Tree houses are not just for kids. This roadside stop could well be your very last. These characters may be of any class, race, or alignment, although characters of good alignment have added incentive to rid the world of the evil depicted herein. The characters should possess only a low to moderate amount of magic, as too much will throw off the balance of the scenario. The Dungeon Master should pay particular attention to the viewpoint of the antagonists: three braggarts. This Scenario is designed to be used as the player PCs travel from one adventure to another, along the fringe of a swamp. The players should be given no introduction for the scenario. Treated it as an extended random encounter. The adventure takes place in the village of Rotting Willow and the nearby swamp. The village lies at the intersection of two trade routes. One route follows the edge of the Great Cypress Swamp and is well traveled because it is shorter (although not safer) than larger trade routes. A smaller route runs east and west, ending abruptly where it meets the swamp route. Pgs. 4-10
Greatwall is in peril - not from military forces of Iuz, but from lack of goods and supplies. Caravans from Willip have ceased thanks to increased dangers on the Willip Critwall Grabford Trail. As the key fort positioned to contain the Iuzian flood, Greatwall is a strategic necessity. Its failure would mean a major incursion along the border. Your characters are hired to escort a caravan from Greatwall to Willip; if its merchants are afraid to come to the fort, the fort will go to them. This should be simple, cut and dried guard job. Right? Of course not. There are many surprises in store for your little caravan, and your characters will need to keep their wits about them day and night in order to make it to the other end. Secret plans are afoot, conspiracies are brewing, and nothing is as it seems while on the Border Watch. This module uses information presented in the From the Ashes boxed set and the Iuz the Evil accessories. However, ownership of these two products is not necessary to play this module. TSR 9406
Strange tales of a mad queen and a hoard of legendary treasure have driven adventurers into the jungles of the great trade road between Tiefon and Nextyaria for a generation, but now new information has come to light. A travelling bard has uncovered certain keys to the location of the lost queen's mysterious volcanic home, and the secret that may thwart her seeing immortality and invulnerability. Once again, the Barrens takes center stage as characters must via for a chance to grow rich and expand their legend among the heroes of the Nameless Realms! The Infamous Black Label series continues with this second part to the Barrens trilogy as characters must dodge the marauding forces of bandit lords, discover a wayward bard, and then journey to the caldera fortress of the Hall of the Spider Queen. What secrets does that dark sanctuary hold? Only time, dice, and the comradery of the gaming table will tell. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
A mad venture across the fourth dimension. Hang onto your helmets in this topsy-turvy dungeon. Be warned that the accidental release of the Evil One (described in the text) could have devestating consequences on the PCs, not to mention the local campaign area. The DM should consider alternatives to the Evil One's powers if they are felt to be too destructive. Pgs. 32-39
"Far be it from me to impugn the mettle of adventurers such as yourselves, but daring the depths of Undermountain merely for fortune's sake is more absurd than kicking a sleeping dragon in the nose for sport. Even so, you've returned for another trip to the Underhalls, so be prepared. You stand to enter the Lost Level this time: Gird yourselves for diplomacy as well as destruction. You'll find the last stronghold of an extinct dwarven clan: Do be good enough to extend the greetings of the Blackstaff to Bandaerl. There's also a dark vampiress who enjoys a good hunt, and be sure to mind the beholders: They're trained to keep you from escaping. "Enjoy, and don't say Khelben didn't warn thee." TSR 9519
SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE! The Tabernacle of Ka-Sik-Fal is a 2 in 1 adventure including a TRUE SOLO adventure. This double adventure is actually the same adventure in two formats, one DM & PC, and the other a true do it yourself adventure. This adventure is for a PC of 1-3 level . It follows the Filbar Campaign setting but can be placed in any campaign setting. This adventure takes a single PC into a deserted shrine to discover the whereabouts of missing villagers. At 35 pages this adventure will keep your PC busy. Did I mention a true 1 person solo adventure?
Auction fever can empty anyone's pouch of coins. An Arch-Mage is retiring and selling his possessions - and you're at the auction! Pgs. 19-23
In which the Many seek the One, and the Heroes must retrieve a Sword lost amid myriad Threats to the Flesh. Chapter II of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.
Don't you wish they'd stay dead? A ghost has been threating a local shop keeper and it is up to the party to ride her of this treat. Pgs. 54-56
At times adventuring groups will hit a town after a successful foray and go their separate ways for a short time. This adventure centers on such a scenario with one member opting to chase down a thief that has burgled the merchant’s guild. When checking with their cohorts the adventurer discovers they are the only one interested and, since its only one thief, the challenge should be fairly easy….right?
DMs, do you wish you had more time to put together fresh, innovative adventures for your players? Have you ever been stuck for a new plot line, but been unwilling to delve into the reading and prepartion required by full-length modules? TSR Inc. proudly presents a new AD&D game accessory designed for the DM who wants variety and challenge for player characters. Adventure Pack I contains 12 short modules, each a complete stand-alone adventure. The scenarios are unique and unusual; they will intrigue characters of all levels, and offer a variety of settings and plots for the DM to choose from. These adventures are suitable for one-time play, or can be inserted into your campaign at any time. Each module includes one or more maps, background for the DM, NPC capsules, and complete encounter descriptions. The scenarios are designed for a specific range of player character levels, and can easily be made more or less difficult if neccessary. Now, with a minimum of preparation, you can give your player characters a challenge that will last for as little as one day of game time or months of it. DMs are sure to find Adventure Pack I convenient, innovative, and invaluable! Contains 11 Adventures: The Circus of Gandolfo - Sharla's Zoo - The Weird Woods of Baron Orchid - To Kill a Kraken - Reign of Triumph - Terror of Skytumble Tor - Steaks - The House of Long Knives - The Lauros Road Bandits - Scavenger Hunt - Blood and Laurels - TSR 9202
The battle for Jakandor is joined as two cultures clash - fierce barbarians and powerful wizards who both believe their destiny is to destroy the other! In such struggles legends are forged! Jakandor, Land of Legend brings the epic struggle of the Jakandor ODYSSEY trilogy to its startling climax. The Knorr and the Charonti are embroiled in a blood feud to claim ownership of their island home: Here are the legendary battles that will either unite two nations or destroy them. This product presents an anthology of adventures and the tools to run an exciting campaign in this land of feuding barbarians and wizards. Additional sites, details of Jakandor's wilderness, and expanded random encounter charts are part of the package. A full-color map features the first true view of the island, combining the Knorr east with the Charonti west. The adventures, adaptable to either society, allow players to explore both the Knorrman and the Charonti cultures. Included is a scenario to help DMs add Jakandor to their existing AD&D campaigns, as well as a large adventure that explores an extensive underground ruin. Finally, rules are presented for battles between the gigantic magical constructs of both cultures. Contains 7 adventures: Island of Fire, Island of Death Vengeance at the Great Drum Amid the Ruins Siege of the Magelord Home Again, Home Menu for Adventure When Titans Clash TSR 09472, From 1998
Within a lawless region of the Nameless Realms known as the Barrens, strength, cunning, and a will to survive are all that matters. Here, amid the arid high plateaus, the smoldering hat of the deep jungles, and the haunted marshlands of the northern fringe, countless adventures can be had for those brave, or foolish, enough to undertake them. This is a land of ancient ruins, petty robber barons, wild tribes, elder curses, and the undead. Sorcerers rule over fallen cities, and dark priestesses hold power with all manner of evil minions. Will your party be bold enough to undertake the challenges that await them in this first adventure in the Folio: Black Label Series? Can they overcome the curse of the three sisters, and will they make a name for themselves among the scattered outposts of Humanity? Only time, dice and comradery around the gaming table will tell. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
"The southlands of Eor are being despoiled. Merchants will no longer run their caravans on the main highway past the quiet village of Waycombe. The peasants are fleeing their lands, and all are demanding protection from the powerful Count of Eor. The goodly count has sent a troop of his trusted fighters to exterminate the brigands believed responsible for these outrages, but weeks have passed, and still there is no word from this force. Now John Brunis, Count of Eor, has turned to you for aid. After taking counsel with the High Priest of Eor, he believes that a small party of cunning, bold adventurers may succeed where armed might has failed. You find yourselves faced with many mysteries! Why has robbery suddenly erupted in the peaceful southlands? How could mere brigands be as powerful as the foes described to you by their numerous victims? Is this really mere robbery? Or is there some truth to the rumors, told only in hushed whispers, about the beginnings of a hideous plot being hatched by an ancient, vile, and evil foe of all mankind?" Eor is beset by marauders and lizardmen of a boldness not seen in years. Hired by the Count of Eor, the party is tasked with tracing the source of these foes and eliminating them for the safety of the realm. After a set piece combat in Count Brunis's castle, the party must trek across Eor's wilderness, eventually coming to the Great Southern Swamp beyond the village of Waycombe. With further exploration they can locate the Ancient Temple which serves as the tomb and stronghold of Sakathas, the vampiric LIZARD KING! TSR 9055
With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.
Your group of adventurers has come together from a successful adventure in the old ruins seeking more fame and glory. As they travel they come upon the small community of Kamortha. Recently a problem occurred when the Witch of Margrove Swamp cursed the community as she left. Now the people have developed some strange facial malady and they want a cure. Can your party of adventurers discover the secret of the plague and resolve it for the fine people of Kamortha?
"Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear. . . No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!" TSR 9063
The adventure starts with a prophetic dream and a plea for help. The heroes are asked to recover a cart-load of supplies stolen by a band of savage monsters that have recently moved into the area. A strange fire wiped out everything the villagers had, and the stolen cart contains seeds and tools with which they can replant their crop before the season passes. It is a mundane task for heroes, but it seems simple and the villagers offer a reasonable reward. Adventure II: Dark Harvest from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: Pgs. 9-30 TSR 1124
"Yea I knows of a job for the likes of you" the bartender says as he wipes off the table. "This wizard who lives near the shore about two or three days ride lost somethin' he was expected on the ship The Intrepid. I hear he wants the cargo back and is willing to pay good coin for it to any who'd chance going into the Lake of Chaos." A grizzled old man in the corner gasps and says “any would want to go into that sea gots to be crazy. Aye, that wizard is lookin' for some crazy people. That waters haunted by dead sailors". "Oh come on” Telkall the bartender continues "you know that’s just an old story to keep kids away from the water. I'm sure it’s going to be an easy job for the likes you. You all appear to be quite able to take care of yourself. Go down the coast road for about two days if yer on horses and you'll see a stone tower. Ask for Kresellus ... he's the one you'll be lookin' for. Oh, and tell him Wolfgar sent ya ... if you could." Well things were getting boring at the Dead Orc Inn anyway.
Step right up ... You too can be a contestant on … Adventuring Gladiators? A set of challenges meant to test the resolve of the party. Pgs. 32-45