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1669 adventures found
Cover of Dungeons of Drakkenheim
Dungeons of Drakkenheim
5th Edition
Levels 1–13
? pages

DUNGEONS OF DRAKKENHEIM is an adventure compatible with Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons. Designed by the DUNGEON DUDES, Monty Martin & Kelly McLaughlin, based on the original livestream game broadcast on YouTube and Twitch! Fifteen years ago, Drakkenheim was destroyed by an eldritch storm of falling stars. Now, the city is a dismal urban wasteland contaminated by otherworldly magic and haunted by hideous monsters. Fantastic wealth, lost knowledge, and powerful artefacts lie ready for the taking by adventurers brave or foolish enough to venture into the ruins!

Cover of And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Emhin manor stands forlorn in its ruined gardens. The Emhin family dissapeared one night, many years ago. Now its up to you to brave the mansions dark chambers, and uncover a horrifying family secret... 'And then there were none' is a one shot Horror adventure, lasting about 3 to 4 hours. The PCs explore the abandoned Emhin manor, trying to unearth what horrible events happened to the Emhin family on a dark night many years past. Designed for a party of four to six 2nd level characters, or a party of four 3rd level characters, it provides rules to tailor encounters depending on level and party. The adventure contains three unique monsters to challenge and terrify the PCs. Setting neutral, it can be added to an ongoing campaign, or be the start of a longer running adventure. Warning: this adventure contains undead monsters, hauntings and visions of murder and torture.

Cover of Cult of The Glutton
Cult of The Glutton
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
14 pages

A temple once devoted to Solonor Thelandira deep in the elvish lands has been taken over by troglodytes during troubled times. Whilst the heroes of the realm were fighting elsewhere, a dark, abyssal evil was summoned into being. Can the characters purge the evil from the once sacred shrine? Will they be devoured by The Glutton?

Cover of Getting Your Feet Wet
Getting Your Feet Wet
5th Edition
Level 1
7 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has welcomed its newest team to the fold, assigned to the Keeper Reese Kincaid for instruction. The recruits are green, but capable. Their Keeper has devised a job for them to assess their talents. If his new team is successful, he gets some insight as to how his new Scraps operate, in addition to scratching something off his to-do list. If they die trying, well, then Reese has one fewer thing to worry about. The party must track down the slum thief Dale E’ssio, and reclaim valuables marked for the guild. Should anything unfortunate happen to Dale, there must be no evidence tracing things back to Ebonclad. The mission will require the party to enter Kintalla’s sewers to ultimately confront Dale E’ssio in a ruined slum house. Characters may have to explore the city while trying to get a lead on him.

Cover of SB16 - Zagzon's Vault
SB16 - Zagzon's Vault
5th Edition
Levels 14–18
24 pages

SB16 – Zagzon’s Vault has an upper level (16th) group of PCs discovering an old tomb being discovered by a group of Halfling children. The remains of an evil necromancer lies within but he’s not quite “dead” and neither are his followers that were also entombed with him. Traps, tricks, and hurt lie within this adventure and it is not for the faint of heart!

Cover of DDEX02-04 Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines
DDEX02-04 Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
37 pages

Riddled with veins of precious ore and gem, the Earthspur Mountains to the west have long been a valuable resource for anyone able to mine them. One such mine has gone silent and the only thing more concerning than its long overdue shipment is the fate of the members of the Soldiery sent to discover what has happened to the mine’s workers. Though the mine lay in a region of the Mountains once claimed by a clan of reclusive dwarves, the Ludwakazar clan wouldn’t be so bold as to violate their long-standing peace with Mulmaster. Or would they?

Cover of Temple of Lies
Temple of Lies
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
15 pages

Unwrap this player-driven winter mystery for four to five characters of 5th level. No more railroads. Every decision matters and changes how the story unfolds. Branching paths, multiple dungeon entrances, and a myriad of potential conclusions—this adventure provides endless fun with rewarding choices and a range of challenges for any character. This product includes: - 4 to 6 hours of play packed into 15 pages - High-resolution VTT maps of the temple - 6 new monsters, including Brain in a Jar and Workshop Devils - 7 stand-out NPCs with clear motivations players will love or love to hate - The perfect adventure for the holiday season, including a Midwinter festival with two classic games reimagined using D&D rules—snowball fight and charades - All magic items and stat blocks detailed in the appendices for easy reference Content Warning: Animal mutation, blood, enslaved devils, undead, torture,

Cover of Mini Hex
Mini Hex
5th Edition
Levels 4–11
16 pages

Content in English / Contenido en Español Mini Hex is Hex Crawl that can be played in one session, its ideal to show your players what a hex crawl is about. It may serve simple purposes as finding some rare flowers in the forest, the location of a ritual in the city or the cave with the treasure in the hills. This module contains: 3 scenarios. 18 combat encounters for levels 4, 7 and 11 characters. 30 obstacles encounter of varying difficulty. More than 100 traps variations. Aids for easy setup. Area and battle maps. A couple of interesting mechanics to make your game feel fresh. Mini Hex es Hex Crawl que se puede jugar en una sesión, es ideal para mostrar a tus jugadores de qué se trata un rastreo hexadecimal. Puede tener propósitos simples como encontrar algunas flores raras en el bosque, la ubicación de un ritual en la ciudad o la cueva con el tesoro en las colinas. Este módulo contiene: 3 escenarios. 18 encuentros de combate para personajes de nivel 4, 7 y 11. 30 obstáculos ambientales de diversa dificultad. Más de 100 variaciones de trampas. Ayudas para prepara rápido y fácil una partida. Área y mapas de batalla. Un par de mecánicas interesantes para que tu juego se sienta fresco.

Cover of Fane of Serpents
Fane of Serpents
5th Edition
Level 10
4 pages

Fane of Serpents is a titanoboa lair suitable for three to five 10th-level characters. A rocky butte covered with soaring ruins looms over the landscape. Legend describes it as a monument raised by an inhuman race that was wiped out centuries ago as retribution over foul practices. Locally, the spot is known as Titan’s Height. It rises starkly above the surrounding area, with four terraced plateaus. Each level is covered with the ruins of many-columned halls in an architectural style unlike anything else in the area. Their age and strangeness alone are enough to generate fearful legends. The stories grow worse when travelers or livestock disappear near Titan’s Height, which they sometimes do.

Secrets of the Greenwold: Caravan of Peril
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
22 pages

Caravan of Peril takes place on the unprotected roads and trails of the wilderness between cities. Merchants, pilgrims, and wanderers have long banded together in wagon caravans for safety when setting off into the wild -- yet a caravan is only as safe as its hired guards. There's plenty of coin to be had on the road for those with a swords (or spell book), a steady will, and a taste for adventure. This adventure begins assuming the characters have all signed on as caravan guards. Their motivation may be money, wanderlust, or a hasty need to get out of town. Whatever the case, payment is 25gp each, paid upon safe arrival in the next city. Along the way, the characters will brave the dangers of the wilds, make some unusual acquaintances, and be ambushed by crafty goblins.

Cover of DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets
DDAL07-12 In Search of Secrets
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
19 pages

The yuan-ti have a long, storied past in the history of Chult. So, if they are to be defeated, we must look back into history. Within the jungles, a number of cities fell into ruin during the Year of Blue Fire. Both the merchant princes and factions believe that if discovered, they likely contain knowledge that’ll prove invaluable in the battles to come. Get looking! A Four-Hour Adventure for 11th – 16th Level Characters

Cover of The Scales of Melusine
The Scales of Melusine
5th Edition
Level 4
7 pages

When the water source of the city-state of Guerino is poisoned and its citizens enchanted, a group of adventurers must follow the treacherous path deep into Mistfall Mountain and restore balance to the kingdom. Pgs. 91-97

Cover of The Tinker's Laboratory
The Tinker's Laboratory
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
5 pages

A dwarven laboratory forgotten for many centuries has finally been rediscovered, but there is sure to be danger lurking within. It turns out some of the other machines within are still active, as are some of the traps and puzzles. Prepare your party for a blend of challenging puzzles and diverse fights in the dungeon that was home to my first player kill.

Cover of Blackwater Redux
Blackwater Redux
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
77 pages

Blackwater Redux is an Eberron adventure designed for a group of five characters starting on 1st level. It brings the group to the backwater of Khorvaire, aptly named the Shadow Marches. By the end of the adventure, the characters should reach 5th level or higher. To run this adventure, you need the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and Eberron: Rising from the Last War (RFTLW). Blackwater Redux is a dark, hopeless adventure with strong horror notes. It is inspired by Apocalypse Now by John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft. Consuming these before running the adventure is highly recommended. The adventure’s themes loosely touch on current and past real-world conflicts. If one or more of the players are former or active soldiers, make sure to discuss the campaign’s content beforehand.

Cover of Midwinter Maleficence
Midwinter Maleficence
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

The adventurers are called to the village of Pinecrest where all but one of the children have gone missing. Can they find the lost babes in the wood before the children meet their grisly fate?

The Little Cave
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
19 pages

Just beyond the fields of Orleans a small hole in the earth hides treasure and monsters. The townsfolk are far too scared to delve inside the abandoned cave, but the marquis needs its silver, and right quick. Just a couple of miles away from the town of Orleans, between rolling hills and well maintained forests, a small mine, long abandoned, lies in wait. Once a lucrative silver mine the “little cave” is now shunned by both the miners and its owners, the marquis of Orleans. Local whispers say that a few decades ago its miners stumbled upon something evil that lurked beneath the earth which killed the marquis’s son and twenty miners. Old people tell of a curse that lay on the mine which if reopened would cast doom upon the town. A few even tell of tiny demons, not taller than a housecat, that live in the mine and torment the smiths of the city. True or not these stories have all one thing in common: they have kept people from using the mine and extracting its precious silver ore. This that has plagued the marquises for three generations already and so the last heir of the family, Touvel of Orleans, is looking for brave adventurers, knights, sorcerers and all able bodied folk that wish to brave the mines and secure them from whatever evil may lurk inside them.

Cover of Labyrinth of Thorns
Labyrinth of Thorns
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
19 pages

An original Valentine's Day-themed one-shot adventure designed for level 4-5 characters. SUMMARY The city of St. Valentine is home to Dante's Casa di Dolci, a world-renowned bakery — and tucked within the bakery is the entrance to a secret labyrinth, created by a mischievous, merciless god. Every February, an unsuspecting resident from St. Valentine is pulled into the maze. Some return after years spent in the labyrinth, but most do not. When Dante's beloved wife, Simonetta, is pulled into the labyrinth, he must enlist the help of adventurers to get her back. The journey that follows is one of strange doors, riddles, and dangerous creatures that lurk among the hedges... DETAILS 2-4 hour session for 3-6 players Play-tested material Original NPCs and locations Diagrams and NPC stats 19-page campaign guide Enjoy the adventure? Share your experiences with me! Hashtag: #LabyrinthOfThorns

Cover of CCC-BMG-16 ELM 1-1 The Sage of Cormanthor
CCC-BMG-16 ELM 1-1 The Sage of Cormanthor
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
16 pages

The grain has rotted in the town of Elmwood, which means people might starve, businesses and banks might fail, and endanger the town’s already- precarious existence. Brave adventurers are needed to travel through the wild forest to seek the advice of the Sage of Cormanthor. Four hour adventure. Also contains information about the town of Elmwood. Part One of the Misaligned Trilogy

Cover of DDAL09-03 Hungry Shadows
DDAL09-03 Hungry Shadows
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
26 pages

Bodies continue pile up, and the Flaming Fist still has nothing but a name. Thankfully, the perpetrator of the murders has slipped up and the Flaming Fist has captured one of their underlings, in turn, has revealed the presence of a cult hideout in the sewers beneath the city. The Flaming Fist has asked that you investigate. Are you up for the task? Part Two of the Betrayal is in the Blood series of adventures. A Two-to-Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters (APL 3).

Cover of CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
CCC-MELB-02 The Sunken Sepulcher
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

A group of dwarves in the Hulburg region are in need of help. Strange lights have been seen at night and a deadly terror has struck their mining camp. Venture into the ancient ruins and discover the source of this terror before it's too late.