A community for lazy dungeon masters
776 adventures found
Cover of Back To The Sea
Back To The Sea
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Uncover the curious tale... When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering the mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 3-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Contains 3 beautiful original digitally illustrated Maps. Unique Monsters and interesting combat scenario. Encourages player creativity and problem solving. Screen reader version.

Cover of Hidden Cove
Hidden Cove
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

This 4 hour module takes the characters from a hidden cove near the Moonsea to hidden tunnels leading under the Glacier of the White Worm. What starts as a recovery mission leads to the uncovering of a much more sinister plot. Optimized for a group of level 7's (APL 7), this adventure can be adjusted for any Tier 2 party. Inside you'll find: * Three battlemaps * Introducing the ice encrusted skeleteon, a hardier version of the standard skeleton for colder climates.

Cover of Formaggio's Font
Formaggio's Font
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
26 pages

Can an ancient, smashed relic be put back together? Your employer thinks it can and sends you to find some of the fragments. A colorful town, detective work, interesting NPCs, a new race, and a challenging trip to the dump await you. The surrounding region inspires additional adventures.

Cover of CCC-UK-3 The Tainted grove
CCC-UK-3 The Tainted grove
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

Everyone in Moonfern Ford knows to avoid the Tainted Grove, a place of darkness and evil amidst the sylvan beauty of Cormanthor. When a young hunter goes missing in the forest, things in the village take a dark turn. Part 3 of the Elvenflow Saga.

Cover of The Howling Valley
The Howling Valley
5th Edition
Level 4
10 pages

A cry for help by a small village in the Howling Valley. An abandoned monastery on top of the mountain. Hordes of undead pouring into the realms. A mad mage with bad intentions. Will you be able to put an end to the unfortunate events in the valley? The adventure is meant for 3-4 players at 4th level.

Cover of Dragon's Breath Tavern
Dragon's Breath Tavern
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
21 pages

It’s been a long few days of travel and the adventurers are tired of eating rations and sleeping on the ground. The road opens to a small town with an inviting tavern. The smells of grilling meat and ale fill their nostrils and the sounds of laughter and music float out the tavern’s door. Unlucky for the adventurers, they’ve stumbled upon Dragon’s Breath Tavern. What starts out as a pleasant evening of food, drink, and entertainment soon evolves into an adventure that takes the party into and under Dragon’s Breath Tavern. The adventure includes roleplay, exploration, combat, and a dice game called Demon Dice. Although written in a non-specific location, this adventure could be run as a one-shot during the WoTC official campaign – Curse of Strahd. The adventure includes an isometric map and a top-down map of Dragon’s Breath Tavern. Available as PDF or for Fantasy Grounds.

Cover of The 13th Circle
The 13th Circle
5th Edition
Levels 15–17
6 pages

The 13th Circle is an epic battle with one of the archfiends of legend, the demon Baphomet. Designed for Tier 3-4 characters (levels 15-17) and set in the Dread Domain of Kachelior, the adventure requires the party to navigate the mysterious and maddening mazes that protect the demon's castle, and battle fiends of all kinds to reach his throne room. But will they discover the truth of his machinations? Word has spread through the small collection of towns within the Grey Shade that a cult of Baphomet has been preparing something for their master within his palace. The players will travel to Baphomet’s palace, and make their way through the massive forest maze that surrounds it. They will find the corpse of one of the previous heroes enshrined near the center which hints towards the true purpose of the cultists. They will then have to infiltrate the dread palace either stealthing or fighting their way through the defenses. They then must make it past Baphomet’s Lieutenant, Aphalos, the Godeater. The characters defeat Aphalos or persuade him to leave his master to his fate. Once they enter the chamber, Baphomet’s plan is made clear. He wishes to create a maze within time, thus trapping this world in the same cycle of pain and doom as before.

Cover of Escape from Wheloon
Escape from Wheloon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

The walled city of Wheloon holds the criminal population of Cormyr. The residents of that place are bound to it forever and cut off from the outside world. Inside, plans are made and malcontents pool their resources – and outside, forces influence the innocent to ensure that a dire plot can be realized without interference from the knights and mages that guard the realm. Now you’re here with no memory of what brought you to Wheloon, and all you can think of is finding out why!

Cover of It Walks the Jungle at Night
It Walks the Jungle at Night
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

It stalks the jungles of Chult. On the path to the lost city lies an ancient danger, a creature that posseses the very jungle and destroys man, beast, and undead alike. Your party has seen the signs of its violence and destruction. Soon they, too, will be hunted by the entity known as Uluu Thalongh. It Walks the Jungle at Night is an adventure supplement for Tomb of Annihilation, designed for a party of 4 players of 5th-7th level. It is a sandbox-friendly adventure designed to fit within a broad adventuring area. The adventure includes strong DM guidelines to hasten or slow the adventure's buildup, allowing the Dungeon Master to control the adventure's pace and incoprorate its early phases into normal day-to-day travel. The adventure includes: -A wide series of random encounter options for the party to discover. They'll find victims of Uluu Thalongh who are relevant to the factions they've interacted with. -A magical item reward: Lash of the Jungle-Walker. -The full-page Myth of Uluu Thalongh, written to embrace Tomb of Annihilation's focus on legend and folklore. -The stat blocks for the Uluu Thalongh (with legendary actions!) and its possessed jungle. -An appendix for chase complications if or when the party flees from the dreadful entity.

Cover of Against the Idol of the Sun
Against the Idol of the Sun
5th Edition
Level 13
295 pages

Do you want to run or play an adventure where characters start at level 13 instead of ending at level 13, and actually get to progress to 20 like the rules say they should? Do your players like to travel far and wide, exploring a huge unknown area? Do your players like to change their plans on a whim, and travel somewhere other than where they told you they planned to go last session? Do your players feel like fighting against an empire at odds of 20,000 to 1? Do your players want to commit occasional acts of sky piracy? Do you want an adventure that is designed to handle players using Scrying, Transport Via Plants, and Teleportation on a daily basis? If you answered yes to some of these questions, this adventure may be for you. Check out the detailed preview packet, which includes a campaign log showing how this adventure has actually played out. WARNING: FULL OF SPOILERS; VERY LONG. Against the Idol of the Sun is an epic hexcrawl campaign designed for high-level play. Adventuring parties should start at about level 13, and will likely end the campaign at level 20 with multiple Epic Boons. As a hexcrawl, there is no set adventure path that the party must follow. There is only one encounter that's even close to plot-mandatory aside from the climactic battle. Anything else can be skipped or handled in any order. The players are free to move about the map in any direction at any time, limited only by the risk of enemy action and encounters. The DM, meanwhile, is encouraged to have foes react to and actively hunt the PCs once they become a threat. Along the way, they may find and explore a number of dungeons, including a millenia-old laboratory in the grips of a time distortion, several mines that were abandoned for good reason yet may hold wealth within, and other challenges appropriate for high-level characters. This module is heavy on Exploration and Combat, but the Social aspect of D&D also is necessary as the player characters meet new peoples, work to convince them that they can make a difference, motivate them to action, and create overall plans for the NPCs and factions to follow off-screen to support the players in their main assaults. The key set piece encounters, which are optional but highly probable, involve attacking well-defended temples in the centers of enemy cities. Planning for these attacks will require paying attention to reconnaissance, timing, the use of allies, how to enter, and how to exit and break contact succesfully when dealing with enemies that fly faster than most player characters can walk. The adventure does not include artwork, and the maps are basic.

Cover of Swamped
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

Outside Briar Glen lies a dangerous swamp, and deep within it runs the Weeping River. Those who venture too far into the swampland near the river are overcome with grief and cry until their tears turn to blood. If they’re lucky, they die quickly. Lately, however, women in town disappear into the swamp near the Weeping River at night... and return in the morning, entranced but unscathed. Their families want to know why they return at sunrise with no memory of the previous night. These women found themselves a friend in the boo-hag, angry at the townsfolk for damaging her swamp. She initiated the women into her coven and tasked them to drain the life energy from their families to help the boo-hag heal the swamp.

Cover of Something Wicker This Way Comes
Something Wicker This Way Comes
5th Edition
Level 7
43 pages

The druids of the Feyindir Forest and the villagers of Spiralle have always maintained a peaceful, if uneasy, relationship. But now trouble is brewing. Villagers are going missing in the forest, and druids are being murdered in response. The terms of peace between the two parties has been shattered, and now the druids are threatening to unleash one of the most fearsome manifestations of druidic vengeance known. Can the PCs step in to restore peace to the land? Includes 5th edition write ups of the assassin vine, quickwood, dragonne, and wicker man along with the woodling creature template.

Cover of Monkey Wrenches
Monkey Wrenches
5th Edition
Level 3
16 pages

As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion. — Antisthenes The destruction of Cyre and creation of the Mournland marked the end of The Last War. Since then, a towering wall of mystic fog has covered what used to be the nation of Cyre. Those who have ventured inside and made it out have spoken of unusual beasts, wild warforged, and other strange occurences. Most stay away. Others dedicate their lives to plundering the mysteries beyond the veil. House Cannith is the House of Making and, despite being split over the destruction of their homeland, they are still very adamant about keeping their monopoly over arcane creations and are very suspicious of anything coming out of the Mournland. Recently, rumours reached the heads of the Cannith South enclave that some scavengers working for the Daask organisation actually captured living spells from inside the Mournland and brought them back to Sharn for study, taming, and who knows what else. Now Cannith employs independent contractors to enter the secret lab, and destroy the research and its future. Another group will hunt down the actual scavengers and eliminate the spells themselves. This adventure takes place in Sharn, the City of Towers, some time before the formation of the independent adventurers organisation by 'The Twelve'. It is an infiltration mission in hostile territory which includes some investigation, maybe a bit of socialising, and some quick dungeon-crawl elements. It is designed for multiple possible endings. In my mind, this adventure is E for Everyone and doesn't contain anything dark, NSFW, or triggering beyond any other standard D&D adventure.

Cover of Be All My Sins Remember'd
Be All My Sins Remember'd
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
10 pages

The kuo-toa are a piscine race with a psychic affliction that makes them behave erratically and invent gods when feeling threatened. That same affliction gives them the power to bring those gods to life. Blibdoolpoolp is the most widely worshipped, and thus most powerful, of their gods. Blibdoolpoolp views the kuo-toa as her children despite having been born after them. Like all good mothers, she nurtures and protects. One of her chief concerns is understanding the kuo-toa’s psychic affliction, which causes them to undermine themselves whenever they strive for greatness. She discovers that a corrupted elder brain deep in the Underdark has a connection to the race; though the connection gives them psychic powers, it also turns them into powerless thralls, explaining their self destructive behaviors. Constrained by the same leash on her children, Blibdoolpoolp seeks adventurers to destroy the elder brain. Its death would free the kuo-toa, but potentially at great cost: if the kuo-toa lose their powers, will Blibdoolpoolp die?

Cover of Burial in Baldur's Gate
Burial in Baldur's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
12 pages

Burial in Baldur's Gate is a 6-8 hour Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1-2, for use as an introduction to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus or as a standalone module. A simple errand to help a friend reveals a mystery that will lead the characters to a grisly charnel house and the cults of the Dead Three. This is why you never do anybody a favor in Baldur's Gate. The adventure has everything you need to start a new campaign in Baldur's Gate, including: - a new adventure hook for Descent into Avernus - two short introductory dungeon crawls in the Lower City - notes for transitioning into Descent into Avernus - new motivations for characters to continue on to Avernus - four creature and NPC stat blocks, including the carrion crawler larva - a map pack with two maps by Dyson Logos Burial in Baldur's Gate also includes suggestions for combining this adventure with Escape from Elturel if you want to run a mixed party of characters from Baldur's Gate and Elturel.

Cover of Little Shrine of Horrors
Little Shrine of Horrors
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
24 pages

Yonder lies the Shrine of Lucien Harpell, greatest mage of this or any other age. In the arts of golemancy, artificery and necromancy, his equal has never been known, nor will be again. Cursed are those who enter this tomb. Cursed are those who look upon this statue. Cursed are those who seek his riches. Know that your demise is certain – your lives will be short, and your deaths slow. Read this, fools, and despair! The Shrine of Lucien Harpell is the stuff of legends - full of hideous traps and strange monsters, but guarding fabulous treasures. It was lost for generations beneath the grim and lonely Starmetal Hills, but has now been found again. Will any dare enter? Little Shrine of Horrors contains over 20 encounters and is full of puzzles, tricks, traps, roleplaying and combat. Do your players have what it takes to outwit Lucien Harpell?

Cover of Factions of Sigil - New Cult on the Block
Factions of Sigil - New Cult on the Block
5th Edition
Level 10
6 pages

We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. A cult of star spawn has popped up in Sigil, and the Hands of Havoc have asked the characters to destroy it.

Cover of Winding Paths
Winding Paths
5th Edition
Level 5
7 pages

Not every journey follows a simple road, and some groups find themselves needing to take the path entirely untraveled to reach their next destination. There are rumors of a treasure deep within the forest, but no one has made it out alive to recount their tales. Compelled by the prospect of a quick journey and the chance of treasure, the party decides to risk a journey through the forest. Little do they know that their chosen route is ruled by a trio of lilitu, who are eager to play with the new toys walking willingly into their grasp. Wits, wiles, and wind hide in the forest, and the lilitu are eager for amusement. This adventure is intended for 5th level characters but can be scaled up or down. It is setting-neutral, and can fit into any published or homebrew location. This is intended as a puzzle-based adventure but could be used as a combat encounter. Pgs. 129-135

Cover of The Soulmonger
The Soulmonger
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
24 pages

The village of Longbarrow faces a dire threat. Dozens of devils besiege the village to relieve the inhabitants of their souls. It is up to the heroes to put an end to the machinations of Igach, a sly devil in services of Azaketh. Seek out the source of the devil incursion, and deliver the helpless villagers! Igach's Reign of Terror is an adventure designed for 3-7 2nd to 4th level characters and is optimized for five characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. The adventure is the first of two chapters about the events surrounding Logrimm's Tower. The, yet to be released, second chapter deals with Logrimm's Tower itself and the characters' struggle to reach the top. With only minor adjustments, Igach's Reign of Terror can also serve as a 4 to 8 hour long one-shot adventure independent from Chapter 2.

Cover of Year of Rogue Dragons
Year of Rogue Dragons
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
100 pages

Year of Rogue Dragons is an adventure designed for four players who take the roles of newly hatched evil chromatic dragons. The story will introduce a specific section of the Forgotten Realms along with its prominent individuals, organizations and a segment of its history. The adventure will draw the players into a conflict between three local factions, and a mystery, which they must solve and use to their advantage in order to eliminate every menace that threatens their life from the onset.