures (see below) with the Clifftop Guild will deepen their experience. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: In this climactic conclusion to Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto, the adventurers are charged with saving the magical metropolis of Sharn before a vengeful academic can destroy its manifest zone using the convergence of Eberron’s 13 planes. Characters must race across the city’s diverse districts in a battle of wits and weapons, locating artifacts linking the 13 planes and disabling the Convergence Engine before it is too late.

Cover of Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
5th Edition
Level 3
14 pages

One crazy night in Waterdeep. Start as tavern bouncers. End up on the Astral Plane. All in one crazy night in Waterdeep. The party has been hired for a simple mission: make sure the Slumbering Prince tavern doesn't get wrecked during the rowdy Midsummer Festival. And what better motivation than 200gp per person for a single night of work. Sound too good to be true? Well, here's the catch: all damages to the tavern are to be deducted from that amount. And there is no shortage of festival-goers looking to unwind by wrecking other people's stuff. Over the course of the festival, the party must deal with drunken wizards, vain bards, loud goliaths, incompetent parade goers, complaining neighbours, disruptive satyrs, aspiring cultists, and a full-on tavern brawl. As well as an unusual number of strange slugs crawling around. Slowly they become aware there is something off about the Slumbering Prince. And when a reckless noble disturbs the secrets beneath the tavern, our heroes must soon delve into the hidden dungeon themselves. Down below, they discover the terrible threat: a planar rift that can only be opened on Midsummer's Eve, and the slumbering demigod that awaits beyond, the great astral slug Cthumbra!

Cover of The Year of Priest's Defiance
The Year of Priest's Defiance
Levels 3–5
9 pages

In a world where water is more precious than gold, you've found an oasis - but you cannot drink a drop! The adventurers, crossing the desert, encounter a sandstorm that uncovers part of an ancient ruin of an unknown type. Green grass, an unusual and astonishing sight on Athas, magically sprouts around the ancient structure. An irresistible treasure lies inside, a source of pure water... Pgs. 26-34

Cover of Arcane Moon
Arcane Moon
5th Edition
Level 3
11 pages

Arcane Moon is an introductory adventure inspired by 90s Magical Girl anime: drawing on Magic Knight Rayearth, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon it's a story of love, friendship, treason and big villains. Arcane Moon is Magical Girl on Fantasy Land. It has been three months since the Arcane Scouts came together as a team. In that time they have managed to stay one step ahead of The Major Arcana, the personal guard of The Empress. However, unknown to them, one of her generals, The Hermit has infiltrated the city of Shealin and, posing as a merchant, has located two of the five shards needed to forge the Ioun Crystal. Jealous of his success The Priestess and The Hierophant are plotting against him, expecting to prove themselves to the dark mistress. The adventure takes place across two or three in-game days going from the latest fashion show on town to a mysterious tower hidden south of the city. Expect to fight several bad guys just to find out there was a bigger badder guy behind them.

Cover of MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
Levels 4–6
8 pages

As darkness presses into the narrow, muddy alleys of Goldstar, silent shadows slip out of hiding. Now is the hour for cutpurses and cutthroats to creep into the night to do their work. Would-be victims bar their doors and lie sleepless in their dingy hovels waiting for dawn. Your task sends you into this dismal, dangerous place after sundown. No moon lights your steps as you scurry past yowling cats in smoke, fog-filled alleys. Above you and beneath you lurk unseen encounters. Somewhere ahead in the despairing gloom lies your goal, if you can survive Midnight on Dagger Alley. TSR 9104

Cover of Fires of Dis
Fires of Dis
Levels 5–9
74 pages

In the Outer Planes, a holy sword can be a fiend's best friend, especially when the owner wants it back? Sneaking into the second layer of foul Bagtor ain't easy, but with a little help from the right high-up men, it can be done. 'Course, exactly who the right high-up men are can give a basher pause, so it's often best not to ask. But there's a sword to be found, and bloods needed to find it. Truth is, those who don't end up lost are sure to find out that no good deed goes unpunished! Fires of Dis is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 5th to 9th levels. From Sigil, the City of Doors, the heroes plunge head-first into a dangerous journey across the Outer Planes. Their quest for a stolen sword leads them to the hostile gate-town or Ribcage, the treacherous plane of Baator, and the disciplined burg of Fortitiude - a gate-town teetering between two planes, just waiting for something to tip the scales. Your player characters need wits as keen as their steel to brave the fires of Dis and survive!

Cover of The Camp Clearwater Massacre
The Camp Clearwater Massacre
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
? pages

There’s someone out there. Lurking in the woods. Hacksaw in hand. Eager to draw the blood of those who dare tread within its lair. Its lair: Camp Clearwater. Any other summer, Camp Clearwater is a haven for young, aspiring adventurers to hone their skills and relax with others like them. But this year it’s different. Bodies are turning up. Teenagers are running for their lives. There’s blood on the water. Can the characters save the counselors and campers from the Camp Clearwater Massacre? The Camp Clearwater Massacre is a Fifth Edition adventure designed for four 3rd-level characters but can be adjusted for three to five characters of 2nd- to 4th-level. The adventure works particularly well in horror-themed Fifth Edition games, especially those involving shadowy realms where a single evil presence acts as the domain’s dark lord or lady.

Cover of Icewind Curses: Hunger
Icewind Curses: Hunger
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

When a harsh winter turns uneasy neighbors into bitter rivals, or worse, Granny Grimsicle sees an opportunity to spread her unique brand of horror in Hrokstead. Short on food themselves and exhausted from their adventures, our heroes arrive in the frontier settlement to find that something is very wrong. Can they get to the bottom of the threat, and make it out alive? This title stands as a one-shot, but also plants seeds for the ongoing Hags of Hoarfrost anthology. It works great as a supplement to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, or placed into your own homebrew setting, or run as a standalone adventure. This module includes a detailed battle map and a monster token for use on Virtual Tabletops, and player handouts presented as standalone images for easy distribution to your online players.

Cover of The Saviour of Sharn
The Saviour of Sharn
5th Edition
Level 4
100 pages

Want to discover the incredible world of Eberron? You won't even need a DM... This adventure is written in gamebook style (think Fighting Fantasy / Lone Wolf) but with 5e mechanics. Narrative entries guide you through the adventure and remove the need for a Dungeon Master. Custom combat sheets run monster tactics during combat, and battle maps for all possible encounters are included in a zip file. This is the pdf version. For the Fantasy Grounds version, click here. The numeric entries are also hyperlinked, so all you need to do is click and the pdf will automatically navigate you to the next entry, removing the need to scroll or enter a page number. The story begins with you, the PC, deep in study in the Morgrave University Library. Then, a mysterious figure slips you a letter and disappears before you can discern their identity. Let the adventure begin...

Cover of Mini-Dungeons #1: Caves 3 Adventures in 1 Bundle
Mini-Dungeons #1: Caves 3 Adventures in 1 Bundle
5th Edition
Levels 3–8
34 pages

Within the pages of this book, you will find three mini-dungeons, all with a common theme. They are all set in dangerous and exciting cave systems. Not only will you be able to drag and drop these mini-dungeons as you need, but this book will also provide a suggested campaign structure and tie-ins to each of them for those witty Dungeon Masters who wish to run them all together. 1. Lizard Folk Tunnels - APL2 to APL5 A daring rescue mission to save two young children from the grasps of a tribe of lizardfolk who's evil intentions are to sacrifice their captives to their evil god. 2. The Cavern of One-Eye - APL4 to APL7 A cave system riddled with orcs as described in Volo's Guide to Monsters. Players will need to think on their feet in this one. 3. The Lair of Frostingbite - APL5 to APL8 Snow-oxen are being stolen from the farmers of Sleet-Town, tracks lead into the ancient and abandoned mine shaft within a nearby mountain. Killer Kobolds, Quaggoth slaves and a ferocious White Dragon await. Published by P.B. Publishing

Cover of The Tangled Temple
The Tangled Temple
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
3 pages

While traveling through a jungle expanse, the party meet a trader named Smera with a strange tale. Turned away from a nearby outpost, the trader is now heading back to civilization. Curiosity leads the party to the outpost, which has been destroyed. A strange disease has taken the outpost’s inhabitants, who built the place in support of a scholarly excavation of a nearby temple ruin. Following the path carved through the jungle by the excavation team, the PCs find the temple and its secrets. In this moss-covered and dark adventure, the party explores an old temple, faces its verdant guardians, and finds the source of the strange disease.

Cover of Ring Out, Wild Bells
Ring Out, Wild Bells
5th Edition
Level 3
19 pages

For the past 9 years the small town of Haren’s Watch has been plagued by a wicked fey spirit known only as Mr. Grin. Every year the creature and its fiendish little minions torment the town over the course of three nights, culminating in the kidnap and transmutation of one of the village children into a lifeless statue made entirely of coal. It is the tenth year of Haren’s Watch suffering this calamity and this year, amidst a raging blizzard, a weary party of adventurers seeks refuge in the small village... The adventure favours characters and players who enjoy roleplaying and exploration but contains additional optional encounters for players who enjoy more combat focused play.

Cover of Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum
Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum
Levels 1–4
12 pages

It's like a 'Legend of Zelda' puzzle dungeon, but instead of Link, you play as a group of grubby grave robbers. Also, there's way more eyeball stuff. Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum is a system neutral adventure for characters of level 1 to 4. It will work with any old school games like Old School Essentials or B/X or the most recent version of the world's most popular roleplaying game. What's in it: * 10 room dungeon crawl where each location has its own mysteries to poke and experiment with * Cohesive puzzles that build on each other * Lets players to discover their own solutions in true OSR fashion * Magic items and equipment that change how the players interact with their environment and previously explored areas * Use as a 4-6 hour one-shot or the start to a planar hopping campaign for wherever you'd like to go

Cover of The Forbidden Book - Caverns of Kehill
The Forbidden Book - Caverns of Kehill
5th Edition
Level 4
11 pages

The Forbidden Book - Caverns of Kehill is easy to implement in any setting and provides tools for real player motivation, interesting NPC interaction, exploration and meaningful combat by context and engaging situations. This adventure can be run in one session. The Forbidden Book is an old demonic artifact, that was destroyed and is manifesting after two hundred years. Cults are practicing rituals all over the world and the heroes will find one of them. It is the story of a group of adventurers, that stand valiantly against the darkness, rescue and old friend and if they succeed, become heroes of the small town of Kehill. Complete and ready to play with dungeon maps, a village map of Kehill and stat blocks directly on the pages. Featuring an additional print friendly version, all hand drawn maps (included additionally as separate files), beautiful artwork and two all new magic items. Published by StLion

Cover of The Temple of Dawn
The Temple of Dawn
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

The temple of dawn was once a place of miracles and wonders, the jewel of its valley. Now it’s nothing more than a folk tale hidden in lullabies and tall tales of boastful hunters. But not everyone has lost faith in the Goddess of Dawn. In this brief adventure, for 3-4 adventurers of level 3-5, Kendrick Rosenbud asks the players to retrive a gem belonging to his family from the temple of Aurora. After some days of travelling the party reaches the temple. from here on out its the players job to discovere the hidden room with the gem and take it back to Kendrick.

Cover of Trouble at the Twin Temple
Trouble at the Twin Temple
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
17 pages

A short plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. The Twin Temple was once a place where the people of the city can come to and get help and guidance, but change has come to the Twin Temple now. The characters seek to find what poisons this well and how they can get to the bottom of it and who is responsible. This adventure is ideal for for 3-4 tier I and II characters. Playable as a one shot or the start of a larger campaign. The characters are sent to investigate the Twin Temple and see if they can find the root cause of trouble with various clues and encounters in most rooms this adventure is customizable and adaptable to fit into most campaigns as needed.

Cover of Difficult Circumstances: A Prologue Adventure for What Lies Beyond Reason (Pathfinder)
Difficult Circumstances: A Prologue Adventure for What Lies Beyond Reason (Pathfinder)
Level 1
65 pages

Sometimes you can just be in the wrong place at the wrong time... Sheltering from a savage storm, a group of fledgling adventurers find themselves trapped by circumstances and powerful forces from a bygone age. Escaping from dark and dismal caverns, the heroes must brave a nightmarish trek through haunted and hostile terrain, pursued by an mysterious assailant to the very walls of Anduria – home of the greatest civilisation in the world. On the edge between madness and salvation, they must broker a deal with shadowy cults and political powers to determine not only their own fate, but potentially that of the Eternal City itself.

Cover of Someone Dropped the Goat-Ball (DC-POA-PND-1)
Someone Dropped the Goat-Ball (DC-POA-PND-1)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
32 pages

An anticipated rematch between the Reghed Nomads and the Goliaths of Wyrmdoom Crag is interrupted by disaster as one thing after another goes wrong! It falls upon the party to pick up the ball when others have let it drop! A DungeonCraft adventure using the "Goat-Ball!" seed. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier Two characters (levels 5-10). Optimized for APL 8. Somebody Dropped the Goat-Ball originally debuted at DungeonCraft World Tour on May 2021. Included are VTT-friendly maps and handouts in separate files to help with running your games virtually. I also have a printer friendly version included of several of those maps for those that prefer their works to be printed on the flesh of dead trees.

Cover of FVS10 - Over the River
FVS10 - Over the River
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
15 pages

The starting point of one’s career sometimes starts meekly, at other times not so much. This adventure sends a brand new (or 2nd level weaker character) on a simple fetch mission. A romance on the brink is in peril when the PC accepts the mission. A looming celebration has the player torn between a future on the road to adventure and the future with someone special. Is your player ready to take a trip to pick up some alchemical supplies?

Cover of DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson
DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
48 pages

The Soulmonger is shattered and its pieces scattered across the peninsula of Chult. Dire forces seek those shards for their own nefarious purposes, and the Red Wizards are rumored to have found a number of them already. Can you wrest those necromantic artifacts from the hands of the dread mages? Part One of the Broken Chains Series. A Four-Hour Adventure for 17th-20th Level Characters.