BLACKTIDE COVE THE CULT OF THE FISH-MEN From the Ship's Log of the Sprite: "...I can hear them fish-men. All the time with their chanting and hissing and whatnot. There's some kind of religion going on here, down below. We can't understand what they say, but it's something God-like, sure as spray on the foc'sle." A century ago, during the Spellplague, pirates hid a treasure at a shrine in a remote area of Impiltur's coast. Can the heroes claim it from that which lurks there? Blacktide Cove is a 4-6 hour adventure for 6 characters of 6th to 8th level set on the Sea of Fallen Stars! Set on the coast of Impiltur along the Easting Reach, Blacktide Cove can be placed anywhere there's a stretch of lonely coastline and the possibility of pirates. Blacktide Cove is 32 pages of adventure for you and your table! Includes a handy index, cartography by Dyson Logos, new magic items, and full-color player handouts - including exclusive art from Patrick E Pullen! Includes print-friendly version!
Bale, the kind gnome and owner of Bale's Outfitting Outpost, requests that the adventurers track down a group of youngsters that rented horses from him. The horses are overdue and Bale believes that he may have been swindled. Unbeknownst to the gnome, the party of young adventurers has met a dark fate. Will your adventurers accept Bale's request to track down the youngsters and, in doing so, find out what really happened? Or will they leave more blood on the trail? The module includes an introduction to Bale's Outfitting Outpost, encounter stat blocks, maps, and a battle stat tracker. Note: You do not need the Bale's Outfitting Outpost module to run this adventure.
Uncover the curious tale... When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering the mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 3-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Contains 3 beautiful original digitally illustrated Maps. Unique Monsters and interesting combat scenario. Encourages player creativity and problem solving. Screen reader version.
The Arena of Power is a versatile an variable battleground where player characters can fight player characters or groups can fight their enemies. We all know the PvP functions of video games. They may call “battle royal”, “arena” or “rumble”, but it is always a number of players fighting each other until only one is left standing. And the Arena of Power now gives you a place and some rules to do exactly that with your players. Send them into the arena and find out how well they know their skills. The Arena of Power is composed for 2 – 7 players of level 3 – 12.
Rare portals between the planes sometimes appear in the Caslan Woods. Recently though, these mythical woods have slowly moldered into swampland. As if that wasn’t grim enough, bands of ogres and kobolds raid nearby settlement without fear of reprisal. Your adventuring party traverses the Caslan Woods, hoping to find the source to these strange occurrences. What lies at the heart of the swamp, however, is anything but expected.
Captain Brunswick’s Manor is a dark, dream-infused adventure where players unravel the mysteries of a haunted noble estate. As they navigate twisted corridors, confront eerie foes like the Dreamborne Wyvern and Auntie Sol, and face mind-bending trials in a nightmare-filled dream realm, the party must find a way to free Captain Brunswick and his daughter from their cursed slumber. With multiple routes through the manor and unique magical rewards, this adventure offers both intense combat and chilling roleplay. Boss Fights: Engage in memorable battles against Captain Brunswick, the Dreamborne Wyvern, and the malevolent Auntie Sol. Puzzle Encounters: Solve challenging trials that mix dream and reality, testing both wit and strength. Legendary Weapon: Unlock Tulva, the Tide Bringer, a powerful magic weapon that evolves with its wielder.
When a priceless relic goes missing from the archives of an ancient monastery, only one party of stalwart adventurers has the determination and strength of character to go forth and recover it from a dangerous underground fortress. That party is yours.
Bale's Outfitting Outpost can easily be placed in any campaign setting, but it feels right at home in the Forgotten Realms, especially somewhere within The Savage Frontier. The included adventure could also be broken up into several random encounters to be used in your Storm King's Thunder campaign.
Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons without spending a penny! This fourth-level adventure is designed to work with the free basic rules offered by Wizards of the Coast. You and your friends can explore, battle and roleplay without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some pizza for the DM! Will You Right a Wrong? When a powerful magic item is stolen from a wealthy farming association, the leaders turn to a band of reliable and - most importantly - discrete adventurers to retrieve it. Their journey takes them into a cave system filled with sickness and rot, and thrusts them into a debate over applying magical solutions to practical problems. Where will their loyalties fall when forced to make a tough choice? Includes: Hi-res copy of dungeon map Print-friendly version Continue the path to adventure!
Searching for a Shorebird A gnome contacts the characters in the Lucky Liar tavern of Lonelywood, and informs them of a legendary bird that has been sighted in the forest. A Tier 1, two hour adventure for Dungeoncraft (Plague of Ancients) using the Snipe Hunt Hook. Optimized for APL: 3
Every autumn the reclusive goliaths of the Silvertop Mountain Clan hold their Festival of the Hunt, inviting neighbors to join in the partaking of merriment and mead. Your adventuring company finds themselves drafted as monster hunters when a young huntress is slain. The culprit? A lamia, whose lair has discouraged all previous attempts to destroy her. What the party finds inside her cave triggers a different call to action. Pgs. 21-27
It was the kind of night when the moon hides behind a veil of clouds as if it knew better than to cast light on the dirty secrets of the City of Towers. I was drinking in the empty office and thinking that I should quit—leave the city behind and settle on a farm, as far away from here as possible. But then, there was a knock on the door. A letter came. One more job, huh? What can possibly go wrong... Let's gather a crew. In this adventure, the characters need to scout the Noble Mansion during the Silvertide ball, infiltrate it at night, and bring their target to a safe house. But, as with most things in the City of Towers, it is not as straightforward as it appears at first sight. A D&D 5e adventure for characters of levels 3 to 4. This 6 - 12 hours adventure features: • 15 pages full of intrigue and moral ambiguity • Rich narrative and captivating characters with developed backstories • Beautiful custom heist maps • Unique traps, puzzles, and monsters
A deadly encounter for a party of level 7-10s. Brave the crypt in an attempt to save Lord Eldark's son. This challenging dungeon is adaptable and easy to run in any existing campaign. It has some very tough encounters and is available for free on DM guild!
It’s not every night that a would-be king crashes into your camp! Elven Prince Orestes, soon to be King Orestes, begs your aid and protection to escort him to the Temple of the Sun. Furies stalk his path at every turn, and delay him from completing the rites of mourning necessary for coronation. In a world of magic and myth, whose laws reign supreme?
TENTACLES. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE TENTACLES? A colony of deep gnomes have had their main water source taken over by a group of kuo-toa, but are the fishy folk really the ones to blame for leaving the gem-loving svirfneblin thirsty?… This adventure was originally made for a West Marches campaign, but is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. There are many areas to insert plot hooks for your own world or campaign. A 4-hour adventure for 5th-7th level characters by ALAN TUCKER
The sequel to the DMs Guild best-selling Tales from Frozen North returns better than ever with almost 4 times more content! What you will find inside: * 36 random encounters (plus 4 mini random encounters within random encounters! Encounter-ception?!) * Chapter 1: Carnival Encounters. 6 Short encounters for any carnivals and fairs in the Feywild. * Chapter 2: The Summer Court. 10 Encounters that are short and whimsical, or featuring creatures common to the Summer Court. * Chapter 3: The Gloaming Court. 10 Encounters that are short and wicked, or featuring creatures common to the Gloaming Court. * Chapter 4: The Feydark. 10 Short encounters in the subterranean world of the Feydark. * Scaling guide provided for most encounters (Tiers 1-2) * Puzzle Encounters (The Fey do love their puzzles, especially if it infuriates others) * New Fey-themed Magic Items * New Creatures! Including but not limited to: * Tooth Fairy (you might want to hold on to your teeth with this one!) * The Dawn Growlers — a team of superhero hounds?! * and a totally innocent and harmless small white rabbit…yes… harmless
Descend into the depths of a tomb which has remained undisturbed for decades. However, a few weeks ago, the gears of war started turning, grinding the northern folk to dust. An undead host marches, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. A decisive strike to cut off the snake’s head might save thousands of lives! Pgs. 16-39
Small town merchants, frustrated after being continually conned with counterfeit coinage, want help capturing or defeating a magical thief. This 18 page adventure takes the party into the wilderness to storm a previously abandoned tower and capture a mischievous gang of bandits. The party must be quick and stop the gang before the criminals escape in the safety of the clubhouse they built in the branches of their awakened tree ally. This one shot adventure is balanced for four 3rd level characters. It should take between 3-5 hours to complete. It can also serve as a difficult challenge for 2nd level characters or a fun, but easier session for 4th level characters. It takes place in the Forbidden Realms with no set location. It can be easily run as a standalone adventure or fit into an existing campaign that takes place anywhere near forest, such Neverwinter Wood.
A dispute erupts between a trade ambassador and a wealthy merchant and the players are hired as champions only to learn that they face a brutal and savvy opponent. Will the players be a second in time? "A Second in Time" is a two-hour adventure for 3-6 players. It is written for characters 1st-3rd level. The players act as a champions in a harsh blood sport that is as much the court of a river city as it is entertainment. This module includes a new poison, a new type of item and a rudimentary rule for addiction. The river city of Lotian is a rough place, where might often means right and the thirst for blood is nigh unquenchable. Gold may be the currency of the realm but justice is paid for in blood...
A cave-in at the dwarven mine exposed a passage into the eerie, alien world that lies deep below the surface. Monsters poured out of the darkness and killed many before the surviving miners made it back into the light. Now they seek brave adventurers to face the dangers down in the dark depths. As a one shot or the first adventure of a new campaign, The Eyeless in the Dark carries new and experienced players away from the light of the ordinary surface world and down into the fantastical dark depths where here there be monsters. Chock full of adventure, as well as design notes for Dungeon Masters that will help novice and veteran DMs provide their players with an exciting and memorable game night, and leave them eager for the next session. Use this adventure in combination with the Integrated Hill Encounters and/or the Forest and Grasslands to create an open world sandbox of adventures that can fill many sessions of a campaign.