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3288 adventures found
Cover of 5e Arena
5e Arena
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
? pages

5e Arena is a pit-fighting game based on the rules of the RPG that's synonymous with fantasy adventure. Choose the rank of competition, then battle against three foes back-to-back to win fame, gold, and perhaps more. This game is designed to be compatible with your at-home or online campaign. You can play between sessions or (with your GM's permission) while other players are shopping, crafting, or role-playing. The game is designed for characters from level 1 to level 3, but higher-level characters could still find a challenge by playing multiple ranks without a rest. Each rank takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Features Keeps track of enemy rolls and abilities Provides gridded maps for each encounter Easy tracking of enemy HP Unique backstory for every opponent Opponent strategies intelligently change with context Mobile-friendly Online Play Only!

Cover of Have You No Heart? (WBW-DC-UCON-02)
Have You No Heart? (WBW-DC-UCON-02)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
32 pages

Have You No Heart? is a standalone adventure set in the peculiar village of Basht. Olivia Alfera calls the party back to Basht to help Robin Goodman reunite a girl with her father. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 characters, Optimized for APL 8. Featuring a new domain: Nepenthe, a domain of forgetting. Content Warnings: Grief, Loss of a Relative, Memory Loss Have You No Heart will debut at U-Con in October 2022 (http://www.ucon-gaming.org/) The story continues shortly after The Party that Split. It continues the tale that started with The Goat Mayor, but each episode can be played on their own. The village of Basht is a little Grimm's Fairy Tale village that was used for several CCCs and DungeonCrafts U-Con. I hope that your players enjoy the whimsy and dark undercurrents as much as mine have, and I would love it if you share your experiences in Basht with me! I've included VTT-friendly maps and handouts in separate files to help with running your games virtually because we can't let a simple thing like physical distance prevent us from sharing our stories. I also have a printer friendly version included for those that prefer their works to be printed on the flesh of dead trees. Please see other adventures written for U-Con: The Goat Mayor (by me, Daniel Chapman) is the first introduction to Basht and it's peculiar traditions The Straw Bears (by me, Daniel Chapman) takes place just a few tendays later, describing the strange annual tradition of the procession of Straw Bears The Party that Split (by Daniel Chapman) takes place before Have You No Heart, and sets up the events that lead to Robin Goodman's current situation. Blood and Fog (by Alan Patrick) was the first CCC written for U-Con and the first mention of the Blood Lord. Rescue Down Under (by Alex Lown) continues the story of Basht and revisits the friendly tinkerer Yul Khahan. If you see any errors or have any suggestions, or just wish to retell the tale of how your group went through the story, feel free to contact the author at: http://hoshisabi.com

Cover of Gifts for Him
Gifts for Him
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
25 pages

Gifts for Him is a short, challenging, open-ended, gothic-horror, 5E-compatible Christmas adventure for tier 1 characters to be run in about three sessions, but it can be easily adapted as a one-shot. It contains over 25 pages with original artwork, three original battle maps, three unique monsters, stat blocks for five NPCs, three magic items, and a partridge in a pear tree. ----- The village of Bargrave has a secret. Every year, on Christmas Eve, the villagers cower in their homes while a savage beast prowls the streets, wreaking bloody doom on whomever has not left it a suitable gift on their doorstep. But Elias Buhl has had enough. This year, the old farmer won’t be buying the beast a gift, hoping instead to bait it into attacking him at his homestead, where he will trap and kill it once and for all. But he can’t do it alone. Buhl has hired a band of adventures to help him fortify his home, set traps, and slay the creature. They have three days to prepare, gather allies and equipment, and plan their defense. Or… They can dig a little deeper and uncover what Bargrave has been hiding all these years. Will they slay the beast, as agreed? Might they capture it to use it for their own ends? Can it be redeemed? Or will they die — their blood melting the snow — just the latest victims of the creature’s reign of terror? --- Gifts for Him is a complete, playtested, illustrated adventure that is currently pay what you want.

Cover of Fair Barovia
Fair Barovia
4th Edition
Levels 5–7
38 pages

Barovia has long suffered under the rule of Count Strahd von Zarovich, but the evil that plagues this land extends well beyond the walls of Castle Ravenloft. See what keeps the good citizens of Barovia awake at night.

Cover of Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 0–1
20 pages

War is looming between Nanch and the Fey. Those on the border are caught between two dangerous dynasts. Pressed into duty for lord and country, the peasants and gong farmers of Nanch find themselves in a strange and unnerving forest full of denizens older than the practice of naming. In this new world, the rules of life and death are a game of whimsy practiced by fantastic forces, and bizarre ancient feuds re-ignite in the chaos of war. Those errant attendants of Nanch will be fortunate to survive the madness of either ruler! The adventure spans a series of strange and otherworldly encounters with the magical and surreal denizens of Greenwood—while under the incompetence, cowardice, and bullying of Pertrub (one of the King’s footmen). As the encounters continue, signs of the Earl’s fate are everywhere. The players must pick up clues and begin to grasp the realities behind them! The adventure features a number of visual puzzles with handouts to help the players solve them. This 20-page, stand-alone adventure includes a new class: the Wild Elf. The adventure is for low-level characters. It is not setting specific and can be placed near any ancient woodlands.

Cover of Icewind Curses: Hunger
Icewind Curses: Hunger
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

When a harsh winter turns uneasy neighbors into bitter rivals, or worse, Granny Grimsicle sees an opportunity to spread her unique brand of horror in Hrokstead. Short on food themselves and exhausted from their adventures, our heroes arrive in the frontier settlement to find that something is very wrong. Can they get to the bottom of the threat, and make it out alive? This title stands as a one-shot, but also plants seeds for the ongoing Hags of Hoarfrost anthology. It works great as a supplement to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, or placed into your own homebrew setting, or run as a standalone adventure. This module includes a detailed battle map and a monster token for use on Virtual Tabletops, and player handouts presented as standalone images for easy distribution to your online players.

Cover of Shadows of the Last War
Shadows of the Last War
3.5 Edition
Level 2
34 pages

Lost within the ruined House Cannith citadel of Whitehearth, an arcane workshop somewhere in the perilous Mournland, is the key to constructing a terrible magic weapon. Agents of the Emerald Claw will stop at nothing to recover the ancient device. As malevolent forces hunt for the artifact, only the most resourceful heroes will reach Whitehearth first and discover the secrets that lie within. "Shadows of the Last War" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game that will immerse your characters in the Eberron campaign setting. Designed to challenge 2nd-level D&D heroes, it pits them against one of Eberron’s most nefarious organizations.

Cover of Six Millimeters
Six Millimeters
5th Edition
Level 1
21 pages

In the Lodge, things are simple. They can look like you. They want to BE you. And in their home, the only thing standing between you and death is six millimeters of glass. Can you escape the Polished? Find out in Six Millimeters, a thrilling horror adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game! Take 4-6 of your friends through the Lodge, an extradimensional space overrun by nightmarish beings that can strike from any reflective surface. Shardlings revel in the paranoia caused by their reflective horrors, sowing doubt and mayhem until the opportune moment presents itself. Panes, meanwhile use their impressive stature to quickly overwhelm their foes. Spellcasters especially are in for a nasty surprise! This adventure is intended for 1st-level characters and uses milestone advancement to ensure they reach 3rd-level throughout the course of the game. For players who take their time investigating the Lodge and discovering its dreadful past, this adventure may take 7-9 hours to complete. Given the adventure’s horror elements and milestone advancement, Six Millimeters is easy to use as a starting scenario to the Curse of Strahd adventure. Content Warning: Suicide, Self Mutilation

Cover of A3-Champion's Rest
A3-Champion's Rest
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

The Loi’Tok burial mound of the Vikmordere was abandoned long ago. The party is hired by the mayor of the local town to locate some soldiers who went missing after entering Loi’Tok. Strangely enough no sign of the soldiers can be found within the burial site aside from a few scattered weapons and pools of blood. Before the party has time to investigate, Vikmordere barbarians show up searching for a group of their own missing kinsmen. Will the two groups blame each other or join forces to solve the mystery surrounding the recent disappearances?

Cover of FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
5th Edition
High Level
30 pages

FVC8 – Youngblood Keep has a seasoned party meeting with Lady Enorra, a noblewoman at the northern frontier. She has requested the party by name to help her recover a valuable artifact called the Eggstone. After accepting the job you find yourself at a locale known as the Chapel of Ancients and that is when things really get strange! Youngblood Keep used to be a fortress in the area but was ripped from this plane of existence to another. Who’s up for a quick trip to Hell and back?

Cover of Plaguebearers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
16 pages

You are hired by the Greenskull orc clan as merceneries to assist in the eradication of a firblog settlement from the swamp the orcs need to conquer in order to survive. You are first sent in to retrieve the bodies of scouts that never returned, but you soon realize that something wicked is going on in the swamp. Will you escape with your lives, or will you also become a victim of the Druid's Curse?

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
Levels 2–4
24 pages

Something is amiss in the town of Rhiannon. Recently raided by a band of vile creatures, the citizens of Rhiannon were shocked to find their lord at the root of the incident. And now Lord Kent is holding a competition for “all walks of life with a propensity for the gambling arts.” Will the PC aid the citizens of Rhiannon and uncover the truth about the mysterious Lord Kent? Or will the PC take this opportunity to line her own pockets? Either way, the answers lie inside the walls of Lord Kent’s keep and the gamblers within.

Cover of WS1.7 Candon Shaman of the Dark Fen
WS1.7 Candon Shaman of the Dark Fen
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Candon Shaman of the Dark Fen is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding prior to the core adventure found in Folio #14 (WS1 Isle of Jade). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters gain a degree of experience before setting out into the interior of the Isle of Jade. After moving into the swamps of the southern coast the party becomes aware of a threat to the native village that now repairs their vessel. A Candon shaman, roused by the corruptive magic of the Necrotic Pearl, is raising a force to destroy the town and only the players have a chance of stopping the Candon before his forces grows to a size they cannot handle. The islanders fear some dark power has corrupted the Candon lizardmen of the lowland fens. If their shaman leader has fallen to the side of darkness, it is only a matter of time before his calls for war are answered by the fern goblins. Can the adventurers stop the shaman before his summons can be answered? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of O2 Blade of Vengeance
O2 Blade of Vengeance
Level 7
28 pages

You are Erystelle of Dorneryll, famed elfin champion and magic-user. After years of adventuring, you have come home to the Emerlas - the hauntingly beautiful elfin woodland at the tip of Canolbarth forest. A place of legends and of peace. The journey has been long, but soon the winding forest track will bring you to Dorneryll, the majestic oak tree home of your childhood. Ahead, you glimpse a plume of smoke curling lazily into the sky. Dorneyll is close, and your mind floods with thoughts of home. Suddenly, your reverie is shattered! The thin plume of smoke is gone, an in its place a column of red flame leaps high among the trees. Dorneryll is under attack! Gripping your lance, you urge your mount into a gallop. Starbow surges forward; your war dogs close on her heels... Blade of Vengeance is an adventure for one player and one dungeon master, featuring a lone elf against the forces of evil. Can you save the Emerlas from destruction? The answer waits inside. TSR 9108

Cover of Tomb of Aknar Ratalla
Tomb of Aknar Ratalla
3.5 Edition
Level 14
23 pages

For hundreds of years, Aknar Ratalla's tomb remained undisturbed, the Black Blade safely hidden within its vaults. Can a band of adventurers use the tomb's guardians and traps to keep it that way? Long ago, Aknar Ratella brought pain and desolation down upon the land. His reign of ruin was finally ended by an unlikely alliance of the forces of law: a band of devils and devas slew the warlord but were unable to destroy his dangerous weapons and relics. They chose instead to hide these potent artifacts of evil in a remote tomb, selecting a devil and a deva to stand guard over the tomb for the rest of time. For many centuries, the tomb stood unspoiled... but now, a new player has entered the scene. After infiltrating the tomb themselves, a band of adventurers must become its guardians and use its denizens and traps to prevent a monstrous gnoll chieftain from claiming the deadly artifacts hidden within for his own nefarious glory. Pgs. 58-80

Cover of Jungle Politics
Jungle Politics
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
8 pages

Frog-Emperor Tadpool has led his people to the wonderful warmth of the jungle peninsula, and seeks to be part of the grung village of Dungrunglung. However, he'll need some impressive gifts if the grungs are going to let their poison-less cousins move in. The adventurers will assist the king's aide, Pond-Dredger, in completing these tasks. This adventure should take approximately two hours and is designed for a party of four players, ranging from levels 3-5. Jungle Politics is a short, lighthearted module that can help facilitate the player's introduction to Dungrunglung. If aided, the bullywugs can translate the grung language to common, an invaluable asset when dealing with a race that speaks only one language and who are known for poor tempers.

Cover of The Creepy Handshake
The Creepy Handshake
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

The Creepy Handshake is a dark comedy 5e micro-adventure of urban investigation. Wander around the city, investigate the latest robberies, and uncover the mystery of a strange lost pet. This adventure is part of the supplement Tiny Weird Adventures - Urban Edition, a collection of short adventures to be used in conjunction with the fifth edition of the most popular fantasy RPG of recent times. Although it was written with a system in mind, it can be easily adapted to any other medieval fantasy RPG.

Get In, Get Out!
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
? pages

What is this adventure? This is a short location-based prison break adventure where the characters explore a small-town prison. The whole adventure can be played in a typical four-hour session. Get In, Get Out! is perfect for situations where the party has broken the law and is captured by the local police, or they have to break out a prisoner, or any other prison break scenario you can think of. It is designed to be simple and the gamemaster is empowered to read and run it quickly. A 3rd level party is ideal for this adventure, but it can be easily tuned up to 5th level or down to 1st level by adding or removing a few simple enemies. A 3rd level party is ideal for this adventure, but it can be easily tuned up to 5th level or down to 1st level by adding or removing a few simple enemies. How to use this adventure? This is less of a specific adventure and more of a location setup, namely a small-town prison. Adventure can be designed either as a prison break or as a prisoner rescue scenario. See Adventure Hooks section for more on this. This adventure provides ample opportunities to be played as a smash and grab style of game or as a stealth heist sort of adventure. None of the situations are combat specific although there are plenty of options to get into combat. Gamemasters are encouraged to allow the players to complete this adventure without ever rolling for initiative. Clever play such as stake outs, gathering information etc. are key to successfully completing this adventure. What is included? The adventure pdf DM's map High resolution (3072x4096) maps for a prison (grid and gridless), which can be printed out as a tabletop map to play on.

Cover of OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
Levels 5–7
48 pages

Your family and those of your friends are deeply indebted to the Ko family, a clan of merchants from distant and alien Shou Lung. The Ko have been instructed by their emperor to develop an island possession to extend the Glorious Empire of Shou Lung. The colony there is failing because of fell spirits and dire hauntings. The Ko family is calling in old favors to discover who is responsible for these evil sendlings. And if the Ko have a problem, you have a prolem.... So you and your companions are bound for the island of Akari, a small pebble in the Celestial Sea. There you will find a land rich in ancient lore and guarded by the sword of a spectral samurai - Ochimo, the spirit warrior. Yet this is only the first taste of the adventures that await you. Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior is an adventure for characters of levels 5-7 and uses the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. The module includes descriptions of Akari Island, as well as much information on the lifestyles, attitudes, and history of the most civilized nation in the world: Shou Lung. TSR 9195

Cover of H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
Levels 18–100
96 pages

The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated! As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the sources of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed. The Throne of Bloodstone is the fourth and final installment in a series of modules specially designed for high-level characters. While it is not necessary to have played any of the three previous modules, The Throne of Bloodstone is the climax of an epic struggle for a kingdom against the forces of darkest evil. Recommended for characters of levels 18-100, The Throne of Bloodstone is the highest-level adventure ever published by TSR! TSR 9228