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775 adventures found
Cover of After Lost Mine I: Orcs to Phandalin
After Lost Mine I: Orcs to Phandalin
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
14 pages

The Ghost Tribe of Orcs have been driven from their home under the Sword Mountains by some terrible evil and they now see Phandalin as their best option for a new home. The heroes, who are on their way to Phandalin for a much needed rest after their adventures in the Lost Mine, must make it to town in time to warn the inhabitants and help prepare for the orc attack. Orcs to Phandalin is the first of four parts in the After Lost Mine series and will detail the trip to Phandalin. There will be three subsequent adventures: Part II, which details the battle to save the city; Part III, which details the trip to the orc’s cave settlement; and Part IV, detailing the party’s mission to deal with the terror from the Underdark that drove the orcs out of their home.

Cover of CCC-AETHER-01-02 The Heir of Orcus: Verse II
CCC-AETHER-01-02 The Heir of Orcus: Verse II
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

An Adventurers League Con-Created Content Module. Tier 1, 4 Hours. (Compatible with Homebrew games too!) May I have the next 100 words to convince you to purchase this adventure? **PITCH BEGINS!** This module features three ways to play: join the Knights of Holy Judgment, the Cult of Zariel, or the forces of Chaos as you face The Heir of Orcus! Play like it is 1990 and experience the first Adventurer’s League module to use 16-bit art for maps, tokens, NPC portraits, and magic items! Each purchase includes the PDF, Fantasy Grounds module, one map, 18 tokens, comic art for the backstory, and an imaginary high five from the author. Make a DC 92 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, reroll! On a failed save, buy this adventure! **PITCH ENDS!** Author’s note: This is part two of a two part Tier 1 series. I plan to make future Verses if these do well and people like them. Thanks for looking at my adventure and please leave an honest review! -Anthony Joyce (Twitter: @Thrawn589) All artwork was commissioned and commercially licensed for this module. Pixel Art by: Joaquin Reymundo "Dsurion" (Twitter: @Dsurion) Comic Art by: James Gifford (Twitter: @Mrjamesgifford) Fantasy Grounds Module by: Chris Jernigan

Cover of Six Millimeters
Six Millimeters
5th Edition
Level 1
21 pages

In the Lodge, things are simple. They can look like you. They want to BE you. And in their home, the only thing standing between you and death is six millimeters of glass. Can you escape the Polished? Find out in Six Millimeters, a thrilling horror adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game! Take 4-6 of your friends through the Lodge, an extradimensional space overrun by nightmarish beings that can strike from any reflective surface. Shardlings revel in the paranoia caused by their reflective horrors, sowing doubt and mayhem until the opportune moment presents itself. Panes, meanwhile use their impressive stature to quickly overwhelm their foes. Spellcasters especially are in for a nasty surprise! This adventure is intended for 1st-level characters and uses milestone advancement to ensure they reach 3rd-level throughout the course of the game. For players who take their time investigating the Lodge and discovering its dreadful past, this adventure may take 7-9 hours to complete. Given the adventure’s horror elements and milestone advancement, Six Millimeters is easy to use as a starting scenario to the Curse of Strahd adventure. Content Warning: Suicide, Self Mutilation

The Plague of Pentapolis
5th Edition
Low Level
341 pages

Welcome to Pentapolis, where a wondrous tale of urban adventure is about to unfold. Our story begins with a terrible plague taking hold of the city. The streets are filled with death, the people in confusion, and nothing seems to be helping. Characters are called to aid the city but what starts as a simple mission becomes one that will entangle the characters in a bitter conflict between law, religion, the shady underworld, and ancient powers thought to have been destroyed. The Plague of Pentapolis is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for four to five (though one or two more is ok) characters starting at 1st level. By the end of the story, the characters should be at least 17th level. Additional and earlier levels may be gained by those who are bold enough to seek them.

Cover of The Clockwork Queen
The Clockwork Queen
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
21 pages

The Clockwork Queen and the Dame of Dirt have been fierce rivals for years--but a brazen abduction sees the situation escalate dangerously. To put matters right, the party must scale an ever-changing clockwork tower full of weird magic and mechanical mayhem, and attempt a daring rescue!

Cover of Balance Disturbed (BDC-1)
Balance Disturbed (BDC-1)
5th Edition
Level 1
30 pages

The Riverlands Kingdom is a peaceful place. Generations ago it was a thriving and rich trading empire. Now it is a sleepy region of farms and a few craftsmen. Dotted with villages and a few towns along the numerous rivers, protected by a wall of rugged mountains, a wild forest and a vast steppe, little of note occurs here from generation to generation. All that is about to be shattered, an ancient evil has arisen and undertakes to bring wrath and destruction to the Riverlands in a pledge to conquer the rivers and kill those who reside between them. The peace is about to be shattered, the harmony destroyed, the balance disturbed.

Cover of Elves in Pink
Elves in Pink
5th Edition
Levels 11–14
37 pages

We’re a rumor, recognizable only as déjà vu, and dismissed just as quickly. We don’t exist. We were never even born. Anonymity is our name. Silence, our native tongue. We are no longer part of the system. We are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We’re “them.” We’re “they.” We are the Elves in Pink. The EiP headquarters has been compromised. Can your intrepid band of adventurers determine what happened and take back the facility before it's too late? A 6-10 hour adventure for 11th-14th level characters

Cover of The Mourning Lord
The Mourning Lord
5th Edition
Levels 13–15
21 pages

Tell the greatest story no one ever told... A tantalizing tale; in which a bold group of heroes braves the depths of Fort Morninglord, a long forgotten ruin. Therein, their mettle is tested by cruelty, suffering, and no small-measure of mischief. Will their courage -and their stomachs- hold steady? Will they banish the wicked presence that holds dominion here? Can they end the misery of Fort Morninglord's Mourning Lord? Let's find out! The players delve the tainted depths of Fort Morninglord to find the cause of its corruption. This leads them into terrifying peril and certain doom at the hands of the fort's denizens. Specters, Wraiths, Mummies, Revenants, Death Knights, The Mourning Lord himself and more await them inside! Along with plenty of mind-bending, gut wrenching obstacles that are sure to keep these heroes on their toes!

Cover of So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
18 pages

A series of short encounters and story hooks that may cause your party to question the safety of their local tavern… Designed for characters of all levels

Cover of The Great Trial: Frostbite
The Great Trial: Frostbite
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
42 pages

Will your party survive the frostbite Frostbite Gauntlet? A sequel to The Great Trial, this module is an arctic, highly challenging gauntlet focused on exploration and combat, planned for fours 10th-level characters. The adventure can be also run as a one-shot or as part of any campaign for that level. For more information on The Great Trial, see at the end of this page. The module is divided in two parts: Chapter 1 The gauntlet itself, the party will be taken to a demi-plane against their will and from there, they have a simple goal: leave. However, a powerful undead guardian will make things difficult. The party needs to find some of the sources of power of Deathwings, the guardian, to weaken it and have a chance against it. Chapter 2 After leaving, the group will arrive at a cave complex made of stone and ice. A ancient dracolich names Icingdeath will chase the party, squeezing through the tight tunnels, always on the party' heels. Once out, the party is greeted by Aenor and offered their rewards.

Cover of SJ-DC-DD-09 The Huangfu Heist
SJ-DC-DD-09 The Huangfu Heist
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
106 pages

"A glitzy Wildspace gala on a glamorous pleasure cruise, a dozen priceless relics, and one chance to steal it all. Are you in, or out?" An Audacious Four-Hour Heist for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8. Content Warning: Alcohol, Fantasy Violence, Gambling, Tobacco Use Get your disguise kits and thieves’ tools ready, as ENNIE Award winning author Jason Koh and ENNIE nominee Darryl Ho reunite to mastermind a space caper so good it’s criminal! The Huangfu hold the final key to the Monad’s millennium-old mystery, and YOU have ONE chance to steal it. Can you pull it off? Episode 9 of Ad Astra. This lovingly crafted homage to Hong Kong action cinema and Chinese fantasy fiction is designed to be played using Theater of the Mind, and supplemented by tasteful handouts in art deco style. Depending on the characters and their decisions, multiple endings are possible. Ad Astra is a series of loosely connected Spelljammer adventures for D&D Adventurers League. Traverse the stars in an ancient, arcane locomotive, and experience fresh takes on the spacefaring genre written and produced by bestselling Dungeon Masters Guild authors and international talents from the Dungeon Designers Discord community. Uncover the secrets of the Monad, explore unique and unconventional worlds, and unravel a mystery that spans a millennium! This product includes: - a 106-page adventure with multiple endings and ways to play - custom handouts to help get your players prepped for the perfect heist - appendices full of helpful tips and advice to get the most out of this adventure - custom images for selected NPCs - standard and printer-friendly PDFs

Cover of The King's Evil
The King's Evil
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Delbert's friend Thordyn has been wrongfully arrested and placed in quarantine inside the Lazar's Walls, where all those who have contracted King's Evil are banished to. It is your missing to infiltrate the settlement, and free Thordyn. The task will not be simple, as a crime syndicate rules the Lazar's Walls with an iron fist.

Cover of Tower of the Mad Mage
Tower of the Mad Mage
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

The door slams open so hard that the wall shakes and the hinges groan. To everyone’s astonishment, a goblin staggers in. He is badly wounded, with dried blood covering about half of his body. Only a moment before the air was full of the rattle of dice, the slap of cards, and cries of victory and defeat. Now the Gambling Golem is dead silent. The goblin lurches toward your table then collapses right in front of you. “Help me,” he croaks, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes. “I’ll make you rich!”

Cover of After Lost Mine III: Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor
After Lost Mine III: Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
22 pages

The Ghost Tribe of Orcs were driven from their home under Wyvern Tor by some terrible evil. They marched to Phandalin and attacked, only to be defeated. Now the heroes will go beneath Wyvern Tor to discover the terror that chased out the orcs and perhaps find the source of the orc’ssardonyx. Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor is the third of four parts in the After Lost Mine series. It will play out the journey to the orc’s former cave settlement and then into the darkness beneath. Part IV will have the party deal with the terror from the Underdark that drove out the orcs.

Cover of Escape from Wheloon
Escape from Wheloon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

The walled city of Wheloon holds the criminal population of Cormyr. The residents of that place are bound to it forever and cut off from the outside world. Inside, plans are made and malcontents pool their resources – and outside, forces influence the innocent to ensure that a dire plot can be realized without interference from the knights and mages that guard the realm. Now you’re here with no memory of what brought you to Wheloon, and all you can think of is finding out why!

Cover of CCC-MAG01-03 The Clock that Didn't Tick
CCC-MAG01-03 The Clock that Didn't Tick
5th Edition
Levels 12–15
30 pages

Mystery in the Moonsea! Disappearing shipments, missing alchemists—and proven musical acts whose rehearsals sound terrible! Instead of showing off Thentia to potential trading partners and giving the locals something to celebrate, the pall over this year’s Magic and Gold Festival threatens to drive business to Melvaunt and give the locals a reason to riot. Combat optional but possible. Role-playing opportunities abound.

Cover of Death's Agents
Death's Agents
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
7 pages

It’s not every night that a would-be king crashes into your camp! Elven Prince Orestes, soon to be King Orestes, begs your aid and protection to escort him to the Temple of the Sun. Furies stalk his path at every turn, and delay him from completing the rites of mourning necessary for coronation. In a world of magic and myth, whose laws reign supreme?

Cover of CCC-UK-2 The Wayward Wives
CCC-UK-2 The Wayward Wives
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
18 pages

Ill winds blow over Wayward. The men drink apart from their wives, while a mysterious traveler sows discontent between married couples. The Wayward wives have had enough and are plotting revenge. Part 2 of the Evenflow Saga.

Cover of The Wayward Daughter
The Wayward Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
4 pages

Mary Seagrain is looking for her daughter who went missing during the last big storm. She is distraught and losing hope

Cover of How Not to Host a Murder
How Not to Host a Murder
5th Edition
Level 7
12 pages

Welcome to How Not to Host a Murder, a short D&D experience that captures the details of Mike Krahulik (Penny Arcade)'s adventure run at the Acquisitions Incorporated live game at PAX East 2016. The wizard Elminster is hosting a murder mystery party, and you are invited. When you arrive at his demiplane home with the other guests, however, the night quickly turns sour as it is discovered that Elminster has truly been killed! It falls to the party to investigate the death and identify the culprit before they can escape the premises. When they've been identified, it's a race to apprehend the murderer before they can escape amidst the kooky chaos of Elminster's sanctum in this comedic adventure for sub-optimal 7th-level adventurers.