Urban Uprising and Oldschool Dungeon Crawling. A hobgoblin horde has subjugated the city for Freystand, searching for a relic of their god. Will the heroes save the town from the tyrannical hobgoblins? Will they discover the true purpose of the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet? Work with the rebels of Freystand to sabotage the hobgoblin's by completing objectives in the city. Crawl the warrens to find and destroy the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet. Discover the true purpose of the throne and cosmic horror that threatens the world. Designed like an old-school dungeon crawl but with modern sensibilites.
One crazy night in Waterdeep. Start as tavern bouncers. End up on the Astral Plane. All in one crazy night in Waterdeep. The party has been hired for a simple mission: make sure the Slumbering Prince tavern doesn't get wrecked during the rowdy Midsummer Festival. And what better motivation than 200gp per person for a single night of work. Sound too good to be true? Well, here's the catch: all damages to the tavern are to be deducted from that amount. And there is no shortage of festival-goers looking to unwind by wrecking other people's stuff. Over the course of the festival, the party must deal with drunken wizards, vain bards, loud goliaths, incompetent parade goers, complaining neighbours, disruptive satyrs, aspiring cultists, and a full-on tavern brawl. As well as an unusual number of strange slugs crawling around. Slowly they become aware there is something off about the Slumbering Prince. And when a reckless noble disturbs the secrets beneath the tavern, our heroes must soon delve into the hidden dungeon themselves. Down below, they discover the terrible threat: a planar rift that can only be opened on Midsummer's Eve, and the slumbering demigod that awaits beyond, the great astral slug Cthumbra!
This one-shot, horror-themed adventure is set on the lightning rail of the world of Eberron! Will your party of 6th-level adventurers be able to rescue an innocent before it all comes crashing down!? Nightmare on the Mournland Express features: An example lightning rail to explore. Updated 5th edition rules for running all sorts of encounters on the lightning rail. A bestiary appendix containing 9 stat blocks, including dragonmarked NPCs and nightmarish monsters! Enough material to run an alternate scenario: a train heist!
A perfect side-quest adventure for a party based in Phandalin or after completion of Lost Mines of Phandelver. Unravel the malevolent mysteries of Knacker’s Knothole! A party of four to six 5th level characters meet Knacker, the ancient awakened grandfather oak, who was introduced in Volo’s Vetted Vendors. He has a request: one of his cherished death’s heads is missing and he implores the party to find out what happened to it. Although Knacker suspects the people of Phandalin, the party’s investigations ultimately reveal a much more sinister threat. The party must investigate the disappearance while an unseen foe attempts to thwart their efforts with ambushes and misdirection. It is not long before there are more disappearances, and the party must use its ingenuity to prevent open hostilities. This adventure is part of a new series based on Volo’s Vetted Vendors and Elminsters Excellent Establishments. It can be played as the final part in this series, and it is also ideally suited to a party that has just completed Lost Mines of Phandelver. This is a 5-7 hour adventure that will advance the party to 6th level. This full-color 60-page adventure includes: * 29 pages of adventure content. * 2 pages of convenient NPC summaries. * 8 beautiful maps suitable for use with any VTT (separate files are included for all maps, including both high- and low-resolution versions). * Many random tables including adventure hooks, customers at Knacker’s Knothole, rumors, random encounters, chase complications and battle events. These tables can provide inspiration for other adventures and campaigns as well! * 20 pages of monster and NPC stat blocks.
Who can the heroes trust in the verdant depths of the Feywild? While resting in the wilds on the night of a full moon, the party are accidentally drawn into the Feywild, and must find their way back. With a choice of routes to follow, the heroes may encounter either the naive but vengeful undine Dapple, or the urbane and callous fey lord Verian. Each holds the ability to send the party home, if they agree to retrieve something from the other. Venturing past carnivorous vines and a troll-guarded bridge, can the adventurers be persuasive or sneaky enough to avoid an outright battle? Full Moon, Fey Tales is a 3-4 hour adventure for characters of 5th to 7th level. It aims to give the players genuine choice on how to deal with their plight, and can be completed without a single combat, or by battling the whole way through - whatever your group prefers!
In the fortified city of Port Nyanzaru the situation grows volatile. Reports of mysterious strangers from unknown lands, that are trespassing forbidden holy grounds far within the jungle, have caused great turmoil in the city’s foreign relations with the local tribes. The players must travel through the deadly jungles of Chult towards the ruins of ancient Mezro, and confront an ancient religious sect of gruesome practices, charged with keeping imprisoned the right-hand servant of a Primordial evil- Dendar the Night Serpent. Will the ancient evil be unleashed once more in the world, or will the heroes be victorious? The fate of the world lies on their hands.
"The trees bend, twist and rearrange themselves as the sun fades, replaced by a single massive moon hanging high in the sky. You find yourself somewhere altogether different with bigger more gnarled trees, everything more vibrant with color in the bright moonlight. The bold browns, purples and blues around you don't feel real, more like something from a beautiful painting. Yet here you stand..." This is a one-shot adventure through one of the twisted fairy tale baronies of Thelanis. In it, the players find themselves in a strange land seeking an item they know little about. They will encounter a village whose people have been turned to shrubs, be shrunk down to a 20th of their size in a garden of tiny trees, fight a tree which is also a beholder, and come face to face with the Lady in Shadow herself. The adventure is for four level 5 players (though adjusting for 3-6 players would be minimal effort) and is expected to take around five hours. It is a great introduction to the planes of Eberron for DMs and players alike. It includes: * An exciting mystery to unravel * Three vicious new monsters to fight: earth bear, topiary beast, and the treeholder * Simple rules for running a skill challenge * A series of detailed maps for each combat encounter and an image for the puzzle encounter
Valachan: Hunter’s Moon is a slasher/gothic horror adventure for 4-5 level characters of 8-9th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours and should roughly take one playing session, if the party is quick, or two if the party is progressing slowly. This is the fourth and final part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign, which can also be played as a standalone adventure. Valachan: Hunter’s Moon features: Fully fleshed out Trial of Hearts with dangerous encounters along the journey Rules for sabotaging rival parties before the Trial New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Check out the previous adventures in the series: Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts, Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil and Kalakeri: The Forbidden Temple! And look out for the special Campaign Guide, which will explain in detail how to best set up and play the campaign. However, if you want to start your campaign right now, don’t worry - we have included a short appendix at the end of each adventure that will explain the basics! Disclaimer: We are a team of writers from Ukraine, so the unprovoked war and senseless aggression of the terrorist state of russia influenced our initial timelines significantly. However, we are now as safe as we can ever be under the constant threat of missile strikes, and determined to finish the whole series! And after that - who knows, maybe even more cool adventures will follow ;)
When Treason Walks the Land... Trouble stirs in Dunador! The King lies dead of a wound received during a hunting expedition. His brother, Lord Edrin, challenges the rightful Crown Prince, a half-trained young man named Edmund, for possession of the throne while Edmund travels on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Nevron. Forces throughout the kingdom vie for control of the realm. Can the player characters find the Crown Prince and protect him from the treacherous forces at large in Dunador? N3: "Destiny of Kings" (1986), by Stephen Bourne, is the third adventure in the novice series for AD&D. It's up at the upper end of what could be considered "novice" play, though, with the pre-rolled characters being 3rd and 4th level. It was released in February 1986. Like N2: "The Forest Oracle" (1984), this adventure is offered as a generic adventure, not specifically based in any existing AD&D setting. Suggestions are given in the conversion guide to place the adventure in the Forgotten Realms. Out of the Dungeons. One of the most impressive elements of N3 is its complete lack of dungeons. Instead - as was increasingly the case by the mid 80s - the players are heavily embroiled in a plot. They must find the prince of Dunador and return him home safely. Elements of investigation and intrigue thus find their way into the game. There is also some opportunity for wilderness adventure - a quality that was also becoming more common in AD&D by the mid-80s. Future History. A decade after its original publication, Wizards of the Coast updated "Destiny of Kings" to 2nd edition AD&D and reprinted it (1998). It was one of the few classic adventures to receive this treatment. This conversion guide allows DMs to run the original module with 5th Edition rules and provides a reference sheet for encounters. To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of Destiny of Kings, originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in digital format at the DMs Guild.
Rumors have been spreading in small towns and hamlets, regions isolated in the far reaches of the wilderness and cut off from major cities and trade routes. Rumors of strangeness in the forest, where the animals suddenly watch with intelligent eyes while the sound of a crone’s laughter pierces the veil of night. Rumors of young men and women disappearing without a trace in the wilderness. Rumors of a cottage that walks on enormous chicken legs. Rumors of Baba Yaga. Those rumors turn out to be true and the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga has come once again to haunt, confuse, befuddle, and terrorize the far corners of the land. The Grandmother of Witches cackles in her flying mortar as she sails over the trees, a shadow in the darkness, but what does she want? Why has she come? And what strangeness awaits in her fantastic hut on dancing chicken legs? Brave heroes are needed to head out and find the answers to these questions and more! Welcome to the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga, an adventure unlike any other. Baba Yaga, the Grandmother of Witches, has come to town, and her dangerous and mysterious Dancing Hut beckons adventurers to brave its wondrous depths. Open the doors, unlock the puzzles, and meet the famed witch, her adopted daughters, and a host of other strange characters. This module presents the Dancing Hut and its most famous owner, Baba Yaga, as an adventure site worthy of high-level exploration. You can use the module in many different ways, and the Adventures in the Hut section provides ways to entice characters to seek out Baba Yaga. In general, the adventure environments presented are designed to challenge a party of characters levels 11-16, but with some adjusting and focus on non-combat solutions, a party of lower-level characters could also explore the Dancing Hut.
When Volothamp Geddarm hires you to recover a missing key, you find yourself wrapped up in a series of murders in Lower Skullport. Can you find the killer before they find you? Part One of the Skullport Shakedown trilogy. A Two- to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized For: APL 8
The ancient forest known as the Wildering Woods has a reputation for confounding those who dare venture through it. When a series of unusual events befall a nearby lumber camp, the player characters are asked to seek out a mysterious wizard rumored to reside within. As the adventure unfolds, it soon becomes apparent that big trouble awaits them inside the forest. What's included: 1 fanciful adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 2 fully-colored maps with unlabeled versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 3 custom creature statblocks with clickable links for quick access Content Warning: Violence, death, abduction around the Wildering Woods, a fey-inhabited forest whose residents are being terrorized by a delusional hill giant who believes he is a wizard.
Once again, Provost Nigel Faurious has tasked the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild with retrieving an artifact, this time from Daanvi, the Plane of Perfect Order. The party boards the lightning rail in Karrnath, prepared to dive into a deep river gorge in order to make the transition to Daanvi. Before they can do so, however, agents of the Emerald Claw steal the authorization crystals they need to access the plane. The party must race through the lightning rail to retrieve their authorization crystals from the Emerald Claw agents, then make a thrilling plunge at terminal velocity into Daanvi. There, the characters find their plans hampered by endless red tape, and they must navigate the legal system in the most orderly of ways in order to return home with their prize.
A temple once devoted to Solonor Thelandira deep in the elvish lands has been taken over by troglodytes during troubled times. Whilst the heroes of the realm were fighting elsewhere, a dark, abyssal evil was summoned into being. Can the characters purge the evil from the once sacred shrine? Will they be devoured by The Glutton?
Bountiful harvest abound! Come to the wonderful town of Kukurbi and enjoy the festivities, as Highharvestide is upon us! But all seems too gourd to be true! We guarantee you there’s nothing odd or sinister in this mischievous mini adventure! You butternut wait and hubbard right in! This Dungeons & Dragons mini adventure for 1st level characters comes with: • nine pages of content written by Alex Clippinger & Florian Emmerich • stunning art by Raluca Marinescu • a wonderful map of the town Kukurbi drawn by Erin Harvey, with a DM and Player version • two new monsters to squash (your party)
Tell the greatest story no one ever told... A tantalizing tale; in which a bold group of heroes braves the depths of Fort Morninglord, a long forgotten ruin. Therein, their mettle is tested by cruelty, suffering, and no small-measure of mischief. Will their courage -and their stomachs- hold steady? Will they banish the wicked presence that holds dominion here? Can they end the misery of Fort Morninglord's Mourning Lord? Let's find out! The players delve the tainted depths of Fort Morninglord to find the cause of its corruption. This leads them into terrifying peril and certain doom at the hands of the fort's denizens. Specters, Wraiths, Mummies, Revenants, Death Knights, The Mourning Lord himself and more await them inside! Along with plenty of mind-bending, gut wrenching obstacles that are sure to keep these heroes on their toes!
An exceptionally smart ogre and its pet dire wolf have figured out the easy life. Why loot and pillage, when with a few words of common, you can threaten and intimidate your way to comforts?
Attack the Shop! is a Dungeons and Dragons adventure optimized for four to five player characters. The adventure is designed to play in one session of approximately four to five hours. Five premade fourth level characters are included to facilitate getting into the action quickly. The adventure takes place in the city of Scornubel in the Forgotten Realms but can be placed in any city without trouble. The characters are mercenaries hired to take an overnight job that pays very well. The instructions from the employer, Malikhar, are simple. Keep the cargo safe in his shop for the night and get paid handsomely.
A plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier II characters. A village needs aid, as their small village is under a curse that they have been able to keep hidden from the villagers, but now that clock has run out and the piper demands to be paid. Can they find what is the cause of the curse and finally eliminate it.
DMs, do you wish you had more time to put together fresh, innovative adventures for your players? Have you ever been stuck for a new plot line, but been unwilling to delve into the reading and preparation required by full-length modules? Here is a AD&D game accessory designed for the DM who wants variety and challenge for player characters. Adventure Pack I contains 12 short modules, each a complete stand-alone adventure. The scenarios are unique and unusual; they will intrigue characters of all levels, and offer a variety of settings and plots for the DM to choose from. These adventures are suitable for one-time play, or can be inserted into your campaign at any time. Each module includes one or more maps, background for the DM, NPC capsules, and complete encounter descriptions. The scenarios are designed for a specific range of player character levels, and can easily be made more or less difficult if necessary. Now, with a minimum of preparation, you can give your player characters a challenge that will last for as little as one day of game time or months of it. DMs are sure to find Adventure Pack I convenient, innovative, and invaluable! This conversion guide allows DMs to run the 12 adventures in the original module with 5th Edition rules and provides new monsters and magic items! To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of I13 Adventure Pack 1, originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in digital format at DMs Guild.