A community for lazy dungeon masters
1432 adventures found
Cover of The Ghost at Widder Smither's
The Ghost at Widder Smither's
Levels 1–3
3 pages

Can you stop the haunting before tea? The ghosts of two warring wizards are trapped in the basement of the house. It is up to the party to end this old feud. Pgs. 68-70

Cover of Honor Among Thieves
Honor Among Thieves
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
12 pages

When Wisp Shadowfoot, gentleman thief, makes off with the party’s valuables they are thrown into the shadowy world of criminal intrigue. The master burglar, it seems, needs a favor from people as skilled at smashing as he is at sneaking. If our plucky adventurers ever want to see their loot again they’ll need to help him wipe out a band of murderous house-breakers that aren’t just spooking potential targets, but are behaving in a most ungentlemanly fashion while doing so. One way or another, there’s going to blood spilled in the shadows tonight!

Cover of Galateya's Will
Galateya's Will
5th Edition
Levels 10–12
7 pages

For over a decade, the necromancer Malion has hidden in the wilderness, creating golems infused with spirits of the dead in his obsessive search for perfect beauty. At long last, he produced a doll that he knew it to be his final masterpiece, and, knowing there was no mortal soul pure enough to complete his work, Malion prayed to the goddess of love to bring his statue to life. Against all odds, his blasphemous prayer was heard, and the furious goddess sent her servant to bring Malion to justice.

Cover of Unhallowed Ground
Unhallowed Ground
Levels 2–5
11 pages

A monster amonkst us... The monastery of Montelegro was once a major center of academia, but it fell out of favor when its library burned to the ground some 20 years ago. (The fire is rumored to have been started by the candle of a monk who fell asleep while reading.) Without books to attract scholars and patrons, the order of monks that run the monastery has dwindled. Now the monastery is a mere shell, its once-thriving halls empty. Only 21 monks remain. The order that runs Montelegro supports a number of scribes dedicated to copying and illuminating books of all kinds. The most talented of these illuminators was Brother Abel of Corbone, a young monk fresh out of the university. A few days prior to the adventure, Brother Abel witnessed a miraculous sight. While walking about on the outskirts of the monastery, he beheld a vision of his god. The vision instructed him to build a well upon the spot where he stood. If Abel did this, the god promised prosperity would return to Montelegro. Unfortunately Brother Abel was unable to fulfill his god's vision and appears to have taken his own life.... Or was there Murder in the Monastery? Pgs. 8-17 & 55

Cover of Grakhirt's Lair
Grakhirt's Lair
Levels 1–3
10 pages

A tribe of evil norkers led by a human illusionist threaten the town of Nolivari. The heroes must brave the wilderness, find Grakhirt's lair, and defeat him to ensure the safety of the local villagers. A straightforward dungeon crawl against lots of norkers! When do you get to see those guys in an adventure? Lots of monsters from the AD&D Monster Manual II as well. This adventure features a little bait-and-switch; the titular bad guy Grakhirt is assumed to be a norker, or gnoll, or some other monstrous humanoid, but is in fact a human illusionist/assassin! Note: The adventure doesn't feature caves AND a dungeon, but since the caves are treated like a dungeon with doors and numbered rooms, this is listed as a dungeon adventure as well. Pgs. 28-37

Cover of Blood on the Trail
Blood on the Trail
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

Bale, the kind gnome and owner of Bale's Outfitting Outpost, requests that the adventurers track down a group of youngsters that rented horses from him. The horses are overdue and Bale believes that he may have been swindled. Unbeknownst to the gnome, the party of young adventurers has met a dark fate. Will your adventurers accept Bale's request to track down the youngsters and, in doing so, find out what really happened? Or will they leave more blood on the trail? The module includes an introduction to Bale's Outfitting Outpost, encounter stat blocks, maps, and a battle stat tracker. Note: You do not need the Bale's Outfitting Outpost module to run this adventure.

Cover of Ill Made Graves
Ill Made Graves
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–12
16 pages

The mighty dragon Oroshar lies dead, as does the barbarian king who slew him. Yet the dragon's spirit does not rest quietly. His wrath lingers in one of the teeth lodged in the dead king's corpse, awaiting only the caress of the funeral pyre to awaken into something far worse than a dragon of flesh and bone. A D&D adventure for 7th-level characters.

Cover of Rites of Passage
Rites of Passage
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
7 pages

Every autumn the reclusive goliaths of the Silvertop Mountain Clan hold their Festival of the Hunt, inviting neighbors to join in the partaking of merriment and mead. Your adventuring company finds themselves drafted as monster hunters when a young huntress is slain. The culprit? A lamia, whose lair has discouraged all previous attempts to destroy her. What the party finds inside her cave triggers a different call to action. Pgs. 21-27

Cover of The Tinker's Laboratory
The Tinker's Laboratory
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
5 pages

A dwarven laboratory forgotten for many centuries has finally been rediscovered, but there is sure to be danger lurking within. It turns out some of the other machines within are still active, as are some of the traps and puzzles. Prepare your party for a blend of challenging puzzles and diverse fights in the dungeon that was home to my first player kill.

Cover of Dark Oak
Dark Oak
Level 5
39 pages

Beneath the fetid roots of a noisome swamp linger the pathetic remnants of a once proud and noble tribe. Laid low by a powerful narcotic administered by their ambitious (but wildly paranoid) mistress, the lizardfolk of the Dark Oak are but a shadow of their former greatness. Now, in the fetid caverns below the slumbering body of a diseased treant she plots to bring bloody slaughter to the folk of the nearby villages before her followers forget their proud heritage and sink into a lethargy from which there is no escape.

Cover of The Proving Glade
The Proving Glade
5th Edition
Levels 3–6
15 pages

The Proving Glade is a one-shot adventure meant for parties or duets. Your characters arrive in a small settlement that has a big problem. The forest, its lifeblood, has seemingly withdrawn its bounty. Others have gone in, only to return hours later confused about how they got out. Will your party have the wherewithal to navigate the treacherous forest, pass its surprising tests, and uncover what’s truly going on? I wanted a forest adventure that felt alive and busy. I also didn’t want every encounter to be solved with the swing of a sword. The Proving Glade is about questioning value, morality, judgement, and redemption. This adventure was written as part of the Summer 2019 RPG Writer's Workshop. We also submitted In the Heart of the Forest. While these two adventures are not necessarily connected, they both involve navigating difficult and dangerous scenarios in a forest and could naturally be strung together. This Product Includes -A 3 to 4 hour one-shot designed for parties or 1-1 play. -A new Sidekick stat block: Daelin Hoofbane, ranger extraordinaire. -A new custom creature: the mysterious and powerful Alseiad, a glade nymph of incredible beauty. -2 new maps: One region map for the forest around Quaervarr near Silverymoon and one battle map for The Hydra's Mire.

Cover of SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!

Cover of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?
Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
14 pages

TENTACLES. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE TENTACLES? A colony of deep gnomes have had their main water source taken over by a group of kuo-toa, but are the fishy folk really the ones to blame for leaving the gem-loving svirfneblin thirsty?… This adventure was originally made for a West Marches campaign, but is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. There are many areas to insert plot hooks for your own world or campaign. A 4-hour adventure for 5th-7th level characters by ALAN TUCKER

A Manse of Special Purpose
5th Edition
Levels 11–15
24 pages

The Anchorin Family and its namesake home, Anchorin Manse, have gone quiet along with many of the townsfolk of Adwher who worked in the manse or on the grounds. The patriarch of the family and accomplished artificer, Webster, has inherited a fascination with the multiverse from his father and now has created a machine that has allowed an entity from the far realm into his home. With his obsession growing and the help of this entity, Webster modified the memory of his family and sequestered himself in a separate wing of the manse to continue digging into the nature of the multiverse. Soon after, his recklessness released a deluge of planar energy into the home, transforming most of the inhabitants and staining areas of the house with the unique planar effects of the various planes. Now the family’s estranged son Eccles has returned to discover the fate of his family and potentially collect his inheritance but is unable to enter his childhood home. Eccles and the few remaining townsfolk are looking to hire a few bold adventurers to investigate what happened to the family, the manse, and potentially collect some very rare, perhaps legendary magical items. Enter the manse, tour the planes, take a villain, leave a villain, it’s up to you. One thing is certain, verity and villainy is relative in a manse of special purpose.

Cover of The Great Trial
The Great Trial
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
37 pages

The Great Trial is a 5e adventure for characters starting at 7th-level and ending at 10th-level. It's a dungeon consisting in the 3 levels, where the first level is the lowermost one and the last is the uppermost one: First level is composed by mean traps, puzzles and combat; Second level is a labyrinth with a construct Minotaur - the Minotal - and an iron wyvern, brand new creatures; The last and uppermost level is actually a jungle-like demi-place filled with dinosaurs in an open world format. Aenor Gleenwith, a powerful elf wizard, wants to make history alongisde Acererak for his Tomb of Horror and Halaster for his Undermountain. So he created his own dungeon. To test its efficiency, he captures adventurers and puts them in the lowermost level, where they need to work together to survive and leave the dangerous place. At the end, Aenor himself greets the group offering them apologies for the harm caused, to fix all damage caused and also rewarding them for the forced help. This module can be run in any setting, campaign, or as a one-shot. It should take around 10 to 14 hours to complete it since it contains 3 Chapters.

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

TENTACLES. VERY DANGEROUS. YOU GO FIRST. Adventure in the Underdark, Part Two The colony of svirfneblin, while grateful for the adventurers’ deeds, is still in need of a reliable source of drinking water. The kuo-toa hold the lake, and there is the matter of the tentacled menace the party faced previously… This adventure is a continuation of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?, but can be run by itself as well. It is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. A 4-hour adventure for 6th-8th level characters

Cover of Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
5th Edition
Levels 4–10
17 pages

In this small 20 page adventure module, discover an island infested with giant spiders and hope that you don't get caught too deep in their web... Spider Isle- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 4, 7 or 10. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign. Featuring 4 original statblocks, and a new playable race, find out what terrors await your players in Spider Isle. An Island Adventure Dungeon Short.

Cover of Getting Your Feet Wet
Getting Your Feet Wet
5th Edition
Level 1
7 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has welcomed its newest team to the fold, assigned to the Keeper Reese Kincaid for instruction. The recruits are green, but capable. Their Keeper has devised a job for them to assess their talents. If his new team is successful, he gets some insight as to how his new Scraps operate, in addition to scratching something off his to-do list. If they die trying, well, then Reese has one fewer thing to worry about. The party must track down the slum thief Dale E’ssio, and reclaim valuables marked for the guild. Should anything unfortunate happen to Dale, there must be no evidence tracing things back to Ebonclad. The mission will require the party to enter Kintalla’s sewers to ultimately confront Dale E’ssio in a ruined slum house. Characters may have to explore the city while trying to get a lead on him.

Cover of Crypts of Azarumme
Crypts of Azarumme
5th Edition
Level 3
17 pages

A beloved priest has gone missing, and sinister trouble stirs beneath the Church of St. Terragnis. Can the heroes rescue the victims of an age-old evil before it claims more innocent lives?