The Village of Hommlet has grown up around a crossroads in a woodland. Once far from any important activity, it became embroiled in the struggle between gods and demons when the Temple of Elemental Evil arose but a few leagues away. Luckily of its inhabitants, the Temple and its evil hordes were destroyed a decade ago, but Hommlet still suffers from incursions of bandits and strange monsters. TSR 9026
Year of Rogue Dragons is an adventure designed for four players who take the roles of newly hatched evil chromatic dragons. The story will introduce a specific section of the Forgotten Realms along with its prominent individuals, organizations and a segment of its history. The adventure will draw the players into a conflict between three local factions, and a mystery, which they must solve and use to their advantage in order to eliminate every menace that threatens their life from the onset.
An ettin has begun terrorizing the hamlet of Newkeep, stealing cattle and smashing homes—and flattening anyone who tries to stop him. Meanwhile, a mysterious riddle has appeared on the walls of the local shrine—a riddle which may hold the key to vanquishing the ettin.
Rumors have been spreading in small towns and hamlets, regions isolated in the far reaches of the wilderness and cut off from major cities and trade routes. Rumors of strangeness in the forest, where the animals suddenly watch with intelligent eyes while the sound of a crone’s laughter pierces the veil of night. Rumors of young men and women disappearing without a trace in the wilderness. Rumors of a cottage that walks on enormous chicken legs. Rumors of Baba Yaga. Those rumors turn out to be true and the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga has come once again to haunt, confuse, befuddle, and terrorize the far corners of the land. The Grandmother of Witches cackles in her flying mortar as she sails over the trees, a shadow in the darkness, but what does she want? Why has she come? And what strangeness awaits in her fantastic hut on dancing chicken legs? Brave heroes are needed to head out and find the answers to these questions and more! Welcome to the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga, an adventure unlike any other. Baba Yaga, the Grandmother of Witches, has come to town, and her dangerous and mysterious Dancing Hut beckons adventurers to brave its wondrous depths. Open the doors, unlock the puzzles, and meet the famed witch, her adopted daughters, and a host of other strange characters. This module presents the Dancing Hut and its most famous owner, Baba Yaga, as an adventure site worthy of high-level exploration. You can use the module in many different ways, and the Adventures in the Hut section provides ways to entice characters to seek out Baba Yaga. In general, the adventure environments presented are designed to challenge a party of characters levels 11-16, but with some adjusting and focus on non-combat solutions, a party of lower-level characters could also explore the Dancing Hut.
Devilish sorcery and ancient steel merge in the form of a reborn menace rising in the wild hills on civilization's verge. As the badlands burn with wildfire, an arcane warlord gathers his monstrous troops under his tattered banner. He is rumored to be immortal, and it will take tremendous bravery, immense cunning, and more than a little luck for stalwart adventurers to end his campaign of malice. Can your mighty heroes locate the War-lock's one weakness before his forces drown the realm in blood and fire?
Giants have been raiding civilized lands in bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding group. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monster have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for life and property loss means failure of the vows of noble rulers to protect the life and goods of each and every subject--and possible lean times for the rulers as well as the ruled. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. Remake of the original series of AD&D adventure.
After the first expedition to locate an ancient tomb was prematurely ended by monsters, the Search and Locate Treasure Consortium is doubling down. Camp established, they are looking for adventurers to make their dreams come true, but the leader of the Consortium is hiding something. Will the characters be able to avoid the Man Slayer tribe that destroyed the first expedition, help Larazmu settle his internal struggles, and locate the tomb that they have been searching for without getting into Moor Trouble?
It's all over (and literally so) after midnight. A mission with an unforgiving deadline. The characters must remove the magically-infused remains of a dead wizard and his medallion from a crypt. Pgs. 10-23
Barric Jingle promised the whole region he would deliver all kids presents in a single night! How he intends to do that, no one knows. It was no long before the promise reached an oni, who took hold of the warehouse Barric works in and kidnapped him! It's up to you adventurers to go through a fully industrial cabin full of weird toys and conveyor belts to save Barric. The adventure features widely different encounters with tons of surprises and environment to interact with. Aventura completamente traducida al ESPAÑOL This adventure was created for the RPG Writer Workshop 2020 with accessibility in mind.
The residents of Haskenport are worried -- someone is living at the old manor house. The local druid says it's a band of hobgoblins. Are they just looking for a temporary shelter before moving on? Or do they plan to bring a whole tribe to live there when the place is secured? Or do they work for an even worse creature that no one has seen yet? Whatever their reasons for being there, the situation can't be good. It's up to the heroes to clean the monsters out of the place so the townsfolk can sell it.
Buried in fire, but hardly dead. Only the Keep survived the destruction of Koralgesh, but few adventurers will survive the terrors that now stalk the lost Keep's halls. Players hear rumours of the Keep at Koralgesh and then traverse it to acquire the treasure within. Pgs. 45-64
“Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet” takes place in a cave network in the side of a cliff overlooking a lake and can be inserted easily into any campaign. Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet is a site-based adventure with a pre-dominance of puzzles and traps. The PCs discover a map leading to the Gauntlet and explore it looking for treasure. They test their strength and wits against various traps and puzzles created by a gold dragon who converted a cave network into a proving ground to surreptitiously test the abilities of local adventuring bands. If they make it all the way to the end of the Gauntlet, they’ll have the chance to fight a dragon construct made of the dungeon's treasure hoard and have the chance to gain access to a magic item that can have a significant impact on their adventuring careers. Pgs. 39-51
The dreadful jails below the appalling City of Skulls, Iuz's nightmare capital, contain many wretched and desperate captives. Among them is Earl Holmer, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands. A brave spy in Dorakaa has shown the ay to find and free Holmer—is your party up to the job of freeing him? King Belvor IV of Furyondy believes so. In the way stand fearsome priests and mages of the Lord of Pain; ogres, giants, fiends, and worse hinder the struggle to defeat the traps and guardians of Iuz. Plucking Holmer from his grasp will bring great renown, knighthood, and treasure—for those who survive. None has ever escaped Iuz's jails. Who will you be the first to use stealth or storm to breach them? TSR 9405
On a storm-blasted mountain lives an immortal Arch-Mage with a foul temper. The townspeople want you to talk to him - and kill him, if necessary. Is immortality worth the price? An Arch-Mage's magics threaten a small village. To protect it the party must brave a dangerous climb, and survive the Mage's warded lair.
The renegade magic-user Bargle is wanted, dead or alive. Rumor holds that he dwells in the bowels of a nearby abandoned keep, performing all sorts of foul sorcery. Only the truly brave, or perilously foolish, would dare to challenge Bargle in his own domain. Expanded dungeon of the BECMI red box sample dungeon.
Listen up! You're in my dungeon now, Morty! On Earth C-141, I'm a LEGENDARY D&D adventure writer! When people think of impossibly difficult dungeons or winding, labyrinthine maps, those things ain't Gygaxian - they're SANCHEZIAN! I do whatever I want over there, and they eat it up! I'm a celebrity Dungeon Master there, too! My livestreamed show, Cynical Troll, gets a billion views a day! It seemed a little selfish to contain all that GREATNESS to a single dimension, so I lifted one of the all-time favorite Sanchezian adventures and snuck it back here to dimension C-132. (Usually that kind of s**t is frowned upon, but it's just a D&D adventure. We're not exactly violating the Prime Directive or whatever.) This is a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl for a party of 1st-level adventurers, whose character sheets in this box should also contain. They'll probably reach 3rd level by the end of it. So here it is. This adventure brought peace to a warring galaxy. What did you ever do? Oh, you picked up this adventure? Good start. And awaaaay we go!
This adventure takes place in the Moonsea of Faerûn. The players have been brought to Melvaunt to search for the missing scions of the city's great families. To the north, in Thar the orc tribes converge on the ruined fortress of Xul-Jarak, flocking to the banner of a charismatic warlord. There, he intends to sacrifice the scions of the great families of Melvaunt in a bloodritual to Gruumsh. The players will escape Melvaunt, search along the wilderness of Thar for the Fortress of Xul-Jarak, and then explore the dungeons of the ruined fortress and hopefully rescue the scions before they are sacrificed. There also is a Web Enhancement by Eric Cagle on the archives of wizards of the coast's website designed to scale the adventure to level 8. For example, it replaces the Owlbear with a Tyrannosaurus. This is an easy to scale adventure with much of the player's difficulty coming from intelligently avoiding problems, choosing how to approach each floor in the most tactical way, and quickly adjusting when something goes wrong. The adventure has sidebars including common orc battle cries (In Orc!), ready to use orc names, weather and random encounter table in Thar, a description of what happens if the party fails or partially succeeds, and suggested minis for each of the encounters. There is even an extended description of the bloodspear ritual, an event the party is not meant to encounter in a normal run. The appendix is detailed for all the humanoid characters including the scions and their equipment, the named villains, and variety of unnamed orcs the party will encounter. The fortress also offers an opportunity to introduce the players to the Underdark and the Zhentil Keep. There is a passage to the Underdark the players can accidentally explore, and return to later. Emissaries from Zhentil Keep have come to watch the ritual and have their own motivations. These npcs provide an opportunity for exposition and role playing at a point which otherwise might be combat heavy, acting as a valve for the first floor - helping or hurting the party with subtle magic should the difficulty be off.
A great threat lopes toward a small city at the edge of a wasteland. One of the leviathans of the wasteland, a gigantic malevolent creature known locally as a “walker,” appears to be on a course directly through the city. The PCs are called to heroism by the city’s council, who have learned that the walker is being directed by a foul darakhul who has gained control of the creature and directs it from atop its shoulders! Scouts have discovered a portal used by the ghoul to teleport atop the walker. With a hastily scrawled map, the party must navigate the wild hills to locate the magical doorway. In this epic and deadly adventure, the party must navigate wild hills, locate a teleportation portal, and slay the Darakhul and his minions on teetering platforms built atop the shoulders of the walker.
You say you want a revolution? Monsters are prowling through farmland, people are starving, and the government is on the verge of collapse. But why? The Knights of the Shield have infiltrated the town council of Zazesspur, are are subtly manipulating the countryside around Ithmong by bringing in attacking monsters and making the land unfertile. They hope to make one of their members king of Tethyr! The players are tasked with cleaning up the countryside of Ithmong, finding the source of the increased monsters, and stopping whatever is making the land unfertile. Pgs. 4-18
The lost city of Archaia - an ancient ruin sunken into the earth - lies deep in the badlands. In recent years, caravans from Eastdale have come under attack from orcs, goblins, and worse. Some say these blood-thirsty warbands have made lairs in the deep caves and ruins. Sill others say the ancient halls are filled with magnificent treasures left by the Archaians. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to delve The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia? The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia (FCoA) is a 296-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing game. The pages of Forbidden Caverns are crammed full with new material, maps, amazing art (including special surprizes by former TSR artists), as well as an amazing colour cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus that matches Barrowmaze Complete as a sister-book. The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. FCoA is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).